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Discourse In Now Time (Advance Of The Harmonic Concordance)

By Kara Kincannon

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on with you, and for the Earth Angels here, awaiting your next step into the New Paradigm you have signed on to, and have chosen to serve. Heaven's Gates are open to receive her children. Hell's Gate is also open to receive the fallen ones.

These are strong words to describe the disintegration of all Karmic History, collected after the 2,000 years of the Galactic Night, "The Past". The darkness of the soul evolution is playing out in this time frame, as reincarnation on Mother Gaia. This is as simply as we can put this to you. The light is, and has been exposed and is exposing the end of all lifetimes, as they are being allowed to play out their last experience, of serving the dark side of humanity. Now we are, and coming more every day, into receiving more light for Mother Gaia.

This is revealed and exposed to all mankind, by way of in-coming Harmonic waves of Rainbow colors, returning to you as you are and will be, integrating all your dark into your light being within - more of who, what and whom you are to serve now. The Light, Love and Compassion are restored, after the last of the chaos has destroyed itself completely.

This is so, for now The Divine Plan of the Source Now, comes full force to the front lines of peace, to be restored here and now, through Great Mother of the Logo. She is, and has been, preparing her Rainbow Warriors just for this most crucial turning point in Humanity's evolutionary cycles. This planet will transform into the Divine Logos of the Father/Mother, in Oneness again as the reality here on Gaia. Mankind will die to the force of this power of Love and Light's return, gently or through violence. This, the choice, is to make now. This, the time to bring all karmic pasts home within, and merge into your oneness. This is a forcer of the reality of light and service to our Mother. This Divine Blueprint has been held by all sacred beings, throughout the beginning of this old-world time frame. It is over.

The calls of the Ancient Ones and of all the sacred time keepers have been, and are, going out now to all who have ears to hear. We say to all you lightworkers, "This is the day, this is the moment now to decide whom you will serve - no more outside authorities - serving only your God/Goddess expression first, and then others."

Rapid acceleration of the light is upon you, it will only increase in its frequency and its intensity. You must be able to stand Ready Now, to serve the Inner Authority. This is all that will go into co-creating Heaven Now on Earth, and preparing the soil to harvest a New Stellar Seed Activation on Mother Gaia. Have no fear, as you are guided to stand and unite in Oneness and Harmony, as you establish Peace on Mother earth, and Peace to All.

We bid each and everyone of you to "be peace".

The Brother/Sister Hood of Light belonging to the "Order of Melchezedek".

Received by Telecommunication:

Kara Kincannon: See personal message below. Thank you

My friends, this is a short request to ask you to assist us at Source of Light headquarters here in Southern Colorado, Rocky Mt area. We have had our work cut out for us here, to say the least, this last year of being assigned here. By Grace we have accomplished the impossible through out commencement to serve this Big Story!! We have never asked for money donations. I personally have had a real block with this asking. We are now asking for financial help. If you can, it would be heart felt and so appreciated. We have some basic needs to fill. Also please to go to our web-site, Http://

We have The "Shift Book" and the Angel energy jewel crystals available for order. These are but a few of our services. Of course we are now being given a brand new energy field to work with, so many new and different services are being given, in the healing and the end of suffering on Mother Earth.

We have been chemtrailed very heavily as I now know so many have. Wilder (my partner) got very sick first and then me. Our eyes were opened. Not only chem trails but many government ETs and ships are here doing all kinds of not too nice things. I now know another reason we were sent here. Many of you have enlightened us as tp this dark agenda in this location. I thank each of you for your gifts of healing support and wisdom which you have given so freely. Ignorance is not bliss. We are much better and will transmute all of this into fairy dust, as my friend Carol Looper taught us. Together we stand as One. Thank you for taking the time to read my personal message. See you in the Stargate Nov 8th. Peace and Blessings,

Kara Kincannon

P.O.Box 830

Aguilar, Co. 81020


Building the Now Age!

Rev. Kara Kincannon ( We are One Now and Building the Now Age!! )

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