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Mikiah On The Awakening Goddess The First Pinnacle And Crystals

The First Pinnacle And Crystals

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Subject: Mikia on the goddess and using crystals..

Mikiah on the Awakening Goddess, The First Pinnacle and Crystals

From: (Kathryn L. Nesbitt)

Mikiah on the Goddess Energy,

The First Pinnacle, and Aware Crystals

January 1, 2003

Hello everyone,

I just returned from Mikiah and want to get this down as quickly as I can so that I do not lose any of it. We are asked to expand our Being and awareness beyond where it has gone for millennia. In a ‘nutshell’ to move beyond thinking and open to Being. This is very important ‘stuff’, so bear with me as I do my best to get it all down.

One year has ended and another has begun, Mikiah pointed out that the Energy continues to flow, it does not stop just because our divisions of time have ended. This gives us the opportunity to look back at the old year and see things that no longer work for us, and look forward to the new year to what we would like to manifest in the time ahead.

We are being called to expand our awareness of how things work in the Universe so that we can go beyond the limitations we have lived with for so long. We have heard, and know that everything exists in the NOW moment, the past, the present, and the future. Yet at the moment it is a theory because few of us have put it into action or experienced what it means on a conscious level.

Okay, what exactly does it mean to expand our awareness? Mikiah gave us the example of the Light Beings who are here to assist. We wonder how they got here, so far from where they live. They are from different Universes, even, so how did they travel so far?

Because we think in a limited fashion, we feel that they must have to come in a huge craft and that it must have taken a lot of time to get here. Mikiah said that they are quite adept at ‘poofing’, or being at more than one place at a time. Because they have expanded themselves to encompass the Fullness of their Being, they have tapped into their capabilities and potentials and are able to focus their awareness to another location and be there.

We can do it, too, you and I! When we learn to fully expand our awareness, just as I was there at Life’s Pathway tonight in my body, if I opened myself to the fullness of the moment, my body doesn’t need to go anywhere. In the Fullness of the moment, I can be in another place, in form, be seen, touched, communicate with people because I place my focus and awareness there. This is how the Light Beings ‘travel’ and how they are present in our atmosphere. They do not focus on separation.

My mind is having a bit of trouble wrapping itself around this information because we as humans feel we must use our mind and think it out. What we are being asked to do cannot be accomplished through thought/thinking. This is why we have been given a stance ~the Star ~something to say as the energy flows to and through us now and especially on the First Pinnacle March 22nd. That way the mind is occupied so that the Soul/Spirit can expand without the limitations the mind puts upon us.

This is undoubtedly the hardest summary I have had to attempt! I wrote a friend that I was glad I had not had to present this material, then realized I have to put it together and get it out! Please continue to bear with me!

Mikiah said that it is important for the utilization of the Energy and of the Pinnacles, for us to recognize we are not separate from the Light Beings, they are in us and in All of Creation. There is a children’s book called All I See Is Part of Me that explains the concept wonderfully. The little boy sees all that is outside of him and the star shows him that truly it is all within him as well.

We are all familiar with holograms, where if it were shattered, the whole image would be contained within each tiny fragment, well this ‘reality’ in which we live is a holographic one. Carried a bit further, all of us, contain all/everything/everyone within us, because we are parts/cells of the Whole.

This is how healers can heal at a distance, because part of the ‘sick’ person is within us, and part of us is within them. And by seeing them whole and complete, if they are truly willing to be healed, it can be accomplished. Awesome!

Our mind has a difficult time with the concept that there is no time, nor space, that all exists NOW. Time and space are creations of our mind, for the nature of our thinking mind is to control. We are being asked to go beyond time and space, to Fourth Dimensional thinking where all exists NOW, and to open up to the Fullness of our Being.

Mikiah had someone put a dot on a piece of paper and hold it up. She asked what it was? A dot, a circle, a point. She explained that it was in actuality an intersection of a line that goes on for Eternity. She said that being an incarnate, we have intersected Eternity, and place ourselves into separateness. This is not all we are, it is just an infinitesimal portion of who we are. We are born and we die, and it is like the dot upon the paper, a slice of the eternality of our Soul. It seems to be separate, yet in reality it is but a portion of the Wholeness of the Being.

Mikiah then spoke about Nothingness, that in Nothingness, there is Everything. To be Everything is the have Nothing. The only way to have Everything is to have nothing. In having not, we have everything. Our brain has to disconnect from linear thinking to experience the continuum.

Okay, my take on this whole statement is that all things are possible, everything that we can imagine already exists, we can have it all, we just need to get out of our way!

