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Going Home Spiritually

Channeled from Jahan

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ent time are moving toward these dimensions in their consciousness and their vibratory rate. These are worlds without greed, war, lack or loneliness. Those who stay in the 3rd dimension will continue to experience that level, but those who allow their consciousness to vibrate at the levels of love, expectancy and togetherness, a new higher dimensional world will become their experience.

The 3rd dimension of Earth and the higher dimensions will separate more and more. At present they overlap. In the near future some people will be experiencing a 3rd dimensional planet while others will be enjoying a finer higher dimensional world that we call Earth. Both will still involve living in houses, eating food, visiting friends and work or service. One will bring a bright new future of love, light, joy and opportunities while the other continues the ways of separation.

Many people are longing for genuine meaning in their lives. Interest in angels has become widespread in recent times. Major magazines have angels on the cover. Stores are full of angel products. It is no accident that many angels and space beings are around the Earth presently. They have long known about this time, a time of choice, prosperity and opportunity. They say that we are all one. They are here to assist anyone who desires to experience higher dimensional living. You receive their help when you ask for it. This gives them permission to be of personal assistance.

You do not have to die to live in a better world. You simply choose a higher and complete way of living, ask our off planet friends for their assistance, utilize all the tools that help you to grow spiritually and expect a higher dimensional lifestyle to be yours from now on. You can be one of the chosen, but you are the one that chooses.

We are now at the door of our new home. Home is not off this planet, home is the spiritual realm. 3rd dimensional ways are currently leaving the Earth. We never truly felt that the 3rd dimension was our home anyway. In fact, there were times when we wanted to leave it. Now we can do that, but it does not mean leaving the Earth. The spiritual dimensions are coming to Earth now. They are already here. To know that you must fully blend with them. By your own choice you leave 3rd dimension behind with all of its lack and separation. You move into the oneness of all that is the spiritual realm. You connect to your heart and love yourself as God loves you. You are at the door now. The spiritual dimensions are on the other side. You open the door, and there they are! You are home.

John Hall and Carol Withrow are the founders of JaSé Spiritual Connections. Additional information, personal sessions and home study courses are available by visiting John can be reached by email to

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