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Pleiadian Wisdoms on "Neutralizing Negativity"

Barbara Marciniak

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it is all up to you. To know yourself, you must have command of your attention, you must learn to treasure and value it, and most importantly, you must figure out how to properly use it.

For many decades a very controlled and corrupt media has been directing the attention of the masses by uniformly reporting on a state of managed chaos, which is scripted and staged to produce mental confusion and fatigue. The relentless reporting and rehashing of catastrophic and traumatic events, with images of despair and destruction repeatedly planted into the minds of the viewers, creates supreme states of anxiety and are, in reality, a form of psychological warfare. Authorities play with truths, half-truths, deceptions, and lies to render you hopeless, feeling it is pointless to do anything - this now passes as "the" news, and it can rule your life.

When millions of people focus their attention upon listening to the same words, seeing the same pictures, and hearing the same descriptions, tremendous energy is generated and a massive thought-form is created. Thoughtforms are vibrational blueprints that hold instructions for manifesting reality. The media captures your attention and then programs your imagination, essentially canceling out your unique creative drive to manifest your own reality as well as your desire to know yourself. You have been conditioned to believe that all you need to know can be found in the wonderful world of electronic boxes, and the information and the entertainment they hold.

When "the news" is slanted towards a message of continuous war, a state of despair and a sense of hopelessness are created. A paralysis of power takes hold because you become convinced that the only reality is what is described by the authorities in "the box" (TV's, computers, radios, etc). Reality is created and produced by each and every one of you, and those seeking to control the world have kept this knowledge a well-guarded secret.

[Not any longer. Have you seen "The Secret" yet?]

------------- We offer ideas just as your newscasters do, and it is up to you to choose what to believe - doom and gloom; or a safe, sustainable, and self-created world where the cooperation of the multiverse awaits your attention... Civilizations evolve and grow from the ideas that are fed into them, and you are a highly creative being, free to build any version of the world you want... The choice everyone faces comes down to the selection of the frequency of fear or the frequency of love; love is the fuel, and your greatest gift to the world is your version of the love frequency. When you seek self-empowerment, you truly begin to live... It takes courage to live in these times. It takes confidence, stamina, stability, and most definitely the love of self and the understanding that you chose to be here for very good reasons. We ask you to make a difference, to contribute all that you can by consciously creating thoughts that will fortify and empower you to catch and ride the waves of new potential. Remember, choosing to take a risk is an essential aspect of living a life of freedom.

---------------- What you do in the here and now affects an ancient karmic drama, one that has been stuck on repeat mode, playing again and again through the great cycles of existence. The same old trauma drama involves managed lies and violence purposefully told and sold with layers of deception. And for those who are able to see, those whose job it is to explain, and explore, and question in order to uplift humankind, the truth is easy to recognize. We will hold out, dear friend, for the world where a peaceful and sustaining probability is created. Our question is, will you?

--------------- You must learn a new level of respect for the power of your intentions to condition and objectify the space around you. You must wake up to the exquisite value of life. There are only a few who want to kill, a few who are obsessed with destroying the people of Earth. There are very, many more who want Earth, her people, and her creatures to live and thrive. A world of war must invest time, intention, attention, and energy to manifest an environment ripe for destruction. A safe world also call for an investment of energy and intent. Each person makes their choice.

As energy continues to accelerate, and billions of people awaken from their slumber, the choice must be made by everyone to take a stand on the value of life. Recent readings of environmental indicators show that certain ecological factors that have been stable for the past half million years have changed rapidly in just a few decades. The looming issue of planetary ecological disaster is a direct reflection of the state of human consciousness. The outer world mirrors the inner domain; you are the environment, and therefore, you must evolve your awareness and value yourself, Earth, and your place in the multiverse. You are here on Earth to heal the wounds of trauma, fear, and separation that have accumulated in the human gene pool over the past 500,000 years.