The Energy that is pouring in and that we are experiencing and that will continue to build towards the Pinnacles is about expanding our awareness. We have been asked to see the Light in the Darkness, the Darkness in the Light. Now we are asked to see the nothing in everything. We are asked to prepare ourselves to move beyond the limitations of our limited existence, to redefine ourselves, to re-focus ourselves, to re-awaken ourselves. To become aware of all that we are!

Some years ago a dear friend introduced me to The Course In Miracles,. It introduced me to the concept that we are all One. Tonight Mikiah used an example she has used before about each of us being a part of the Whole. One was a toe, one was a finger, one was an eye, one an ear, one a nose, one was a knee, one a foot, one a hand. Each separate, yet part of the whole. Then she said to imagine that the body enters into a dark room and walks into a table and hits its toe. The whole of the body focuses its attention upon the toe. The toe is saying, ‘Stop!’ I am fully involved in pain! The Whole Being feels the pain.

Now, expand this into our existence. Every thought, every word, every deed affects All of Creation! We are all connected. We are programmed from birth that we are separate. . We are called forth to go beyond our programming. Mikiah said that we would believe what another person told us before we would believe Spirit How much longer are we going to ‘buy into’ the Collective Unconscious? How much longer are we going to allow others to create our reality? How much longer are we going to be finite? It is time to go for the Gold!

We tend not to trust ourselves, so we will go an ask another their opinion, Mikiah pointed out that their thinking is also an aspect of our thinking, because we are all an aspect of the same Mind. We may say that our head hurts because this is not what our brain is used to thinking, I know mine does after trying to get this into a readable format. Mikiah said we don’t utilize all of our brain, A.A. Gabriel and others have said that the other 90% of our brain operates on the ‘higher’ levels. And until we cease using our brain,, focusing on the limited thinking that our brain is capable of doing, we don’t receive the fullness of Wisdom, that is, tap into the God Mind, into all that we are. We have to move beyond thinking, and open to BEING that which we are.

Mikiah then talked about the Three Pinnacles, and asked when they occur? The Energy began coming in on the weekend of the 21st of December, and peaks (pinnacle) on March 22nd. So, the answer is 3 months. The Second Pinnacle will be in June, again on the 22nd, another 3 months. The 3rd Pinnacle, the critical point is 3 weeks later.

Being Mikiah she said, "Hmmm, do you think that there is a significance in the number 3? Maybe there is something going on here?" Obviously the three is of importance and it represents the Power of a fully expanded Being, a complete and unified Being. Something beyond, the Male and Female, the full and expanded Being with that awareness, all in Harmony and Balance.

Because the First Pinnacle is the Re-awakening of the Goddess within all of us, the three represents the Goddess, the triple Goddess, the Most High aspect. I asked during the break for a clarification of the ‘Triple Goddess’, it is the Maiden, Woman, Crone, or child, mother, grandmother aspects.

For those who may be feeling uncomfortable with the Goddess concept, having been brought up with the masculine image of GOD, Mikiah went on to explain the Reawakening of the Goddess during the 3 months prior to The First Pinnacle. In Continuum thinking, we get to use our brain here, the awakening of the Goddess within is opening our Self to the Universe. We must become fully aware of the GOD/masculine within also.

She gave an example of a baby born in the North Countries where there is a period of constant daylight for a significant part of the year. By the time the period of Darkness comes, this child would have grown and matured considerably. He/she had only known daylight, so when the darkness came, it would cause him/her some concern/fear. It is the same with us, we have been focused for millennia on the Masculine, the outer, and now we are asked to go within, into the Feminine, the Womb, the Void, the Darkness, and it can seem pretty scary at first. (For those who have not received it, The Divine Feminine, through Leigha Rose Starr, gave information and a meditation to go to the Womb of All of Creation. It is a very gentle and safe way to experience this.)

We have placed God/Masculine ‘out there’ somewhere and given him very disturbing characteristics, such as Anger, Judgement and Wrath, sure to raise Fear in most of us! The Feminine brings back the gentle side of God, the Love, Nurturing, Caring that God truly is. Mikiah said the to open to the Goddess is to expand ones’ Self to BE All of Creation, to bring one’s Self into the Awareness of All of Creation. It is a process, and we can/will accomplish it once we allow our Higher Self/God Self/I Am Presence within to lead the way. We can’t do it by thinking about it...these are my words, and I am explaining this to myself as well.

In order to accomplish this, we must look within, it is already there, we just need to perceive it. When we ask a question, it is because we have an awareness that there is an answer to it. We cannot conceive of anything that does not already exist, and ALL exists in the Void, the Feminine, the Nothing that contains Everything. When we open to the Fullness of the Goddess within, we must bring the Whole of our Being into Awareness. This is why we have given the Star Movement and Mantra to use now, every day so that the energy flows, and then it is extremely important that it be used on the Pinnacle dates, also.

