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SaLuSa 06.04.05.

Through Mike Quinsey

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ng place. You are the Lightworkers who came to Earth specifically for this period of time, and you have been awakened to your responsibilities. You undertook to help manifest the changes, and some play major roles and some are part of the teams that bring Light to Earth. Until you are able to look back, you will not know how valuable each and every contribution has been and the extent to which they have brought the changes about.

We can give you that impetus so that your action takes place at a time when it will have the maximum affect. Individuals that are taking a lead in removing the last cabal need every little bit of support, and we can make sure that those who can help are pointed in their direction. Remember that you already have your personal Guides who will prompt you into action. They can arrange for you to become aware of an opportunity to help those people who have made the first step, and need a strong base from which to proceed. It is your strength in numbers that will carry these actions forward and the impact will be felt all around.

There is a time coming very shortly when we shall more openly support you. Already you see our presence increasing in your skies, and although your authorities will still not admit to our existence there are so many more of you that do accept us. A gradual acceptance is in the circumstances the gentle way to alter people’s thinking, rather than impose it upon them. However, there has been some 60 years of continual sightings of our craft and many contacts made, and there is hardly a single person that has not now heard about us. Clearly the shock that may have been prevalent had we been announced in the early days, is no longer relevant. What we have been careful to show is that we come in peace and to give our help, and we believe that we have achieved that aim.

u are very much in need of our help, and there is so much that needs our attention to put right the damage and pollution to your Earth. As individuals you also need to be released from the restrictions imposed upon you, that stifle your right to free expression of your creative skills. In addition to our advanced technology, we need the expertise you have and there is every intention that you shall work with us. It is to be a combined effort and we know you have the ability to quickly undertake the tasks that are needed. Mother Gaia is holding back her changes to some extent, knowing that in short time we shall be able to start our projects. We cannot however wait too long as matters are now of some urgency.

Once we do start, it will be hectic for you as you are not used to working at the speed that is enabled by our technologies. You will soon learn, and we know that you have a great capacity for new ideas and can adapt very easily. We must give immediate attention to stopping the pollution of your atmosphere, the sea and the earth. For a long time we have monitored the situation and we have lessened the affects, but we have to clean up and remove the sources of pollution. This will mean major changes to your industrial methods of working, and certainly a change to your methods of transport so that they are energized by non-polluting means.

We have prepared for this time and can carry out massive changes with little inconvenience to you. We are not restricted by delays in manufacturing such as you might experience, we have unlimited resources at our disposal through the membership of the Galactic Federation. I hear some of you wanting to know “what is the catch”, but we look for nothing in return except your co-operation. Our presence is one of service to our own, as you are already a member of our Federation and we do for you as we would for any other one. We exchange our knowledge quite freely, and share our technology so that you also may take your place with us as a fully fledged member.

It will be quite a new experience for you to find that what we have in the manner of equipment is given quite freely. Our way of working is based on sharing or exchange and we do not require any form of payment. These ways will be left behind you in course of time, but for the immediate future your systems will continue to operate as normally. There will however be a re-distribution of wealth in a way that is fair and that enables all countries to equally share in the produce of the world. However, we recognize that for the time being we have to allow your monetary systems to function, but we will ensure that they are no longer based on the type of tax and profit motivated policies that you have at present.

We see no reason why you should not quickly accept a new way of working. Indeed, it will be a pleasurable experience and we know you will enjoy your trips to our craft. This will be our way of introducing to the new technologies you will work with and you will be educated in their use. We can if necessary download information straight into your consciousness, so that no time is lost in the training process. You will have our help all along the way and we look forward to our coming together.

I am SaLuSa, and greet you again to bring you information from the Galactic Federation. Our plan has been activated and we have started our approach to Earth, and are ready to give you our help to set the important changes in motion. You can proceed with full confidence knowing that we are with you. We wish to bring you great joy and happiness that we shall share together. The abundance of Heaven is soon to be yours.

Thank you SaLuSa,

Mike Quinsey

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