------------ There are many ways of perceiving life; and how you interpret the world depends on what you CHOOSE to believe. Using your abilities to create a new probable world is the name of the game! All realities are occurring - destruction or regeneration are both courses to choose on the menu. You can have whatever you want; your thoughts, dreams, and intentions alter the structure of reality, so which program do you choose to create? Dear friend, this is a time of great choosing in thought, word, and deed.

---------------- Celestial alignments with the Galactic Center are delivering potent transmissions of energy affecting everything on Earth, and as these super-voltage energies continue to enter your reality and speed things up, you must be much more aware of the thoughts and messages you are sending forth. Remember, your thoughts are broadcast as frequencies of energy that act in a similar fashion to a homing pigeon trained to deliver a message - thoughts literally fly out from your mind to connect with whatever you are thinking about. And during these times of accelerated energy everything quickens and manifests with much greater speed. Understanding the cosmic laws of manifestation is like having the keys to the universe. If you are aware of your thoughts, knowing that what you focus on is what you get, then ideally you are consciously creating the version of life you want. But, if by chance, you believe what is sold in the mainstream media's business of thought control, then you are following a program and are being used. In times of acceleration, you must think and question everything, and be willing to feel your way through life in order to ascertain the many layers of truth that define your reality.

----------------- The decision to accept ultimate responsibility for creating your life experience will empower you toward attaining a stable of mental clarity and physical vitality. For a few moments, quite your mind, and after breathing deeply and rhythmically for a while, consider this important question: Is the world a dangerous, fear-ridden place - or - is it a great adventure filled with bountiful opportunities to awaken spiritual power and transcend established limitations? Your basic outlook on life is rooted in your foundational beliefs, and these beliefs outline the conditions of your experience by electromagnetically imprinting the field of existence with your expectations. All of your beliefs have a powerful impact on your health, because how you feel about yourself and the world at large directly affects the functions and operating systems of your physical form. Remember, your feelings are always connected to your beliefs; how you feel is a result of what you believe. No matter what you believe, your body will essentially follow your innermost commands - whether you send thoughts patterns of doom and despair or those that embrace vibrant health. You are in charge of your physical form, and the state of your health is a direct reflection of your inner world of thoughts, feelings, and emotions. And it is in these arenas of perception that the great spiritual healing will have a profound effect.

------------ Accepting the ever-growing mass realization that thought creates reality is the bedrock foundation for the transformation of consciousness and the spiritual awakening of humanity. Even though other forms of Cosmic Intelligence are offering their higher wisdom to assist you in navigating these times, it is incumbent on you to rise above the ever-pervasive tyranny of fear by applying the power of your conscious mind to create your reality.

--------------- While you are being adjusted by waveforms of energy that you cannot see, your body is being recircuited and fine-tuned to adept to the accelerated energy. You select the codes best suited to your values and intentions. All realities occur concurrently, each one fortified by the power of thoughts and emotions INVESTED in it. So, the all-important question comes down to, which program do you want to be a part of?

---------------------- How you use your awareness and your attention will prove to be of utmost importance, for it will determine the version of the world you create. Part of your challenge during the transformation is to ride the wave of the multidimensional acceleration, while learning to manage and direct your own awakening consciousness with clear intent by remaining grounded and empowered in 3D reality.

------------------- Developing the ability to become aware of what you think, feel, and speak; and structuring your life with pristine clarity through thought, word, and deed are of essential importance for living an empowered life. Accepting responsibility for the power you embody is the essential and most important lesson of this transformation.

------------------ When you change your attitude, you change your personal and collective life. People all over the world are realizing the need to refocus the direction of global attention toward one of honesty and integrity, where valuing peace and respectfully honoring and caring for Earth and all her creatures are of primary intent. As the vibration of the mass consciousness expands and matures, greater momentum and focus will be gained.

------------------- A befuddled and unclear mind will attract the same kind of energies, for this is the signal that is being sent out. Remember, your thoughts create your reality so wherever you find yourself facing a puzzling situation, ask yourself - Why am I creating this? Asking why sets the stage for further clarity. The trick is to pay attention and learn to listen for the response. No matter what you are creating, your beliefs form the underlying foundation for all of your experiences. You must learn to be aware of your power to imprint the energies you are interacting with and are using to structure reality.

