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Message From Portia: "Coping With Vibrational Changes"

Through Ariana Sheran

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ing in at the moment and of course you have Germain popping around the planet, keeping himself in the news. We are all thankful for his energy and his dedication to the Light.

The Justice System Needs Changing

There is a lot occurring these days with regard to justice, with regard to court cases, judges and all that is comprised of the justice system on Earth. This system; however, needs revising. I know and appreciate the fact that my likeness and the balance scales is up on many courthouses and it is true that my likeness represents justice. However, what has occurred is, dear ones, that justice has not been carried out as to the Constitution of the United States and also, I can say, of many countries in the world. It has not been carried out in the name of freedom and the oneness of people on the planet. In the name of fairness to all, this needs revision and it needs revision now.

It is true that a lot has happened in the courts to prepare countries and banking institutions and people for the coming changes. A lot of work has been done by many dedicated people yet there had to be a cleaning of the closet there as well in order to keep things in the Light.

I am truly sending forth a red flag to those who work in the Justice Departments. It is time to stop manipulating people. It is time to bring love into the decisions of the court. It is time to bring the rightness of the Constitution into the courts. I am speaking, at this time, not only for myself but also as a spokesperson because I am dedicated to justice. There are many in Spirit who are wishing changes in the justice system and we are working together from our perspective to assist with these changes.

Dear ones, our love and Light goes out to you. Our love and protection surrounds you. Dear ones, we are One.

(Portia laughs). I don't know if that was girl talk but I got on a high horse, dear ones. However, this is my pet peeve for now and I felt like bringing it out.

Sandi: That's good. Something definitely has to be changed and there's a lot more talk about how things are lately.

Portia: Yes indeed. For an example, the way the courts were manipulated in order to bring the current United States president to power was abominable and I deplore this type of use for the courts. Things have not improved since, dear ones.

Learn to Take Your Power About Money

Because there are a lot of changes expected on the Earth with regard to business, banking and personal security, I wanted to speak with you about the woman's part in their own particular partnerships in the world. It has been traditional for the male in the family to be the breadwinner and it has been traditional for the female to stay closer to home and/or work out of the home plus in the home. In any case, I feel the woman has worked harder and not had the advantage of being in control of the family finances because that has traditionally been left with the male.

Therefore, the female in the relationship has not had the say or the Divine power to use the resources which she herself earns in many cases but she has had to bow to the resources under the control of her husband also keeping the children in mind. A woman normally does not put herself first. Instead, all of the other necessities go into the budget and are looked after. If there is something left over, perhaps she can have a new dress for Christmas. Does this sound correct, dear ones? (There was agreement by those present.)

It is time for a change with regard to this situation in the family and I know and realize that many couples have a very amenable agreement between them whereby the money situation is handled. I know also that there are many women on the streets trying to make a living in any way they can. There are children coming up who will walk soon in their mother's footsteps, where there seems no alternative but to live in deplorable conditions.

I want to raise the standard for women on your planet to the beauty, the love and the joy that she is, to the strength and the power that is within her and to the happiness and the harmony that she brings to the home. Woman is all-powerful when it comes to bringing forth children. She has the power. Nobody else can do this. The husband cannot do this. The children cannot do this. She is the one who has this power in the family. She should share equally in the resources of the family. In many cases, I know she does. There are many families where there is no particular problem with finances. There is enough money to take vacations, to have a good Christmas, to enjoy life, to have all the necessities and yet the woman feels as though she needs to ask her husband if she can have one thing or another that would help her life. In the partnership, she should be able to go into a situation like this, knowing that she has the power to use the resources of the family on her decision.

Now dear ones, this is a very big change in thinking for men. Do you agree? (Much agreement!) They have traditionally been the source of most of the money; therefore, they want to know exactly what is happening with that money.

Sandi: A lot of men see women as their possession too.

Portia: Yes indeed. Yes this is so.

