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Daily Quado: July 14, 2004

Through Carrie Hart

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room for her. She had a beautiful golden glow about her and had very tall wings. She told me thru telepathy that when I blinked my eyes she would be gone and sure enough she was.

A week later, I had a dream that an angel flew thru my bedroom window and hovered over me carrying a golden ball of light that the angel told me was called "Ever Knowing Knowledge" and she pushed the ball of light into my chest. I remember feeling the discomfort as the ball of light entered my chest. In my dream, I turned to see if my husband was seeing this and when I looked back the angel was gone. The next morning after I awoke, my chest was very sore so I knew that my dream was real. Since these experiences, I have had a quest for knowledge that I can't quench and have found myself on a healer's path which feels "odd".

My question is, what was the ball of light (Ever Knowing Knowledge)that was pushed into my chest and what does it mean? Why have the angels manifested before me? Is the healer’s path where I am supposed to be?

Quado, do you have an answer to this question?

You are indeed blessed to have had this moment of grace in which you pierced through the veil which separates the physical plane from the ethereal and to have seen what is in fact surrounding you and us and everyone at all times. In many, many messages I have said that you are surrounded by help at every turn and it is true. And at times, especially times of great connection and love such as when you are with a newborn child, you can actually see some of what is there for you.

There is kowledge and grace surrounding you at all times. It is all there for you and what you must learn to do is relax and receive, just allow yourself to be with an openness which will invite the glories of the universe to come into your life. Some will live their entire lives without having a vision or visitation such as you experienced, but that does not mean that they are not blessed. And in your case, even though you have not seen this angel again, you must know that she is with you, ever and always, a part of your life on whatever level.

It is not possible to push and try for these experiences. They will come or they will not. It is not important, for the presence is there whether or not you sense it; the help is there, the love and the knowledge are there and are accessible to you and everyone. The knowledge has been transferred into everyone’s heart and is reachable there by going into a deep state of contemplation and finding out what feels right, feels true, and acting from that knowledge.

As for your purpose and your path, you are proceeding exactly as you should. And that is, you are doing what feels right. You are following a certain direction and a quest for knowledge even though it seems unusual or odd, and this is right.

When you follow the path of rightness, it often runs counter to what you were raised to believe or what your rational mind tells you should be done. But yet, it is the truth which must be followed. The feeling of rightness in your center is the truth which will lead you in the right direction. You may fight it, you may be afraid to follow it for it threatens some safety and security you are clinging to, but you will always be a bit unsettled until you simply do what feels right.

And when you do, when you dare to act on that feeling inside, then it will lead you in wondrous directions, it will open up the pathways and the connections. But do not expect that it will be clear to your rational mind. And do not think that there is some map written out for you that you need to discover. The discovery occurs moment by moment and the entire journey will be revealed to you step by step. Just keep walking in the direction your heart of rightness tells you to walk and you are automatically on the right path.

Does that mean you should be a healer? Who can say? You should do the next thing that feels right to you. You should follow the path which appears laid out to you today, taking each step with courage and with a sense of peace deep inside. And you should have faith that if you do this, if you put one foot in front of the other in the direction you feel compelled to walk, that it will lead you where you need to go.

And that is enough. It is not necessary to know where you are heading or why. It is necessary only to be deeply present in this moment and feel which way is calling you, where your name is spoken most clearly. And if the path is into a forest deep and dark, then take a deep breath and pull in your courage and your faith to keep you company. And if the path is shrouded in fog, then step out bravely and walk, using your intuition as a guide. And if you are for a time blessed with a clear and open path, with the sun shining overhead and the birds flying along singing of the days to come, then let yourself run forward with joy. And know that it will change. Know that all of these manifestations of the path will come and go and that there will be times for it all.

And all of the times are good. And all of the times are your life. The seasons come and go and the paths open and close. Adventures begun end and new adventures take their places. Some opportunities are passed by and others are strewn out before you.

Just relax and walk. Go deeply and hear and see and feel your way along. And if, along the way, an angel comes down and shows you the way or hands you a ball of knowledge, then bow your head in gratitude for a moment, then just pick your head up and walk forward, a little braver, a little more knowledgeable. And if you are not visited by angels, be aware that they are there nonetheless and that these blessings are yours as well.

You will never understand all the wonders and glories of this life and the life which surrounds you. The air around you is thick with energy, wonderful energy, supporting and benevolent energy. You will never understand it and you may have but occasional glimpses into it, but it is there. What you can learn to do is harness it in your life. What you can learn to do is live a life of joy and peace, a deeply fulfilling life with action which makes sense within the context of the world which you are creating about you from those energies in every moment.

The knowledge is within you, whether an angel placed it there with a golden glowing ball or not. It is within you. Deep within you is the knowledge of all that is. And if you will but spend a little time every day in quiet and peace, you may reach in and feel it. And that is enough. Just feel the presence of your ever-knowing self there in your center directing you, supporting you, loving you. Make all your choices from this place and you will walk your path in grace.


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