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Message from Sa-Lu-Sa,

From Mike Quinsey

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allowed to help and influence you in a way that will ensure its success. Our interest is mainly in those of you who have aligned yourself with us, and expressed a desire to be of help at this time. We can meet you during your sleep state, and with your full awareness can plan events that are mutually beneficial. We also protect you in your work to ensure that you come to no harm, or psychic attacks. Since we can see the broader picture, and know what obstacles may be placed before you, we can help you avoid them. We have a magnetic lock on you, and our tracking equipment will show us where you are at any given time. If necessary, we can also register your thoughts, so that we have a complete picture as to what your intentions are and what is happening. In an emergency, we could move you around, or take you up, but this is not usually necessary.

We have many of you helping to promote the idea of meeting us, and conveying the fact that we come in peace. There are of course others who will dispute the credibility of such an idea. But we allow that as healthy opposition will give rise to discussion, and hopefully the correct conclusions will be made.

There are some who will go against us regardless of how much proof is given, and this is usually due to a mental block. On Earth you are used to battling with the opposition and quite clever at handling yourselves. You have learnt much about how to put your side of an argument, and we in turn learn much from you. Humans are very complex and are of such a vast assembly of different patterns of thinking and action. Before you have learnt to control your emotions, you can be most volatile and explosive. Having gone beyond such problems, we have to place ourselves in a protective magnetic field so that such energies do not intrude upon our own bodies. The energies are so harsh that they could disrupt our own auric energies, as you do not realise how potent they are. Yet we see how drained and low you feel after being involved in a negative emotional upset. It also takes you some days to recover, and in its extreme will make you quite ill. But for those of you who have overcome these tendencies, we marvel at the level of control you can exercise. This means that even in the most difficult circumstances, you are able to maintain control over yourself which makes for clear and sensible thinking. We need people of this type as we must have reliable contacts upon Earth, and more so as we approach this critical yet exciting time in full readiness for First Contact.

Some of you that are drawn to us are of course already our own, so you gravitate quite easily towards us. You will know who you are, because you find the ideas associated with First Contact and your Space Friends perfectly normal. You most likely will always have searched the skies, not always knowing what you were looking for but feeling some yet unknown connection. All will soon be revealed, and there will be a renewal of many friends who have been separated from each other for eons of time. In reality the connection has never been allowed to break, and in different ways we have kept it going even if unbeknown to you. It has only been recently noticed by you that time is speeding up, when prior to that it seemed to go so slowly. Yet your lives are still packed with events that have extended your experience and value to us. For us, time is not an aspect that rules our lives, we travel backwards and forwards in it and it is not constant.

We so much admire your tenacity and drive to achieve your ambitions, as you are by our standards often working with very primitive methods. But that will all change, and we know you will adapt very quickly to our advanced technologies. The ideas of such advancements are placed in your minds by us, well before you have the ability to translate them into reality. You know instinctively what is possible, and sometimes you have had your tuition with us on board our ships. But do not worry, very soon all of this will become known to you once again, and this time it will all take place openly with your full memory. What lifetimes you have had, but now you are about to step up for new adventures that will make the old pass into insignificance. You will soon forget all of your hardships, and focus on a very bright future into the next phase of the Creators Plan. All is in continual movement; you can definitely take it, that there is never a dull moment.

I am Sa Lu Sa and I send greetings from the Sirian Star System. We Are Truly One in the Love and Light.

Thank you Sa Lu Sa

Mike Quinsey
