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Message From Ag-agria 02/10/05

Through Mike Quinsey

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in conjunction with our Earth Allies. We have to make sure that the efforts of those who would usurp our plan, are firmly held in check and cannot use our presence to create further terror. The idea that ET’s would only come to conquer you, has been promoted for the last century and intensified with our declaration and intent to bring peace and freedom to you.

The dark forces, who will have to concede their positions of wealth and power are determined not to let go, but we have put everything in place to make sure our plan is accomplished without bloodshed. They know the countdown has started and that defeat is staring them in the face. They refuse to contemplate the idea that their reign of terror has finished, and arrogantly try to ignore what is happening all around them. The Galactic Federation in conjunction with other councils and the higher realms, has been preparing the details for First Contact much longer than you know. It has been carefully put together, and changed in accordance with the developments upon Earth and this is why our plan is foolproof.

The achievement you have made to get to this point which enables the declaration to be made, is a great credit to the determination of the Lightworkers to bring Humanity back into the Light. It is all the more remarkable as in the latter part of your last century, it was still not apparent whether you would tip the scales against the dark Even more so, because you had travelled this path before and failed with the resultant end of the particular civilisations involved. As with each individual, each civilisation is challenged to bring itself into the Light and this time you have admirably succeeded. There is a little way further to go, but you have progressed so far that there is now no turning back or risk of failure. Your Ascension is assured, and you should see it for what it is, a natural progression when souls have lifted themselves back into the Light. Some are scared to lose their comfortable place on Earth and what they are used to having. We are not without understanding, but the same opportunities to progress have always been available to each and every one, and at each turn it has been your choice as to what decision you have made. Some will say that they did not know and that they were not offered a choice. I have to reply that your growth has not been confined to this one lifetime; it is something that you have had the opportunity to do over millennia of time. I am also pleased to point out, that even now at the midnight hour you can still choose to come into the Light.

Residing in the higher realms gives us access to the Hall of Records and the Akashic details of every individual. But rest easy, we do not pry into people’s lives and your details are safeguarded and only opened in special circumstances. But we can look back at any period in your history, and when we speak of knowing all about it, we have seen it as it happened. So we well know that Human’s are remarkable and very determined even in the face of great adversity. You have been honed so to say in the ovens of Hell, and I refer only to the depth to which you have sunk. Yet you have arisen like the Phoenix and we see the glorious Being that is before us. Very few of you can recall your past, and this is by reason of protecting you from a burden that could have proved too big to carry. But some of you do have previous life flashes, but it is only a fleeting glance.

You have had to be veiled from the Truth until the right time came along. For many of you that time is now, and once we can come amongst you we will acquaint you with your full history. Regrettably a lot of your written history bears little resemblance to the truth, and it has been quite normal for your leaders to re-write it in their own version, to exalt their achievements. You will also find that deliberate lies have been perpetrated, particularly in the area of religious teachings as a means of keeping you in control of others. These too will be brought out into the open, and you will understand quite clearly how you have been subdued and held in bondage. All of this will now stop, and you will soon accept that we come with your best interests at heart, and we will bring you that elusive peace and freedom that you seek.

My dear friends, there is so much Love that we have to give you, and we see you as one of us, there is no difference as far as we are concerned. In reality this is an absolute Truth, we are one great family in the consciousness and energy you call God. Once we meet you, you will actually feel the Love and Peace we bring with us, and have no doubt as to our positive intentions..

I am Ag-agria and so pleased to have this chance to address you, and very soon we shall come together in a great celebration

Thank you Ag-agria

Mike Quinsey
