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Sa Lu Sa - 04.05.05

By Mike Quinsey

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d have alienated many people who would have doubted our intentions. Your dark forces would have used such a situation to fulfil their own agenda.

Instead, we have gradually taken the attention and support of many of you, as we have tried on numerous occasions to commence the changes predicted. Our efforts although blocked many times, have nevertheless continued to receive growing support. Our presence has largely been accepted, and there is a widespread belief in our existence. It has taken some 60 years of careful contact with you, to satisfy you that the sightings of our craft are real and not a figment of your imagination.

It is understandable that in the early days there was much hesitation on your part to accept the visitations of off-world visitors. Particularly as you were brought up in an era where it was still considered that even if ET’s existed, they could not have reached Earth. You also had to see through the various explanations given for your sightings, which often bordered upon the ridiculous. There have been many reasons for such action from professional people connected with the sciences. They have grown up in an era that has determined a philosophy based on false premises, and have defended their beliefs for fear of being seen as wrong. We understand their reasons, but being professional in the approach to their cherished subjects, we know that when presented with a new base to work from, they will quickly adapt.

Those who are following the current developments will by now have become aware that all the planning and waiting is all but over. The action that will be the key to all else is about to bring its results. You have known for some time now that Divine Intervention was recently granted, and what you have become aware of is the plan that was formulated as a result. It may have seemed at times that we were dragging our feet, but I assure you that we have never been more active than during this recent period. It has not always been possible to keep you informed of the details, as even for us there are some facets of our work that are confidential and best kept secret.

Now, we are ready to remove those representatives of the dark cabal, who will not go of their own accord. Their actions over the last few years have shown a determination to follow their own agenda regardless of the consequences. They have had numerous opportunities to stand down and stop their heinous acts against humanity and the Earth itself. Our concern has been for all living forms, and we could no longer stand by to witness further intentional death and destruction. The Creator’s Plan is not just for the privilege of those of the Light but embraces every soul upon Earth. Nothing would be more pleasing than to see many of the dark turning from their path to one of Light, that promised exactly the same opportunities to ascend as everyone else. We come not to “bury” people, but to lift them up and show what grand and illustrious souls you really are. We have compassion, and we have love for our fellow beings, and remember we are all one family.

We are placed ready to remove the dark cabal, and we shall achieve it, not through physical force, as that is not our way. We shall use persuasion, and show that there is a plan for Earth that cannot wait any longer to come into the open. The groundwork has been completed, and the changes in your financial arrangements supported by a new currency and backed by precious metals is ready. Our craft are strategically placed in Iraq to ensure that there is an orderly transition to peace. We also cover other areas throughout your world, as peace will be declared universally.

Puppet Governments or Dictatorships will be removed, and our representatives put into place. People will however see by our actions, that leadership will be restored as soon as possible through your traditional ways. This time, elections will be seen to be honest and above board, and all will be free to vote. However, a different format will bring a sensible form of government that has a purpose that takes into consideration the needs of all. It will not become the farce that usually results from opposing parties preventing real progress. Leadership will be chosen on the basis that they are lighted beings working for the good of all.

With the initial changes, our craft will appear more openly in your skies. There will be many contacts made, some by pre-arrangement and others where there is seen to be a need to do so. Again, all of this is well planned and initially we shall not overwhelm you with our presence. We make allowance for those of you who will have to contemplate such massive upheaval in their lives. However, the initial changes will be carried out quickly and efficiently, and it will be soon apparent to everyone that we are totally here for your benefit.

There will be many stages to the initial first contact, and most importantly we will ensure that through your media and other means of communication that you are fully aware of our plans. Keeping you in the picture will again alleviate any possible mis-understanding. Our Motherships will shortly remove their cloaks of invisibility, and they will be near enough for you to observe our scout ships coming and going in your atmosphere. We shall lose no time in starting the processes that will address the environmental problems that are spiraling out of control. Your Earth is sick, and you too are daily affected by the amounts of pollution that is generated. Have no fear, we will restore the Earth, and it will be carried out with little inconvenience to you. There are so many issues that we will address, and your businessmen will be party to our meetings as many of your practices need to change.

The Galactic Federation can call upon massive support beyond your comprehension, and technology that will, make short work of the immediate tasks we shall undertake. Your Master’s will also come out into the open, and shall arrive in an official capacity and observe your protocol. They will supervise the projects and have much contact with you as Ambassadors to Earth. This is by no means a new experience for them.

There is no intention to make changes for the sake of it, and you will soon see that there is a methodical approach to our work. We shall encourage you where possible to take part, as you have many skills of your own to offer. It is very much your planet, and we wish you to feel very much involved. Work practices, and even the need to work in your traditional way is another area that will see much change.

This is the time you have been waiting for, when your dreams of release from the tentacles of the dark is about to be fulfilled. You will find it to be a pleasant experience to move out of the stressful conditions you have been placed in. Also to have your freedom restored, and live in a fair and caring society that has sufficient abundance that none shall go in need.

I am Sa Lu Sa and so pleased to be one who bears such good news for you. By the end of this month of April your world will seem as if it has been turned upside down, but all in an acceptable way and one which you will enjoy. There is so much happiness within our Federation that at last we can meet you all, and that even for us there is so much satisfaction that our waiting is also to prove fruitful.

I wish you all much Love, and you should know that we come at the behest of the Creator who is All That Is. We shall meet again after millennia of time dreaming of such happiness and joy.

Thank you Sa Lu Sa for such an uplifting message, we greet you with open arms.

Mike Quinsey
