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Message From Matthew - March 22, 2007

Suzy Ward

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ted to come were chosen; and when the truth that’s been hidden emerges, rather than accept its light and ascend with Earth, many will choose not to go. Her questions about that material are: Is God disappointed in those souls, was selecting them a mistake, and will they adversely affect Earth’s ascension progress?

MATTHEW: First I shall address the reader’s second and third questions. No, selecting those souls cannot be considered a “mistake.” They came in with strong intent to fulfill their missions, to remember why they were selected and others were not; however, in expressing their free will, some of their major decisions were not aligned with their soul contracts and their diverted courses have seriously delayed, or perhaps completely railroaded, their igniting into enlightenment. If many or even all who are still slumbering consciously do not waken into the awareness of their chosen missions, they will have other opportunities to do this and to help other third density worlds evolve. Souls who knowingly and willingly cling to their dark ways also will have opportunities to embrace the light, but starting from low levels of awareness, as I have explained in other messages. Earth’s ascension progress—her steady course and pace—is on target and her “Golden Age” is assured regardless of how many souls accompany her.

And now, Mother, you will see why this is a “different kind of message.” The reader’s first question, “Is God disappointed in those souls,” is best answered by God himself—and I say “himself” because of the common use of that masculine reference, but God is without gender and his essence encompasses All That Is in this universe. Please find the part of a book wherein he describes the inseparability of all souls with each other and with him and copy that here.

S: …. Mash, that’s a long chapter in Illuminations for a New Era—I copied it and it’s four times the space limit. God picked specific parts of several of our conversations to explain still more about himself than is in the other chapters in that section. I read it all again and can’t see any logical start and stop places.

MATTHEW: Mother, it is vitally important for people to know God through his own words so they know who THEY themselves are! In large measure, Earth souls are deep in slumber, unaware of their god and goddess selves, because they feel isolated, disconnected, apart rather than A Part of the Universal Totality; and in their perceived separation, they span the emotional spectrum of negativity from fear, confusion, loneliness, and despair through apathy, self-absorption, consumerism, and bigotry. We continuously beam intense light to stir hearts and raise awareness, but many still are ignoring or misinterpreting sensations and messages from their souls. How I wish the books were available to all soul-searchers, or at least these messages could reach them! Perhaps I should have thought to send out that chapter sooner, but I didn’t, so please send it now in separate emails indicated messages 1, 2, 3 and 4. Thank you, Mother, and thank you, beloved readers, for sharing this information with all who are receptive.