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Matthew Current Update Nov. 1, 2005

Through Suzy Star

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THEN, our own souls will direct us when to speak, when to be silent, and when to move into any inspired action.

The GROSS is changed by the INNER power of SUBTLE thought and feeling---not OUTER discordant action; OR EGO AND MIND THAT THINKS IT HAS ALL THE ANSWERS, but does not know the WHOLE picture. MIND or EGO never does!

Be calm and at peace and feel good and see good everywhere--for 'good' is God in manifest form! IF you have NOT yet, I urge you to obtain and read all 4 of the Matthew published books! I have read and re-read them...

The INFO there is invaluable if you seek more knowledge and Light! We are all so greatly blessed to have Matthew's insights.

Message from Matthew

November 1, 2005

S: I’m here, dear! I know you’re ready to start.

MATTHEW: Good morning, dear soul! Thank you, yes, I am, because we are aware of the thoughts foremost in many minds and they are the same as the majority of questions you most recently received. So first I comment on the indictment against “Scooter” Libby. To those who are disappointed that only he was indicted, I say: Have patience­it will be rewarded. Patrick Fitzgerald meticulously prepared this case within legal boundaries to preclude any possible disruption in the process due to a technicality. Of course, any defense of allegations based only on a legal technicality could not close the breach of public trust that the disclosed facts have created, but there is a need here for balance, for justice to be served, and it will be. Will other indictments follow? Indeed! This one is the wedge, and it’s a huge one, in exposing the web of deceit in the Bush administration. A promising adjunct to the legal process underway is the extensive news coverage; this case has greatly decreased media control over what can be withheld from the public. Will the legal measures result in convictions? Yes, they will.

Now, Mother, I’d like you to type the first question on your list. My reply goes beyond those I have just given, which really could be logically expected.

S: OK. “Will this legal process be finished quickly and the ‘domino effects’ Matthew talked about get underway?”

MATTHEW: On the heels of disillusionment with their government because of its feeble response to the recent hurricanes’ devastation, the people of the United States are seeing evidence that their leaders have committed serious criminal offenses and lied to cover their tracks. This double revelation has been terribly stressful, thus the unfolding of the vast betrayal must be done not only within the laws, but prudently and compassionately so as to reach, but not traumatize the national psyche. I do not mean that this protective measure is consciously obvious to any involved, but it is in consonance with the rising of spiritual clarity and is an unrecognized factor in the proceedings.

Yes, the Bush administration can be expected to counter the internal turmoil with steps to divert the country’s and the world’s attention to other areas. They will not be successful in starting an endemic of avian, or “bird” flu. They will not be successful in imposing martial law throughout the country. They will not be successful in further attempts at widespread terrorist acts as justification for accusing, invading and occupying other nations. They will not be successful in opening new warfronts in any event.

It bears repeating what I have stated before: The US government appears to be the warmonger, but those within the government who have spearheaded all of the tumult are members of the Illuminati; theirs is not a national, but a global “citizenry,” and their intentions are to weaken all countries through death toll, property destruction, debt and/or control of all natural resources. Within the Illuminati are the owners of the corporations that manufacture weaponry, planes and tanks as well as the corporations with no-bid contracts to rebuild destroyed infrastructure and to provide fuel for the machines of war, so there is this collaborative vested interest in perpetuating the Bush administration's proclaimed need to "support the troops" and "solidify democracy and freedom” in Iraq.

Let me speak about the situation in Iraq for a moment. In a previous message I mentioned that in the first stages of war's cessation, combat weapons would cease working and troops would lay them down. This is occurring. It is the result of the increasing light reaching hearts and minds throughout the military ranks and the application of our space family's technology. Physical death and debilitating injuries happening now within any troops is in accordance with their original or amended soul contracts, and while grief for the families is just as real and intense, this development heralds the beginning of the ending of armed conflict on Earth.

Mother, because many you hear from are new to my messages, plus we can see a great number of early-on soul-searchers, I feel it is important to repeat something else I have stated. The souls whom you could call tyrannical or evil in their brutality, greed and corruption agreed to act in these ways to provide karmic balancing to many millions of other souls, which extends to Earth’s own balancing. At a certain point, long since reached, their agreements called for these “dark ones” to join their light brother/sisterhood; but instead, they reneged and knowingly and willfully continued their control on the planet. Waiting for them to honor their agreements to join the light slowed Earth’s ascension pace until she requested intervention of extraterrestrial light forces­this is vastly different from the survival assistance she called out for six or so decades past. Through both advanced technology and intensified light beaming, our extended soul family has steadily diminished the powers of the darkness at the same time they have “inspired” you to generate your own light. It is your light in conjunction with that of beings throughout the universe that has brought Earth to this point where the truth coming forth will lead to peace throughout your world.

Now I believe we can move on with your list, Mother.

S: A reader has several questions about 9/11: What is the extent of Bush’s foreknowledge and/or complicity; when and from what source will information about this come out; will Bush be impeached or imprisoned; will other Bush family members be implicated and/or punished; will Cheney go down with Bush? Another reader asked if government changes will happen this year, and she also wants you to give the approximate timeframe for evacuation from the planet because of major Earth changes.

*MATTHEW: Oh my! on that last question­I’ll get to it later. The terrorist act commonly called “9/11” was devised and executed to justify invading Iraq, and both were planned in concept even before Bush’s first presidential term, but he was in agreement. Because of who is named in indictments to come, there can be little doubt of his complicity; he, Cheney and all named and many unnamed will fall as the administration publicly crumbles. Information about the Bush family’s long history of collaborating with so-called “enemies of the state” will come out, and all will be accorded due justice. These people are among the dark ones who reneged on their soul contracts, and universally speaking, it is neither judgment nor punishment that they will receive, but rather the inescapable, natural consequences of the energy they have been putting forth by their free will choices. And yes, changes in the US government will come by the end of this year.