I want to begin to show women that they are worthy of this type of a partnership where, with all of their astute judgment, they can go to a store or to an appointment or to any situation that might come up in their lives and they can spend the money that is needed for themselves, for their home, for their husband or for their family without asking permission and without having their own bank account. This would make them a full partner in the marriage. I realize this is a large step. Even in your day and age it is very, very difficult for women to make that step. Many of them have been in an inferior position all their lives and they wouldn't dare to buy something without discussing it. I want women to know and understand that it is their Divine right to take their power with regard to money and go to the store and purchase what they want.

Take Time for Your Spiritual Life

Dear ones, the time is coming for you when that will be easier. The time is coming when you will feel that you have more power to do this. I would like to suggest that you begin by visualizing some of the anecdotes that could occur in your life and by affirming your own personal power with regard to money. There are many women out there who are living in dreadful conditions, endeavoring to make ends meet and not succeeding. There are many families out there who are in debt over their heads and women would not even begin to think of doing this because there is no money there. These deplorable conditions are occurring in the United States. They are occurring in Canada and in all countries on your planet.

In the Golden Age, which you are striving toward, there will be enough money for all. There will be enough security. There will be enough hope. There will be enough joy for all to partake in so this is another visualization I would like you to make and to keep in your meditations. It is a visualization of the Earth surrounded in gold, a beautiful golden color, which symbolizes the golden age. This age is in prophecy. This age is coming to your planet. We are assisting in pushing this forth from the finer dimensions. We are succeeding; your vibrations are raising; it is all happening, dear ones. It happens gradually, it happens almost imperceptibly at times, little by little, and so I cannot say all this will change tomorrow or next week. That is why the visualizations I've given you will help. They will help to push this forward.

Share these visualizations with others because the more people who are ready and waiting for the Golden Age to be present on your planet, then the faster it will occur, dear ones. When that happens and you are well into the Golden Age, you will find that you, just like Germain, will be popping around the planet! Now please don't think I'm disrespectful when I call Germain by that single name. That is, indeed, my pet name for him and he knows it. Our love goes to you. We are both working towards bringing your planet's vibrations up so you will be able to enjoy the Golden Age soon. There are other ascended masters and there are other cosmic teachers who are doing the same thing. There are hundreds of millions of spiritual beings who are helping. This includes those in the Spirit World connected with your planet. They also include beings from other planets and other star systems. There are many interested beings and people who are watching what is occurring on Earth with joy, with concern and with an attitude of assisting.

What is occurring on Earth is important. It is important to your solar system. It is important to the galaxy. It is important to the universe. What individual people do on your planet either assists the evolution of all that is or it pushes it away so dear ones, please stay positive. Work on your spiritual selves, your affirmations and your visualizations. Please dear ones put some reminders around your home. Learn to take your own power step by step. Don't think that you can just go out and spend a thousand dollars, poof, like that. Start small. Start something within reason. Buy a new dress. Come home with it and see the joy on your husband's face. You could do that, couldn't you? You could start small.

Important New Information for Your Peace of Mind

There are many things occurring as the vibrations of Earth are raising and another thing needs to be discussed. It is the matter of your emotional well being as well as your mental well being. Dear ones, women and men together, it is necessary for you to look after your emotional and mental health as you go through these weeks and months. I want to alert you to something that is very important. As you know, when you cross over into the Fourth Dimension through death, you go through a life review and this life review is very profound and leads to a spiritual work that you do from Spirit in order to satisfy karma and in order to bring peace to your own mind. Dear ones, when you raise from the Third to the Fourth to the Fifth Dimension through a gradual raising such as is occurring now on Earth, you do not go through that life review in the same way. That is the reason why so many people are going through emotional and mental trauma now. It is because the vibrations are telling them it is time to clean up their minds.

