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From Out of the Light, A New World Is Forming

By Lia Shapiro

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ver form they choose. As of yet, Earthly humans have not evolved enough to know to whom or to what they speak. It is not always a matter of what something or someone looks like, as they can look perfectly human, animal or plant like. Know that it is always by using the senses that differences will be felt and noticed, although not always consciously.

Working With Humans

We have told you, many species are born unto the Earth, meaning they have been reincarnated into human form. They were born from a human female body as a baby, and continue to evolve as human. Know indeed though, as incredulous as it may sound, creatures in the shape and form of humans have originated in many places in the universe. When we tell you that planetary beings exist in your world now, we are saying that they have arrived from other places and attempt to integrate themselves into Earth's society. There are reasons that this is done; the biggest reason being is to gather information. Earth is full of information that is valuable to other worlds and to other species. There are many ways of assimilating and gathering this information, some of which is known, but most of which is unknown. We must inform you though, that much activity by alien species goes unnoticed or is ignored. Not only is it ignored, but it is simply not taken seriously by most of humankind. This is a problem not totally caused by human fault or error, but by the heavy negative energy force that encompasses Earth.

This energy force is such that it is comparable to an almost solid shield of darkness, and is designed to blind and trap you into a very narrow view of the way things are. Without this controlling factor, humans would figure it all out and things would be very different on Earth. Those of the Light would not be blinded anymore, and they would be free to do that which they were designed for. As it is now, many Light creations that reside upon Earth know nothing of their true purpose. Instead, they stumble blindly in the dark, searching forevermore for their grand purpose in life, which always seems to elude them. Alien beings come in many forms. Some appear very, very solid, some are tiny, and some are large, ugly or even beautiful. We tell you that most will never appear in their true form, but can and do transform into that which will allow them easy access into your world without attracting undue attention.

Some of these beings work directly with humans and some work between the layers of human consciousness. As much as we regret having to tell you, there are many motives, some of which are not so good, and others that have a purpose which you may interpret as divine. You may even interpret our intent and purpose as divine, as we work most often in the subconscious or between the layers of human consciousness. If you think of us as rather divine like, we must tell you that, yes, our purposes and intentions may indeed go beyond the human scope, but we are not truly divine in the sense that our original Creator is divine. There are other beings that exist at a much higher level than even we ourselves do, so much so that they are angelic and may be perceived as angels.

Fine-tuning Your Senses

We come to you with a purpose and do so in love. This love is nothing you can know or comprehend at your present moment. This is a love that is completely devoid of greed, hate, selfishness, and evil, and there is only one true intention, and that is to inspire and further the creation. As of yet, such complete love does not currently exist at the human level.Even as you read this, it is difficult for you to fully grasp that which we speak because you are shrouded completely in a thick fog, all memory of your original creation forgotten, all memory of anything real and divine forgotten.

Yes, we call the spiritual world real instead of the one you exist in now. Your Earth is simply an illusion in the overall scheme of things. You know this to be true in your heart. That is why you may often feel a distant, aching longing in the deepest part of yourself. It is your spirit trying to reach beyond the fog to what it once remembered. We come to you now to help you remember all that was and all that should be. As you begin to awaken, your job will be to take what you know to others. Do not be concerned with those that laugh and scorn you. Move away, and move on, for they are the lost ones. They are not of the Light, and naturally they will try to dissuade you. Know that you are the stronger one and it is important that you not shrink back and be thwarted from what you know in your heart you must do. We are always there, helping you to help others. At this time, please try to remember and know that we have been with you a long, long time. Start to think on your life and begin to remember all the strange little things that have gone on. Have you not spent a lifetime feeling different than others, perhaps? Have you not felt strange, or have others not called you weird, although laughing as they told you so? Know now, that you are different.

You are the Light and you are special, and it will be possible for you to accomplish amazing things. Not only will the Light of your being cut a path in front of you, but it will hunt out, search and destroy those that attempt to come in and hide, and even try to function in this world as if they are indeed born as human. You must begin to fine-tune your senses. As you do, you will develop the capacity to know Light from Dark. It is very important to know who is evil and who is good. There are those who will never develop the ability to discern, but indeed you have the equipment, and all you have to do is listen to your heart. Knowing things is not always a matter of the intellect. There are plenty of smart people around, but they operate mainly by intellect instead of intuition. As it is now, intellect is valued highly in what you call developed countries, while intuition is not always accepted or taken so seriously. We tell you it is by intuition that the most important things are to be found. There are humans who have lived and are living now, that know the value of intuition. These people themselves are not always valued or thought of very highly because of their seeming lack of civilized behavior or sophistication. Regardless of their outward appearances, they are far superior in that they are able to operate at a level that many are not capable of. Once these levels are obtained, the physical and material things of this world become less important.

