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Be Very Discerning

By Messenger Dariel

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n, and doubt.

As the wondrous changes that we are all hoping for come into sharper focus, the dark side has stepped up its machinations to convince us all, and the world, that it is all an illusion. No, it is what they are projecting that is the illusion and it is almost shattered!

Here are some recent events that illustrate this point:

1.. Bush appointed Kissinger to head the investigation into 9-11. The public outcry was so loud that Kissinger was forced to resign.

2.. Bush continues to push for major war in Iraq. The world opinion is so overwhelming that there is no support for this insanity. No support = No War!

3.. The dark agenda continually pushes for vaccinations for smallpox. The public outcry is so loud that Congress is now starting to question the drug manufacturers about the horrible side effects.

4.. Communities are now uniting and asking their city councils to do something about the draconian provisions of the Patriot Act.

5.. The IRS is currently laying-off workers in the Ogden center, and telling them they may be consolidating their operations.

6.. Major peace rallies are happening all over the world, signaling the end of war on this planet.

7.. The FBI recently admitted that over 150 major terrorist plots had been discovered and prevented, just as Dove told us. The only part of this story that was false was that the FBI took credit for all of the victories. We know better, don't we?

8.. Articles on the new U. S. currency are beginning to appear in major newspapers, and there have been a few TV blurbs as well.

9.. Despite the lies coming out of Washington about how well the economy is doing, the stock market continues to drop, bankruptcies are at an all-time high, and mortgage rates continue to drop.

10.. Despite the Homeland Security Act, citizens and activists are even more boldly and openly criticizing the despicable acts of our non-elected officials.

11.. Other nations are now openly calling for weapons inspections in our country, citing the fact that the U.S. is now secretly developing weapons in violation of international treaties.

12.. People are awakening all over the world, standing in their power, and demanding an end to this madness that now threatens the very fabric of our civilization. Now, you decide just who is telling the truth. The messengers bringing truth and light about positive changes like NESARA, or, the ones, like that one named Patriotlad, who are trying to discredit NESARA and all the messengers who are bringing this into focus?

Lightworkers, ponder this. Thoughts are things. Every time one of us has a doubt, that negative thought adds massive power to the mass consciousness. According to St. Germain, this is the most negative action we can perform, and when we do this, we are literally serving the dark side. Whoa! Why do you think the dark side is trying so desperately to do this right now? It is because they know that their time in power is extremely short and they only have one chance to pull off their New World Order.

They are pulling out all stops right now HAARP, ELF, and microwave radiation, weather control, high-powered sonar to kill the cetaceans, chemtrails, vaccinations, microchips, anthrax and smallpox scares, spin doctors, think tanks, subliminal programming, draconian legislation, and every other tool they can think of. Guess what? It is all being exposed and it is not working as planned. It is now they who are the ones who are running scared!

I also have a message for all those who think they can overthrow our Godly nation, which was established on the eternal principles of our divinely-inspired Constitution. All of Heaven is now watching your acts of treason and your draconian attempts to enslave the people of this planet, and any overt attempt will be met with a full showing of the Heavenly Hosts. Each of you will stand before the Creator of All That Is and answer for these despicable acts. This nation shall prevail as the standard bearer to the world as a free nation, under the Constitution, and the eternal flame of liberty shall never be extinguished. ***(AMEN to that)

As for Planet X, again we must focus on what we desire, not on what appears to be happening. The prophets of doom and gloom are predicting major upheavals, even the extinction of all humanity! I believe that we, the Lightworkers, should welcome Nibiru as an ally and assistant to aid in Planetary Ascension. St. Germain and Mr. Nidle have both told us this several times.

Yes, there shall be earth changes as the planet cleanses herself in preparation for her ascension, and Nibiru s gravitational influence may contribute significantly to those changes. We have been promised that we shall be evacuated long before those major changes become reality. Many of us have been having vivid dreams about being in these underground cities of light, and they are quite magnificent! They certainly are not caves they are grand and glorious and well-appointed dwellings, fit for kings and queens.

As we move into the Winter Solstice and the rapidly approaching Christmas holiday, let us each remember the sacred nature of what we each contracted to do for this planet. It is OK to occasionally ponder going home to distant worlds, and to remember the joys and glories of past lives. It is extremely vital that we remain focused in the now moment, in order to bring about the necessary energies we are holding into manifestation in this dimension. This is a critical time, filled with much anticipation. Remain true to your missions, true to yourselves, and keep your eyes on our long awaited goals. Have a wonderful holiday!


The Messenger