It is time to clear your relationships. It is time for forgiveness. It is time, dear ones, to clear out all the emotional baggage you might be carrying for this lifetime and the more stress that comes upon your mind, the more your spiritual guidance is trying to get through to you that this is necessary. This is very necessary, dear ones, and especially for those who have a lot of pressure on them, for one reason or another where they are confused, where they are financially burdened or whatever planetary stresses might be happening with them. It is very, very necessary that they take a step back and say, "Oh my goodness, I've been forgetting my meditations; I've been forgetting my emotional clearings."

Dear ones go back to the basics, back to affirmations and visualizations. Go back to the book that Ariana and Dalphiaana wrote, "Return to Joy." That's where it tells you all about doing your emotional clearings.

Support Your Loved Ones

Dear one, if you do not do these things, then toxins are going to back up in your body. Toxins and all of the little things such as fungus, yeast, parasites, bacteria and viruses are going to be breeding grounds in your body and this is because you are all one. Your mental, emotional and physical bodies are all together as well as your spiritual and if one of then is out of alignment, the others will be as well. This is a big reason why I am saying, male or female, to take your power. You need to take your power and this is not something fearsome to do. This is what you were given when you came into this lifetime. You deserve this. You deserve to command the Universe for what you need. It is your part to do your meditation and your part to do your emotional clearing.

Sandi and Dalphiaana: This is wonderful. Thank you!

Portia: We do enjoy coming forth with surprises for you.

There are many wonderful things that will be happening on your planet and as this happens, it is going to throw people for a loop. Even though there are wonderful changes coming, many people just can't handle change so it will throw them mentally and emotionally into a tailspin. This is too bad and I am sad about this but I am counting on the Lightworkers to support their families and to support their friends. 0Bring forth the realizations of what is important in life.

Understanding Physical Changes are Occurring

When your mental and emotional healing is not handled by yourself, then it goes into your body and you will begin to have pain, discomfort and dis-ease in various parts of your body. Sometimes it can lead to fatal diseases such as cancer, arthritis, heart disease and diabetes. Dear ones, I am imploring of you to meditate for the sake of your mental and emotional health. When you meditate, sometimes we can get an idea through to you. For example, if a person is resentful of some situation or some person and this resentment is not handled through emotional clearing, that person will, for certain, get a very dreaded disease if this resentment continues for several years. Sometimes disease can be warded off for awhile by drugs or surgery but eventually it will come back again even after a dozen years or so. It will return if you have not released that resentment.

Dear ones, know and understand that I am speaking to you from the depths of my heart and I am speaking to you from the depths of my love. To carry on the human race and bring it through to Light body is a huge, huge undertaking and that is what is occurring with you now. We need your cooperation. We need you to be knowledgeable about this. We need you to know there will be changes in your body that will bring discomfort but will not bring death such as disease does. These discomforts will come and go and they will, at times, be quite profound. This is all a matter of changing your cellular structure so you can live in the finer dimensions while being right there at home on Earth.

We have covered a lot of territory here, territory that I hope will bring you women into a realization of things you can do to help yourself and bring you men into the realization that there are things you need to do as well.

My love is with you.

Dalphiaana: And ours is with you. You are greatly loved.

Sandi: This has been grand! Thank you for sharing with us.

I am Portia, your friend in Spirit, dear ones, my love to you.

Spoken through Ariana Sheran

October 11, 2003

Cloverleaf Connection

138 Sturgeon Drive

Saskatoon, SK S7K 4B3

Phone (306) 934-2962 c/o Al Abernethy

Web Site:


PRESENT: Ariana with Dalphiaana and Sandi on a conference call

NOTE: Portia comes through Ariana very strong yet informally, often teasing her twin flame by calling him simply "Germain." They come through other channels as Lady Portia and Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine.

Portia has been called the Goddess of Freedom, of Opportunity and of Justice. She has been described as having the qualities of mercy, love and judgment. Portia allows wisdom and love to 'discern' the best solution, without judging it.


"This is the Age of the Holy Spirit,

which has been named as the feminine aspect of God."

~ Lady Portia through another channel

"Judge not, lest you be judged."
