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Message Of Love From The Angels Of Abundance

Presented by: Catherine Kapser

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am weighted down. It is then that all the marvelous people I know and things I enjoy begin to feel as though they are responsibilities instead of simple pleasures.

One day, in the midst of my irritation and negativity at the pressures I perceived to be building within me, I had a talk with the Angels of Abundance. I sought to rid myself, not of my own negativity, but of the responsibility I'd taken on. Never ones to tell me that I'd gotten it backwards once again, they simply took me to the stillness of the familiar meadow garden. Come along with me and meet the jugglers who showed me a "lighter" method of management and a new perception of life.

From The Angels of Abundance:

There is a special place of stillness within you that can be accessed and is important to access in times of emotional stress. Your still place is your center and in it is a bench on which to sit and become balanced and focused. We will sit there with you so you do not ever have to be concerned about perceived aloneness. Arrive there with us now and see the bench. It's top is a curved rectangle of deeply carved stone. The pillars of it are flat rectangles with simple carvings around the outside edge of the rectangle with vertical lines in the center. There are flowers on it as well. The carvings remind me of the carvings on the doors of the Cave of Creation. So, we sit, my Angel in the blue gown and I. She gives me a hug. We feel the quietness. The bench stands on a stone patio type of area. It is summer there. We are in a garden of lush greenery, tall trees, beautiful flowers. It is a secluded, secret place.

I see the scene as though I am watching a movie. I am blonde and appear to be the age of an older teenager or a young adult. The sun shines off my hair. I am bright and vivacious and very lovely.

My Blue Angel's garments are of the waterfall of living light that sparkle with gold. She is stillness and liveliness all at once. Her hands are large and smooth. She is very tall. The Angel takes my hand. I feel all her love, protection and comfort. I experience the feeling of completeness and the rest of the world is not. We remain there in peace and love for a long time.

My Angel asks, "What is it you wish to do?"

I tell the Angel that I wish more than anything right now to play, to play with her and with those I love, to not have the responsibilities of work on my shoulders and be enriched in the lightness their removal would bring.

As a response, the Angel stands and pulls aside some of the greenery. I look to see the familiar meadow. It is filled with people playing games. I am reminded of when I was a very young child being let out of school for recess, surveying the groups of children playing and wondering what group I would join. I survey all the people playing all of the games. I see that there is someone with a big hoop and a stick. He is spinning the hoop on the stick and doing juggling types of tricks with it. There are several jugglers. The Angel tells me I am viewing a picture of my daily life.

While it is fascinating to watch them juggle, I am not drawn by it because, at this moment I am rather tired of it. The Angel laughs. The jugglers approach saying, "Look, look!" to show me that it can be a game and I needn't fear dropping the hoops. They are showing me that juggling is just a game, just a balancing act, nothing more, nothing less, just fun. They tell me I can have as much fun as I want with this life of mine in which I juggle so many things around.

They start to bounce the hoops on the ground. At first, I begin to panic, but I see that the hoops do not break when they hit the ground. They bounce back up to them. The released hoop holds it's place by itself in the air and remains there until they choose to catch it again. They're showing me that the hoops take care of themselves. The juggler stands back and allows the hoops to spin by themselves. They don't go flying off into other directions, they don't break and they don't fall into a confused heap, they just hold their own space. They show me that this is a picture of what my life is. They show me that although I've got so many pieces to it that need attention, much of it does run itself and they don't need as much attention as I previously thought. That is pleasing to me.

I focus in on one of the jugglers. This juggler is splendid and magnificently dressed in his clothing of gold and brightly colored silk. I am delighted to see him as he glows almost as much as the Angel does. I feel his great energy reach out to me and renew me. The crowd gathers to watch. I notice that the Blue Angel is looking intently and lovingly at me to see my reaction.

I notice that there are others in the crowd over looking this juggler's world. There is someone to toss the rings to him and also to accept the rings that he tosses out. I am relieved to see that he juggler can toss away any of these rings. He's only juggling as many as he decides he can because he wants to because it's a neat trick, but he doesn't have to juggle all of it. He can toss it away because there's always someone there to catch it. It doesn't get dropped and damaged. It can be tossed to someone else who stands in the wings ready to help. The juggler only needs to juggle as many as he wishes for the show. Any he doesn't wish to juggle, he can get rid of.