-------------------- Through thinking, feeling, saying, doing, dreaming, intending, wishing, and being; you are making frequencies all the time. What are you contributing to the field of human activity? You must learn to focus your attention and notice what you are thinking about. Are you contributing to a cluster of thoughts filled with joy or despair?

------------------------- When you stop contributing your personal fears of powerlessness and despair to the mass thought-form, and accept yourself as a creator of your own frequency, you can use the unlimited potentials of the field of formative energies however you choose. You have the inherent right and duty to design and create your life. And you can create a safe world for yourself by focusing your attention and sending your loving thoughts into the ether for a peaceful co-existence between all forms of consciousness.

-------------- There is great confusion during these years about recognizing priorities and what is really important. And as time marches on, it will become increasingly obvious to those with very clever minds that thoughts are manifesting themselves into reality very quickly... A new level of thinking is being called forth as pioneering minds seek to open the doors to a new frontier of unlimited possibilities... Your power increases with each passing moment. Will you let it slip by, or will you use it and continue your personal victory through the annals of time?

There are so many probable directions to choose from in this time, and only to the degree you unfold your awareness, coupled with the values you choose to pursue, will the outcome be determined. From a larger perspective, it is as if the whole world must transform itself and pass through the eye of a needle. The entire 25 years [1987-2012] are a preparation for a magnificent solar alignment with the Galactic Center on the Winter Solstice in 2012. And at this juncture in time, just about anything can occur. The Galactic Center represents truth and is distinguished as the primary source of information for the galaxy. Planetary alignments with the center's location serve to stimulate human beings to embody a unique state of enhanced creativity, as well as altering their perceptions of reality through the transmissions of tremendous amounts of energy and information.

-------------- You may wonder if it is possible for individuals to change the course of their lives. Your values and beliefs determine your experiences, and you certainly have the freedom and the free will to change either or both of them and alter their paths WHENEVER you choose. You define yourself in this reality in terms of how you respond to your experiences. By your own assessment and evaluations, you can bring yourself to the head of the class or hold yourself back.

---------------- How well you mature in awareness during this time of change is of vital importance to your spiritual growth, so really think about what you are imprinting upon the field of energy. What frequency are you broadcasting? Do you send signals with clear intent or are your moods and feelings of disempowerment coloring your broadcasts? Remember, a very important and crucial purpose of these accelerated times is to clean up the frequency of fear. Understanding vital energy and mastering the ability to stamp your thoughts with clear intent upon the web of existence were considered to form the ultimate practice of what some call "the old magic." This knowledge will be used by those who choose to build a probable world based on new principles for understanding reality. Ideally many probable worlds will unite by frequency in the discovery and realization that you are an inherent part of the vast field of vital cosmic energy. Your signature frequency is unique to you. As you awaken and raise your standard of awareness, you automatically contribute your newfound frequency of personal responsibility to the vibrational web that affects the mass consciousness.

--------------------- Your focused attention is a personal gold mine and as you learn to value and use this inherent wealth, you can fortify yourself for journeys into both the inner and outer worlds. Where and how you spend your energy are exceedingly important in understanding how you create your life. Are you the captain of your attention or always just along for the ride?

---------------------- Empowering your life begins when you have control of your thoughts.You then must decide what you want and proceed to attain it.

--------------------- To prepare yourself for experiencing higher states of consciousness and greater perceptual awareness, you must visualize the type of world you want, and trust that you will meet it. Your imagination is the most powerful tool for creating, and when you focus your attention with clear intent, you set an internal program into motion, one that will determine your experience of the outer world.

