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Arch Angel Raphael - "Setting Up Your Being For Unity", May 19, 2003

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m intended here as this is most likely an oversight or presumption on our part, but we will address that now.

What we mean by Unity is this. By becoming aware of your triune being, the Body, Mind and Spirit as most of you know the triune as, or Higher Self, Consciousness and Inner Being as we have been speaking in our recent lessons, your awareness itself creates a Unified You. You are no longer a collection of separate parts but are now unified and as such are much more powerful than you were in separation. You don't need to do anything else to be unified. Now what does this mean in practical terms?

It now means that you must now take into account the ramifications of your actions and decisions, not only on your physical existence but on your spiritual existence as well. It also means that you must now realise that the consequences of your actions and decisions change your whole future, not only in this current lifetime but for all your future lifetimes. As well as this it means that you must realise that your creativity impacts the whole Universe and consequently All That Is. This is what Unity means. It means that you must accept that you can no longer remain blissfully ignorant of the effects of your doings.

Now that sounds like a warning, and perhaps it is, but it is not meant to be alarmist. What we want you to realise is that when you "Co-create with Spirit" those things you wish to manifest, you do so in the spirit of Unity, realising that your whole triune being is the creator of your manifestations and not just your Consciousness. This is the new complete YOU and not just the old separate you. To do this is easy. You only need awareness and nothing else.

Another thing about awareness is that by unifying your own triune, you automatically connect to all other aware beings in such a way as to set up Unity between humans that extends to every aware being wherever they may be. This is the Crystalline Grid that many speak of and consciously connect to. The news here is that you do not need to do anything at all to connect to this grid because you are already automatically connected through your triune awareness. Those of you who have been consciously connecting can now relax. You and all other aware beings are connected and unified at all times.

With the awareness also comes responsibility of course. There is no point in being aware if you do not have a use for your awareness. In this respect, your awareness, your newfound knowledge, is like a University Degree. If you don't put it to good use then it is only knowledge for the sake of knowledge, not that that is such a bad thing but knowledge applied engenders experience and both knowledge and experience are what we are all about.

Around about the time you separated from Spirit all those lifetimes ago, you left markers to show yourself the way back home. These markers were well hidden within your being so that they would always be with you but illusively hidden from your awareness and in a place that you would be unlikely to find without firstly discovering your true self. You and Spirit were hidden behind the Veil of Duality as you know, but in such a way as to hide your markers until the awareness of your Spirit Self became comfortable with your discovery, and you also became comfortable with that discovery. Those markers are now becoming visible to you in the form of the synchronicities that manifest before you and coincidences that aren't coincidences. They are showing themselves as opportunities that you have longed for suddenly appearing. They are the people and the times arranging themselves to reinforce your new beliefs in irrefutable ways. These markers were always there. You put them there all those lifetimes ago. They prove the old adage, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear", because this basically says that you will attract those markers that you have placed before you at exactly the right time in your evolution. You placed those markers at the beginning of your journey and refresh them at every incarnation with your pre-birth contracts, and the "on the fly" contracts that you are now making.

Being aware and having responsibilities is one thing, acting on that awareness and those responsibilities is another. The responsibilities accompanying your awareness are not that arduous and for the most part are obvious. Those responsibilities entail that you stand in your truth, that you honour yourself as you honour others and that you experience life to the full. Now I know these are vague terms. They are deliberately vague and will stay that way because you know intuitively what these terms mean. You don't need them spelt out for you.

You will notice however that there is nothing within those terms that are at all judgemental. You will notice also that the words are positive and encouraging and you will notice empowerment hidden within the meanings of those terms. About the only thing that could be considered difficult is "standing in your truth", but yet what is truth really, especially "your" truth?

You all know truth as the opposite of telling lies, but is that all it is? What about the absence of definitive information when it is justifiably called for, silence when silence does harm? What about ignorance in the face of fear? What about the person lying injured in the gutter as people pass by pretending not to see? Is this "your" truth? Is this your test? Is this synchronicity being ignored? Is this passing a marker?

Consider, if you will, the term " honouring yourself as you honour others". This looks a lot like Yeshua's teaching of "Love thy neighbour as thyself" and it is also similar to the familiar words "Do unto other as you would have them do unto you", but this time the emphasis is on you first. This is now appropriate because for so long we have been putting ourselves in a position of subservience that we have forgotten number one, so we must now honour ourselves first, yet not forget that the term then implores us to honour others equally. We now put ourselves first, and co-create only for ourselves as I have explained in previous lessons.

Putting yourself first is by no means selfish, in fact quite the reverse. By putting yourself first you are preparing the ground for service to others, especially in the area of health and also in the area of lightworking. If you are unhealthy in yourself then you cannot be a role model in the area of healing. If you are not shining your light your cannot expect to be seen in the dark. In these two areas it is vital that you put yourself first. In other areas such as abundance, it is important that you put yourself first if only to show others that they can follow you to the same, if not better, way of life. You will be leading by example, which is a totally different concept than putting others before yourself. Remember that Yeshua consistently said, "What I can do, you can do also, and more." This is your role now, to lead humanity to self-empowerment. To lead by example.