Now then, no one will need to be “evacuated” due to the changes that are Earth’s means of cleansing herself of accumulated negativity! I have addressed this topic in previous messages and the same is in the books. I think it is appropriate to suggest to you who are new to my messages and value their information, to please read previous ones on the site set up for them. (“Matthew’s Messages” at This will enlighten about important areas with which you may not be familiar, and it will avoid the necessarily brief references in repetition. While these may be helpful reminders to long-time readers, brevity does not well serve the needs of questioning newcomers, yet it is not feasible to frequently repeat material verbatim. Also, without intention, I have been guilty of incompletely relating all aspects of an issue; in a later message­often prompted by my mother’s or a reader’s questioning­I add to that coverage. Then there are situations that I often address because they are unfolding, and your familiarity with preceding happenings permits a clearer understanding of their progression. I am emphasizing this because the energies pouring in are moving things faster and faster, and your comprehending what is happening and why is crucial in these moments.

I say also that it will be most helpful for you to read the four books called the Matthew Books, although that series designation is misleading in that the books contain messages from many high sources including God and representatives of a dozen or so advanced civilizations. Their presentations along with my own and others’ are the foundation of which my circulating messages are an extension. The books put everything that has been and is happening on Earth in the universal context. You are “citizens” of this universe who chose this lifetime on Earth to assist in her transition from third to higher densities­understanding this is paramount to knowing who you are, your purpose for incarnating now, and why situations are evolving as they are.

Please do not interpret this as my saying that the messages and the books are the best, much less the only sources of information that is vital for you to know! Many high light beings are sending similar information through their respected messengers, and all of us have told you that the “purest” truth is within you. The communication between your soul and your consciousness is direct, without the potential of distortion or misinterpretation caused by the layers of energy between the source at a high station and the messenger on Earth. Listening to and heeding the “voice” of your soul is part of spiritual growth, just as is learning to be discerning about all information by paying attention to your intuition. Intuition, along with instinct, inclination, inspiration and aspiration are ways in which your soul communicates “knowingness” to your consciousness.

Now then, Mother, let’s move on.

S: Fine, dear! Here are several related questions about Patrick Fitzgerald­I think they are clear without the rest of the emails’ contents. Is he receiving protection from the light, and if so, is he aware of it; does he have ET bodyguards; is he an old soul who “walked-in”; is he one of the ETs working for us on Earth; is what he’s doing according to his soul contract; will he live to complete his legal work; if he is assassinated, will the indictments go forward without interruption?

MATTHEW: Mr. Fitzgerald is one of the most protected individuals on Earth, and his soul contract called for everything that has prepared him to superbly carry out his primary­and critical!­mission of this lifetime. To answer further would be an invasion of this highly evolved soul’s privacy.

S: I see. Please comment on “peak oil.”

MATTHEW: This is a contrived story to create more wealth for the greedy and more fear in those already despairing. The “peak oil” term has been given to an effort that has achieved its dark intent well; a recent announcement of one oil company’s quarterly profits at a record $10 billion blatantly shows the greed aspect. There is no oil shortage, but the claim that there is has put many in fear of the future. There is fear right now in the people living in cold climates who cannot afford to heat their homes; in the people who rely on personal transportation to commute to their jobs and had no monetary margin for the prevailing high gasoline prices; in the small companies and trucking services that cannot afford to stay in business with the higher energy costs. And there is fear in the people who want to preserve the environment about the proposed desecration of pristine areas to drill for oil, just as there is about the vast pollution that has been caused by oil. Because fear puts a barrier between the soul and light, fear is one of the most powerful and most successful tools of the dark forces that are pulling the strings of their Earth-bound puppets.

The “silver lining,” so to speak, is that peoples who are divided in philosophies and beliefs are united in concern about this global situation. Even with the Illuminati’s suppression of “free energy” technologies, car manufacturers are beginning to produce “hybrid” vehicles; and scientists and engineers in other areas are gearing up to reduce the need for oil. True, you can say that this is only good business sense, but it is important nevertheless because oil is Earth’s blood and its extraction must stop. Moreover, the desire to end reliance on oil is yours­whatever steps are taken to restore your planet to full health and beauty must originate from your desires and efforts, your thought forms, and not your ET family’s. It is because you want a better world that they are willing to help you create it.

S: Thank you, dear. “Once Earth has ascended into the next dimension along with all of us, what will our lives be like and will we need to continue to work and go to school, etc.? Since there will be no more disease or illnesses, I’m assuming we won’t need hospitals, medical personnel, and industries that support those needs, like insurance and pharmaceutical companies. What types of jobs or other activities will we be doing?”

MATTHEW: In some respects, what you will encounter in the higher vibrations can be compared with my description of life in Nirvana. Much of what currently is needed to support Earth’s population is not a part of life in your spirit realm, but that wondrous change is instantaneous for the souls who transition, and you are beginning the few years of your transition from those current requirements to life without them. Mother, I mentioned some of the changes in a message quite some time back, and I ask that you locate and copy the section I’ve put in your mind. It is a general idea of the major areas where life will greatly differ, and that is all that I can provide because the choices of where and how to “fit in” are up to each of you. However, please be assured that with the leap in your spiritual, intellectual and emotional growth, you will find your right place­your soul knows what it is! END OF THIS TODAY'S MESSAGE


Suzanne Ward