Our mind doesn’t ‘get it’ but our Spirit knows it to be so. Therefor, we need to disconnect our mind from the experience in order to bring ourselves into the experience. With Linear thinking, it allows our mind to have control over the outcome, path, method. Our mind feels it has to control, so as I’ve said, in order for our mind not to control on the Pinnacle days, we form the Star, and say the mantra so that the mind is occupied and the Soul joins with All of Creation and acts as One Being, which will bring all aspects into Balance.

Now we come to the subject of Crystals. Mikiah pointed out that crystals are pure energy. We need pure energy to be encased in something, such as a copper wire covered with rubber to protect us from the energy that flows through it to our outlets, lamps, appliances etc.

Mikiah said that crystals contain the Whole of the Universe, the Whole of the Continuum. It would be very wise to utilize crystals during this time, on to the 13th of July when the awakening of the Christ Consciousness occurs. THEY MUST BE AWAKENED TO THE ENERGY OF THE CONTINUUM! Okay, how does one do this? Unless you truly KNOW that you possess an awakened crystal, and I really do not think there are many, if any, on the Planet, for they are such powerful transmitters of energy, they had to have been ‘put to sleep’ until the time it was safe to awaken them to the Energy of All That Is/The Continuum.

During the Master’s Weekend, those of us at Life’s Pathway were given assignments, mine is to get the information out to as many as is humanly possible, so please share this with everyone you know! Two women were given the task of activating the crystals, both were at Mikiah last night, (I just couldn’t finish this last night, the brain was too overwhelmed!)

Both of the women thought to themselves, "and just HOW do I do that?" And, "you didn’t tell me about this when we were asked to accept our assignment!" Mikiah assured them that the energy needed to accomplish the task would flow through them to awaken the crystals. She said that if you wanted a larger one to stay in your home, it would be there to connect to all other awakened crystals even if you are out and gone, and the smaller crystal you carry with you can be placed on the larger one to re-charge it at night.

And each awakened crystal will connect to all other awakened crystals allowing for the Continuum Awareness Energy to flow around the Earth’s Grid System. The combined Light that will be emitted, will be seen by All of Creation, and will bring Light Beings from other Universes, and give them a Path to follow to our little planet in a small Solar System in the outer arm of the Milky Way Galaxy in our Universe. Awesome!

What is the advantage of having an awakened crystal? Everyone who has an awakened crystal with them will be able to connect with the Continuum/All That Is and access it. Will be awakened to their existence in All That Is. An Awareness Opening Tool, for sure!

If you want to send your crystal to the two women at Life’s Pathway, get in touch with me and I will let you know what you need to do. The more of you that activate a crystal to be carried with you at all times, then the faster all people upon the Earth will be awakened, and we can see the Wondrous Future that we have envisioned. Complete with Peace, Harmony, Love and Truth!

Mikiah said that The First Pinnacle is very important! For it lays the groundwork for the other two to occur. So, do the movement, say the mantra, get your brain out of the way, and allow your Soul/Spirit to expand to embrace All of Who You Are.

Other races, on other planets, in our and other Universes, are involved in their version of the Awakening Process. All are expanding their Beings, and the awareness within All of Creation is expanding. She said to be aware that those Beings who are less than Light are also expanding because the balance must be maintained. But that this Awakening Process will give them, those operating in Less Than Light/Darkness, the opportunity to see the Light within their Beings, and make the choice to be All that they Are, too, it will depend upon where they place their focus and the choice they make.. Wouldn’t it be wondrous if all could awaken NOW and Unity could be restored within All of Creation?

Someone asked why is this occurring now? Mikiah said because it is the only moment we have, the NOW moment. She reminded us that Atlantis was another intersection in the continuum. All of Creation began with One Thought, and Separation occurred at the same time. All is occurring in the Moment, the past, the present, the future. The Earth is being re-birthed and at the same time it is being born originally.

It is time for our awareness to return to the Awareness of the Return to Awareness. All is occurring, and our awareness must expand to the point of knowing it. Wrap your mind around the last two paragraphs, and then while your mind is ‘tied in knots’, your Spirit will expand!

Truly, after last night, it is more difficult to go back to the ‘old way’ of thinking. It is like when a habit is pointed out to us, it becomes impossible for our attention not to go to it each time it occurs, offering us an opportunity to change it. Or as Dr. Wayne Dyer said in one of his books, "Once the mind is stretched, it cannot return to where it was before!" Let’s go for it!

In Love, Light and Expanding Awareness,