Some rings, the plain ones made of iron, have greater weight than others. They push down on the juggler and are a burden to him. Some of these, he tosses away immediately. They are so heavy because they were never meant for him and are more like chains than rings. For someone else they would not be a heavy burden. Some, he keeps and refines by working his alchemy on them, turning the base metal into gold as they are spun and tossed and bounced and infused with his energy.

Some have greater value than others. Some of the rings are encrusted with precious jewels and those are considered to be of greater value simply because he paid a higher price to retain them. I look again and I see that all of the rings this juggler has are valuable. They are not made of plastic. Some of them are solid gold and some of them are solid emerald. Some are simply made of light. Some are like rainbows that have joined together to form circles. As the juggler focuses on each of the rings and adds skill and experience to his use of them, their value increases. They become more intricately carved and more heavily encrusted with jewels yet they still remain lightweight. Because of this, you realize that the more rings he juggles that are symbols of commitment, promise and power and are greatly infused with his love, the lighter their weight upon him.

Another thing he can do when there are too many to juggle, is to throw some exceedingly high into the air so the beings in the air can take care of them. It's just like prayers. Little by little he has added a tremendously great number of things to juggle, hundreds at a time. They are all watched by him but he has all the help he needs in watching them. It is a splendid dance of motion. It's a splendid dance, choreographed by the juggler. Occassionally, he takes the rings he has juggled for awhile and sets them on his arm as a bracelet. I notice that the circumference of these rings expand and contract to fit depending on where he puts them.

I notice that the most beautiful rings are placed on the juggler's head and form a crown of light. They sit just above his head and spin themselves. They help to hold him up. The Blue Angel explains that these are the ones he has thrown his heart into and made them part of his being. He has shared them with others and thus made the world better for it. They have become his crowning glory.

This juggling is a picture of life. These rings he juggles are all precious but they all vary in size and importance at various times. Each has its purpose. He keeps the balance.

Soon, you realize that you are calm and light for you have set your life down for a second and watched it from the outside, from the point of view of someone that is not you but seeing yourself. You see that you are actually the juggler and that you are having fun at it. You see you are actually highly skilled in doing the things you do, that you actually have huge amounts of help and that you may also set any of those hoops down at any time even though they are extremely precious to you. You've seen that you are also able to give your hoops wings. You've seen that these hoops can take on a life of their own. That the wings you have given them enable them to soar. The wings enable them to take better care of themselves and stay in the air.

You realize that many things you have created are able to take care of themselves. They have gone off and taken on lives of their own. The programs you have created and the systems you have created, have become part of the whole and have life independent of you. They are not dependent upon you to continue the juggling. You also notice that, as you juggle, the rings beget other rings, the hoops beget other hoops. Your ideas multiply, your happy duties and your interests build. That is your creativity in action. You take what you have created and allow it to function on its own wings. It is from you and of you but yet has a life of its own.

These creations of yours give energy back to you and enable you to continue this work you are doing. You are entertainment for the crowd as you are the only one who juggles in such a manner. You are the only one who juggles such precious, beautiful hoops. You are the only one whose actions feed the universe. At times you choose to rest but you know you would never get rid of all the things you handle and touch and do for if you did, you wouldn't have the same interest or sparkle in your life. You may, of course, in order to rest, send all the rings up to the heavens, give them their own wings and let them fly for awhile while you take your long deserved rest there on the bench with your Angel.

When you come back to these scenes of your everyday life, know you can pick and choose which rings to accept. There are some that are so valuable to you that you hated to set them free in the very beginning. Know that you can pick and choose which you'll take back with you and which you'll leave out there for someone else to accept as their own.

