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A Message from Enoch

By Saranya

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illed with that celestial music? To them is given what is better than happiness: to know the fellowship of the great, to live in the inspiration of lofty thoughts, and to be illuminated in every perplexity by the fire of nobility and truth.

-- Bertrand Russell

Greetings From the One known to you as Enoch,

As you very well know it is not in my essential nature to attempt to appease you or offer you words that will merely please. I wish to make you sit up now and realize that it is time for you to accept and understand the impending changes and this is to ask you in no uncertain terms, whether you are able to face up to this huge shift that is happening all around you.

Time is up. It is time for spring-cleaning. No more time for delay! It is now, or never! I ask that you do not put off any more the fact that you must move beyond the old patterns! There is no more time to waste for you to enter your new vibrational space.

Anything not matching this vibration will simply be left behind by a directive from your souls. You may find, that if you have been in a personal relationship that was not working in all ways, and all parties were not participating in expansion, then it will suddenly and abruptly end.

There is no more time for “working on” anything, processing, waiting, accepting, understanding or moving through the energies. The lower vibrations will have no more access to the higher vibrations, if they do not agree to merge into the new higher vibrations!

The new era catch phrase will be: “No More”. We will find that whatever has caused discomfort or feelings of victimization will quickly disappear. This is true of all relationships where there is no mutual allowance for growth. You find yourselves saying “No, no, no” to many, many things.

This new energy allows you to stand VERY TALL and totally in your power. You now have total control and will begin to demand nothing less than a higher vibrational way of life.

The earlier realities which held you under control do not hold sway over you any more.

As you have been seeing the build-up for quite sometime now, you have to understand that this is the time to change or leave, now or forever. It is the time of phenomenal cleaning at the physical level.

You can see people stand up and say, “Enough!” Many individuals will stand together and attempt to change the old set patterns and renew their contracts with the Earth and humanity and reclaim the original intention for the planet and demand it be restored to this original intent. They will expose the game players and break away from the plans that held them powerless and introduce the new energy with a clear focus on excellence and growth that completely dissolves the old ‘control’ play.

You will find the lightworkers of today embodying all of these strengths. Zero-tolerance is a virtue to such a light-worker. There is no tolerance for mediocrity or games that were so much a part of your ‘old world’. Words such as ‘understanding’, ‘compassion’, ‘unity’, ‘sharing’, ‘love’, ‘forgiveness’, take on a different meaning and can never be used to manipulate or co-erce one to bend or compromise one’s truth.

Now these same words have a higher meaning when the heart awakens and there is joy in not allowing oneself to be weakened by the dictates of the old way.

None of these can really be meaningful when there is the emotional pull of human energies and when one weakens to be drawn into these pressures, there is no scope for expansion.

The light is taking over, and in many ways it is a strong, powerful and truthful light, and rightfully so.

If you are experiencing what feels like a rapid and strong force taking away from you, your comfort zone, or removing you from your old energetic space, know that this will result in new energies that will match your vibration in a much more enjoyable way. All must be swept away in order for the New to arrive. There is much aligning and placement going on right now. You now have to be where you had planned to be for the New Earth. Your old world lives and roles are over.

Do not fear this change, dear ones. You just need to trust.

No more support is given for ‘carrying’ anything or ‘anyone’! This is not the new way. Each one will stand in their own individual power and awakening only if we let them be and let them go and let them grow! Enough time has been given to those who have refused to awaken! Now the time is up!

That does not mean that you do not show the way to those who need to come into your vibration. But what you need to do is to help them to help themselves and not to carry their bags for them, so to speak, for this new energy requires everyone to stand up in their own choice and do their own thing.

Know that those that have chosen their path will do so out of their own free will and even if it is family, know that all will come into the fold in their own time and space.

Live in the moment. Trust. Remain connected to your heart. Be honest to yourself. Tell it like it is. Know that a very divine plan is unfolding that is being put into place, that is assisting you tremendously. There is a huge amount of energy flow and movement occurring now. I request you to just trust and let go of what does not serve you, and do only what makes you feel good! If you are tired or feel strange aches and pains, sit in silence and draw the higher energies into your body and request for a total realignment, re-adjustment and rejuvenation.

I promise you that this year is going to be extra-ordinary. Your physical realities are changing so dramatically that by the end of 2005, you will find yourself in a totally different reality from now. For those who have been working with these spiritual vibrations for sometime now, it will be worth the wait and you shall see before you, indeed the new Earth that you have been manifesting for some time now.

You will be rewarded and taken care of in a grand way. You only need to place your intention and manifestation is instantaneous!

I ask you, are you ready to participate in the co-creation of this new reality? Will you make your own special and unique frequency a contribution to this change, with your joy and higher intent? Let this energy alert be a wake-up call to those who can sign on now, and a spurring on for those who have already, to be witness to the most amazing shift in Earth’s history!

You have to commit yourselves NOW, for the change is NOW!


Love without measure…


The Kamadon Way

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