------------------- Humankind has yet to truly grasp the damaging effects of accepting futile and valueless beliefs about the physical body. Whenever you feel challenged in life - money, sex, health, employment, relationships, or religion - it usually comes down to how you manage your energy. The areas where you struggle, where you develop anxiety, anger, frustration, and perform poorly; are all signaling negative beliefs about yourself and that your thinking is not working in your best interests. Sometimes your beliefs about important issues rule your life from behind the scenes, and these are the areas that need to be addressed, examined, acknowledged, and released. Shameful feelings damage your body by acting like unseen termites eating away at the framework of a building. By simply acknowledging the existence of an issue, the blocks and walls are loosened, allowing more energy to flow into your body.

--------------- When you change your attitude, you will undoubtedly change your experience. You must learn to pay very close attention to the signals you send out by noticing and examining how you feel about what you create and encounter. Acknowledging your feelings can lead to deeper self-realization because your feelings are always the key to figuring out your beliefs. Remember, feelings take you back to beliefs, so find the feeling and really feel it. Once you have identified the belief behind the feeling, acknowledge the role of the belief, then release it and replace it with a more empowered outlook.

------------------- You have tremendous freedom to see beyond the confines of your limited and fearful interpretations of reality. Limitations come from inside your mind, and making the decision to let go of restricting beliefs is like taking off a pair of tight shoes or slipping out of a corset: you are filled with a new sense of freedom and relief. You can change your limiting commands, simply by replacing them with encouraging, self-empowering thoughts.

------------- Your power ends where your fear begins. You always operate within your own sphere of influence, affecting the atmosphere wherever you go, and you also contribute your ideas quite effectively to the mass consciousness of the planet. When you energize a safe and secure worldview, your feelings will inevitably lead you towards that experience. You must, however, develop a deep respect for your feelings by acknowledging them as a barometer of your thoughts.

------------- People often want to know what will happen in the years ahead and the answer is - IT DEPENDS ON WHAT YOU BELIEVE. A belief in an empowered existence, where all people are valued, will serve you well. You must first accept that it is your responsibility to initiate the necessary changes required to achieve the desired results. What feelings do you have about change. Do you consider change a hard and difficult process, a struggle that sets you up for failure and loneliness, or does the notion of change call to mind the glorious and effortless unfolding of the senses? -The healing of the human gene pool is about releasing trapped pain and fear by transforming old thought patterns that contain restrictive attitudes, and bringing out a state of higher consciousness within the body When strong emotions accompany specific beliefs, the relayed commands always convey a sense of urgency, which quickens the manifestation into being. The belief that "there is not enough time" will lead to a stress-packed life, and heart failure can occur if the command about time is the predominant or strongest message sent to the body. Holding onto the feeling of a "broken heart" can be equally damaging.

------------ In this lifetime you are here to actualize all of your abilities, and by choosing to produce the vibration of love, you become entrained with the immense cooperation and intelligence that permeates existence. present in the moment, and realize that every moment has available the potential power to create the version of the world you most desire. In this regard, your awareness is of the essence; otherwise, you will become a pawn in someone else's version of the game of life... Once you can see through the script of beliefs and ideas that entrap your use of energy, you liberate your mind and free up your energy to be managed from a more consciously empowered position. To achieve a higher level of understanding, a new mindset must be consciously developed to override the messages of despair that signal the body to malfunction. You must become focused to concentrate on replacing unproductive attitudes and changing your interpretations of your sensory impressions.

------------- Beliefs that focus on pain are plentiful in your world, and they appear to be justifiable because of experiences that appear to be real; however, the intense focus on the expectation of pain and suffering is what actually brings them about. Beliefs in pain have been woven into your biology; they hold court in your subconscious mind, often making you wary of life. Unresolved issues such as bitterness, anger, or wounds, and death traumas are carried over from other lifetimes, often appearing as mysterious pain and chronic aches in the body. The patterns in your genes hold memories of your various reincarnations as well as the story of your genetic bloodline. Expectations of pain create patterns of avoidance in the body; as a result, certain events are automatically and unconsciously censored, sorted, and filtered through an invisible self-protecting process that strives - sometimes at all possible costs - to avoid the painful encounters. Pain becomes the enemy, and taken to the extreme, any event becomes suspect.