Light Upon Earth

Civilizations are living now that operate at different frequencies. Many of them are creations of the Light, often living in groups or clusters and scattered across the world in such nations as Africa, Australia, India, South America, many islands, and even in North America. Sometimes these groups are so isolated that they are practically unheard of, or else not much attention is paid to them. More often than not, civilized nations look down their noses, if you will, thinking these people lack the intelligence to even care for themselves properly. The truth is, these people serve a higher purpose in the world than anyone might suspect. As an isolated group, or culture unto themselves, they serve as a special unit that is unified for the purpose of creating and intensifying Light upon Earth.Imagine if you will, each one of these people as a very tall pole that is sparking with Light and energy.

The sparks fly so high that they touch the next pole, and the next, and the next, until the very air above and between all the poles come alive with electrified energy. Will this energy not have the power to change the very molecules in the air? This air space can definitely become different, and although you may not always understand the deeper nature of the changes, it is being changed.Those of the Light that cluster together have tremendous power to affect the Earth. Many of these special people throughout history have realized their purpose in one way or another, but many have not, especially in modern times. There are millions that are still searching for their purpose in life. They grasp and clutch at the wrong things and suffer tremendously from disappointment and heartache. When finally they achieve what they thought they wanted to achieve, only emptiness and lack of satisfaction fills the soul with bitter disillusionment.We want to tell you there is more, so much more that you are suppose to be accomplishing. You know this to be so, and that is why perhaps you are reading this with eager anticipation. You would not have read this far if you were not of the Light. You would not be here now if you did not know in your heart that you belong here. You would not continue reading if you did not believe in the very deepest part of yourself that we have a message especially for you. You are not weak because you stay with us. You are not trying to escape reality.

Do not believe it when they try to tell you that you are. You are not reading this because you are a strange and weird person. You are simply here with us because this is where you are suppose to be. Think of it as a pre-arranged meeting. You marked it on your calendar so long ago that you have forgotten, and we are simply calling you up to remind you. We will jog your memory and you will at long last remember the things that we are telling you. In fact, understand that what we tell you, will become yours to know. You are connected to others, not in the physical realm, but in the spiritual realm, which you may very well think of as the unseen realm. You have heard of collective consciousness, and we tell you that indeed there is such a thing. We tell you it is true that you may not be the first person to think of an idea. If you think of it, no doubt someone else has thought of it too. This occurs because consciousness is one. All consciousness is the consciousness of the ultimate Creator God. This may be a difficult thought to fathom, but think of all minds throughout all of time as one mind. This one mind is that of the Great Spirit, the only Spirit that has created everything under creation. When you think, know that you are thinking the thoughts of God. Every time you act, know that your expression is the expression of God. Think on this if you will, by taking a moment to reflect or meditate on what we have just told you.

Knowing the Mind of God

If your thoughts are the thoughts of God, does this make you a God? Yes, we all are a portion or fragment if you will, of the Spirit. If we are fragments, this means we are a part of God, does it not? The great religions on Earth tell you that you were created by God, but this is only a simplified version of who you really are. We are here to tell you that all consciousness is God. This is not to say that you have the same or equal power with the prime Creator, but know that the Creator is part of you and you are a part of the Creator. You are one and the same, as all of creation is. If you have the mind of God, then all things should be possible for you, should they not?

If our Creator did all that He did, then should we not be able to do the same? We say to you that, yes, all things should be possible, but all is not possible, at least not everything at your point in time. We do want to stress to you that all could be possible in your current reality, but there are certain laws and patterns to everything. Just as physical creation evolves, so does the spiritual. As all time exists at the same time, many things extend beyond reality as you know it into other realities and on into the future. Many things that you currently believe are impossible are possible, and are taking place precisely at this moment in realities that run parallel to your own.You experience these other realities in your dreams. If you dream of flying, then believe that you have actually flown. Many of you have such memories of flying, but are unable to insert these memories into your current idea of reality. Because you think flying is impossible, it is. We want to point out most whole-heartedly that there are realities in which you fly. Flying is not the impossible task that you believe it to be. In fact, we tell you that nothing is really impossible, as all matter is simply the gathering of frequency.

Frequency is movable and penetrable, and is capable of great ranges of flexibility. On a higher level yet, frequency, in simple terms is nothing more than the thought waves or patterns of the Original Creator, which in essence is pure Spirit. Just imagine what you could do if you were a dream and had the flexibility to move about unencumbered without a physical body or physical reality. You could certainly achieve anything you wanted. If you wanted to fly, you would simply do it. As you thought it, so would you do it.

Think It Into Existence

As you think, so can you do it. Nothing is impossible. As Spirit thinks things into being, so can you think things into being. Although we tell you these things, we know that it will take most of you a lifetime, and maybe never, to assimilate and learn to do what you think is impossible. Although we realize this, we still come to tell you that the way must be prepared, not only for yourself, but also for the future generations. As you gain Light and knowledge, so will your children began to learn, and your children's children, and their children. It must begin now. As you learn of these things, you must try to achieve all that we tell you. As you do so, your body will actually begin to evolve and you will pass this to future generations not only in a spiritual way but through the physical as well.