It is with the very greatest love that we tell you these things. Please know we are here to assist you in choosing which rings to accept back. I sit with my Blue Angel. We look at the rings in the sky and the rings that have been sent out. It is very much the same as looking at rings in the jewelry store. We choose which colors I want to wear and spend time with, which sizes, which values. We take some rings and we take a very huge one. We set it down on the ground and watch it spin. We take one that is a little smaller and set it atop of that, and then another, a little smaller. We continue to take progressively smaller rings and set them atop one another in a stack and watch them spin until we have actually built a dome of living rings of living light. That dome is a place for me to rest. It is then that I realize the rings can also protect me, that the structure of my life can protect me from the elements, from the crowd that watches incessantly. Yet it is a beautiful structure that people come to see. It is living light. It is living, beautiful light. It is my aura that I have created for myself.

With my Angel's help, I have chosen. I have chosen bright sunlight, I have chosen a quiet garden. I have chosen assistance. I have chosen beauty and light and grace. I have chosen cycles that move smoothly. I have chosen good rest, peace and calm.

I feel now, extremely well rested, calm and very fulfilled. All of the rings of light are me and of me. The ones I have taken on have taken on the characteristics of me. I am radiant and splendid and beautiful. The Angel and I clap our hands and we dance. There is tremendous love here. There is tremendous peace here. There is tremendous joy in recognizing this beauty that is really me and knowing how to find this calm place once more.

Love is. Love always is, and so it is.

Activities for Easy Juggling

Superb teachers that they are, The Angels of Abundance often give suggestions and activities designed to engage my body and mind with the soul nourishing conversations we have. The triad is body, mind and soul and all are interconnected and should remain balanced as much as possible.

They love to have us up, off our comfortable seats and doing. They love to see us taking action steps to make our outer, as well as inner world a richer, better place for others and ourselves.

Enjoy these activities. I know I did. After you answer each of the questions mentally or in your abundance journal, make a sincere effort to take the action steps that will bring something better into existence for yourself first. Then share the new essence of yourself with others.

1. Pray.- Which rings have you thrown high up into the air for the beings of light to handle? What have you sent up to heaven for the Angels to take to God who loves you? Did you listen and look for the reply? What did you hear? Was the reply that you were given more rings, had rings removed from you, received assistance or was there some other answer?

2. Learn how to say, "No."- How well do you use your discernment? What method do you use to decide which new rings you'll take on and which you'll rid yourself of? Do you accept just anything that is tossed at you by other people or do you know how to say, "no"?

3. Decide what you want.- Which rings have you kept and which have you tossed away to your Angelic assistant? How have you felt about your decisions to do so?

4. Give yourself a break. -What activities have you tossed into the air and put on hold? What activities have you allowed to take care of themselves or left for someone else to take care of?

5. Decide what's important.- What have you committed to? What do you still value and want to have in your life? What needs to be released? Which rings will you keep and which will you toss away? Which rings are you turning from base metal into gold by working your own magic on them?

6. Appreciate your artistry.- Which rings have you concentrated on more than the others? Which have more jewels and are more intricately carved? Which are more valuable than the others? What in your life do they represent?

7. Pass it on.-Which rings of value will you pass on to others as your legacy? Which of value do you choose to share with others?

8. Be proud of your creations.-Which hoops do you consider to be your crowning achievements? Which have you stacked atop your head and made into a diadem?

The Angels of Abundance.

All of the information on this site Angelic; articles-How to Talk With Your Angels, channelings-Letters From Home, and all other incidental writing is channeled information given to Catherine M. Kasper by the Angels of Abundance, and is copyright 2002, Catherine M. Kasper. This information, which is available at, may be freely disseminated in whole or in part provided there is no charge for the information and provided this note is attached.

Private sessions are available by phone. Catherine (Flowerdance) may be reached by sending e-mail to or dialing (262) 670-0134.

The Angels of Abundance give extensive information which we may use to enhance our lives as we live in the higher vibrations of the new planet earth. They offer this information in love and ask that you use your own discernment while reading it. Accept that which resonates with you and leave what does not for someone else without judgment. If you have any questions or comments regarding this article, or anything found at this website, please feel free to contact Catherine using the link at the bottom of the navigation table.