Leading by example, what do we mean by this?

It basically means that if others see what you are doing, and appreciate or understand why you do what you do, then if they want what you have then you can show them how to achieve it. Now this simple statement implies a great deal. Firstly it implies that you are ready to share and not to keep things to yourself, especially knowledge. Up until now it has become common practice to hoard your secrets, to keep your knowledge hidden and to apply that knowledge only for your own gain. Secondly it implies that there is enough to share and this is true. You show the Universe that you trust in a never ending supply and, that by giving others what you have, you will always attract more. This is showing faith in your beliefs, in other words another example of "standing in your truth".

With the supply problem in general, you will now be required to "empower" others and not just blindly give away what you have. Charity for the sake of tithing, that is expecting a return for what you give, is never a good idea. It is much better to gift the knowledge of how to acquire something than to gift the goods themselves, if this is at all possible. Genuine charity is quite acceptable, that is gifting your surplus to those in want, or sharing goods following emergencies, and this is totally different than gifting to expect a return. Tithing was meant to be a show of gratitude for what you have already received and not a means to an end although when used in a genuine fashion, coming from the heart, it can be successfully used that way. Gifting knowledge though costs nothing and it adds greatly to the empowerment of the people as a whole and also promotes the further acquisition of knowledge. It is amazing how much more you want to know when you start acquiring new knowledge and knowledge shared benefits the whole community.

I am not saying for one moment that you should find yourself a soapbox and start preaching. Far from it, for in this age it would be undoubtedly counterproductive. The world would see you as some sort of weirdo and you know yourself what sort of reaction you give towards weirdos. Some would say that you are crazy enough now without putting it on public display. What we are saying though about standing in your truth is that you will damage your own self-esteem if you publicly deny your beliefs or shy away from truthful answers when faced with testing questions. By quietly showing that you believe what you believe, by standing in your truth at all times you will be achieving both self-satisfaction and public education at the same time. I'm sure you will agree that this is a win-win outcome. You may be ridiculed but believe me when I say that you will stir more thoughts than your adversaries will care to admit, and don't be surprised when the testing questions slowly change to genuine inquiries.

The days of teaching and preaching in the synagogues are over. Yeshua did that to great advantage two thousand years ago but he, as you know, was crucified for his efforts. We don't expect any more of that and at present with the world as volatile as it is. A quiet personal revolution would be far more beneficial than a brave and colourful display. You Warriors of the Light are our legions and as such you have the support of the Spirit Legions, the Legions of Michael, and more. With our help and support you cannot fail. If the excreta really hits the fan and persecution begins in earnest (there is a small chance of this, especially in countries of religious extremism), we will be there for you and ready to assist whenever you ask for our help. If this happens just call on Michael for immediate assistance and it will come in divine ways that may not be obvious but will be perfect for your situation. Remember that you are never alone and you are never in real danger. Trust in your beliefs and you can't go wrong.

Be crafty with your views and how they interact with the beliefs of the unawakened. With this you will find that it will be relatively easy to accommodate other views since Spiritualism encompasses all religions including those of the Agnostic and even the Atheist to some degree. You only need to show that your beliefs agree with theirs and that yours also agree with other religions to the extent that you don't antagonise, and you will have made an impact. If you can somehow show that the God of their religion is the one God that you also believe in then you will diffuse at least part of the antagonism that differing beliefs engender in one another. If you are able to point out that God in his infinite wisdom may have sent more than one messenger, and if you were God, with unlimited powers, why would you only send one, then the mark you make will be indelible and can never be erased. If you can agree, even to disagree on some points then you have succeeded but at all costs avoid arguments if you can. You can never win an argument, especially about beliefs.

If you find yourself confronted by references to beings such as Satan, then I would suggest that you merely acknowledge your confronter's beliefs and politely let that person know that Satan doesn't exist in your belief system. That, by the way, is quite a powerful statement to the Universe in its own right and when said publicly in such a way as this, it will cause more ripples in the dark than you could ever imagine. That would be quite a blessing but please don't go out of your way to provoke such a scene.

Your being involved in Lightwork has now come to the point where mere fence sitting will become uncomfortable. You are now able to take a more active role in worldly affairs and to make your influence known. Quiet but active participation is now required to push the point of self-empowerment. By standing in your truth, with you at the helm as number one, treating yourself as you would wish to be treated by others, and taking all the experience that life has to offer as a gift, you will achieve miracles. I promise.

We will delve a bit more into self-empowerment later but for now I will depart with the thought that the times ahead are full of new experience, of excitement and wonder but please, if you see doors along your path, please push them to see if they open. If they do open, please walk boldly through and remember that those doors won't come to you without effort. You must make the effort. You must walk the path and trust that the direction is right for you. I'll be with you all the way for I love you dearly.

All for now.