Your physical structure through your DNA is continually changing and evolving to accommodate that which happens first in the spiritual realm. In other words, in places that are unseen to you as of yet. Know this to be true, that how you develop spiritually will have a direct impact on your physical body. Your body will grow and develop to accommodate the spiritual. We do not always mean to say that your body will necessarily change its outward characteristics, but its internal structure is where the most profound changes will take place. Understand that you will not automatically sprout wings in order to fly, but know that that flying is simply a matter of thought. In time, it will be possible to think yourself right through a wall and up a flight of steps in two seconds if that is what you want. Look at us. We say this with a smile, but are we not a good example? We speak to you, yet we are not in your physical world. Have we not achieved the absolutely impossible by speaking within the hearts and minds of people? How do we do this? It is easy for us as we live far into your future and have evolved to this point, as you will begin to do so now.

We can simply think our way into other realities. In other words, you exist in our dreams, and all we do is insert ourselves into you as we dream together. Remember, we are your future and you are our past. In our dreams we exist as one. If we exist as one, then we can function as one. Although we function as one, we are really not one, but separate, because we are the future extension of you. We must tell you that as we are the extension of you in your future, we have become more highly evolved and it is easier for us to accomplish that which we come to tell you.


You probably will not be able to walk through walls any time soon, but now that you have this information you will begin to think about it. As you do, you will begin to evolve. As of now, you can do your part by beginning to practice and visualize all that we tell you. Visualization is very important at your level as it helps you to evolve. By visualizing, you can begin to actually change things. You have no doubt discovered this in some areas of your lives. Or maybe you have not always realized by your very thoughts that you have indeed changed things. So it is that we must tell you, perhaps even warn you, that thoughts are powerful. Not only are thoughts powerful, but words are just as powerful. Know that as you think, so shall it be. Thoughts and even more so, repeated thoughts and even words have the power to change things. Take a look at how and what you think. What does your mouth proclaim over and over? Are you not making it so? How many times do you hear the phrase, I'm getting old, over and over? Do people not cause themselves to become old by their repeated thoughts and words? Starting today, become aware of your thought patterns. Examine the things you say, and take note of how many times you repeat the same things. Think about what is happening in your life.

Are you directing your life down a negative path by uttering the same negative words all the time?How about your children, your family and friends? What do you tell them repeatedly? Above all, we hope that everything you say is both beneficial and positive to their growth as well as to their spiritual evolvement. Think on this, if you tell your children repeatedly that they cannot do something, will they go through life believing that indeed they cannot? You have the power and ability to form other's thoughts and beliefs by all that you utter. Be careful that you bring not only encouragement and inspiration to your children, but to all those around you. You are Light, and it is your duty to pass out correct information without condemnation. Begin to speak of those things, which are not ordinarily spoken of, such as flying for instance. Begin slowly and cautiously if you are not sure. We understand that you will most likely get some strange looks, but you will endure and you will go on with that which you know and were put here for.

Although you may experience a bit of uncomfortableness, you knew this would happen from the beginning. Believe us when we tell you it was really a minor detail that you did not worry about at all. You may worry now because what you see appears as solid and real. You have learned to embrace it so much so that your grip has become firm as you hold on tightly.You have not been able to see clearly because your usual consciousness has been shrouded in a thick mist. The mist has swirled about you, tricking and deceiving you throughout your lifetime. Only in rare moments have you been able to catch a glimpse of that which you know to be. Perhaps in the quieter moments of your deepest self, you have sensed the mysteries of the universe. Or maybe it is that you have instantly clamped yourself shut whenever you begin to think too much on spiritual matters, as if you are committing a grave sin by delving further into the mysteries.

Freedom Is Finding the Truth

It is your right to dig deeper and to find out all there is to know. It is nonsense to believe any religion that tries to tell you it is wrong when you are hungering and want to know more. We tell you that it is not evil for you to be curious and to explore. There are those of you who have never been much into religion, but there are many more that have been greatly influenced by what your so-called Holy books have told you. We say to you that not all is as holy as you may believe. Much of what you have been led to believe has only been designed to keep you in ignorance. At this time we realize that many of you may remain skeptical and untrusting, even as you listen to that which we tell you. There has been much material about the spiritual realm, and it may be that you have problems with what exactly to believe. Therefore, we put forth the question, why would you believe something that tells you to stop your search? Why would you believe that which limits you and puts you in bondage and fear to explore any further?

We tell you that to explore and search out the answers is the ultimate freedom and the way to find the truth. We tell you that you should never, never limit yourself, not even to all that we tell you. The spiritual realm contains so much that it would be impossible to learn it all in one lifetime. Just know that it exists and it is very real. It is a large part of who you are, and who you are is very special.The End

© 2002 Lia Shapiro - Published in the "Sedona Journal of Emergence!," February, 1999

"There is only One Moment. It is eternal. It is this moment. There is only One Self. It is infinite. It is the self that experiences this moment" from THE DIVINE MOMENT by James Prior


In the Name of ONE , Sandy
