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The Guardians Q & A : August 1, 2005

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re us and test the oppressors?

And do the groups have names?

Blessings Justin...

Many leaders will appear during the period of transition. Some will attempt to have power over others and claim they have all the answers and are here to save Human kind from itself. Remeber there are no beings more powerful in the Universe than Human Angels.

The other type of leaders that will emerge may not seem at first to be leaders in the traditional sense at all. These will be people who help individuals develop their own power and discernment. In other words seek their own truth. These leaders will not shout from the roof tops, they will quietly and powerfully go about their mission of building up each individual to take their place in the new unity consciousness that is the natural order of the universe.

Each and every Human Angel has extraordinary powers to share...some will simply re-member them before others and have the mission of helping others reach the same levels.

Do not focus on those who would control and oppress others, this is old paradigm energy and will naturally over time dissipate in strength and the power of the new energies of unity and love will supersede the old.

These new energies grow stronger everyday.. even if it does not always seem that way.

Do not waste your creative energies on trying to name and label everything, use your energies to create your world the way "you" desire it to be.

Blessings one and all...

The Guardians

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