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A Message From Lord Kadar Monka (With Commentaries)

(With Commentaries)

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Greetings, Friends...

I*AM Monka of The Ashtar Command; and as I am a man of few words; but hopefully adjudged rather by Right Thoughts & Right Actions; I shall attempt to be brief and to the point !

I am here because I felt your concerns; and shall be as a guide and mentor to those of you who call upon me in your nightly meditations and daily quiet and again to give you my perspectives and insights into the current dramas that are playing out on this planet of Free Will; and travel with you if asked; on your journeys of exploration and self-discovery...

As I peer out from my unique perspective; it is with both a bemused sense of humor, and a loving concern, that I view the many and diverse thoughts that are occupying your minds; your collective consciousness; at present:

When will we be given specific instructions ? About what; my beloveds ? About how to plan for your futures ? We await for Your individual decisions; we are but your assistants in helping you get from here to there ! I know that I need not remind you that it is Your Future; and you must of necessity "imagineer" it Yourselves !

I must say that I approve wholeheartedly of your single-minded determination to create a better world; and create it you shall !

The Ashtar Command and The Galactic Federations; The Beings of many Universes and Dimensions ...Are as close to each of you as your minds close as your hearts close as each of you are to one another ! You are Sovereign Citizens of the Universes; and Lords & Ladies of Light & Love ...Stand Tall !

I Take My Leave !



Dear Friends & Commanders...

Monka graciously permitted this scribe to fashion his thoughts into words of our joint creation: I have never been or claimed to be a "channel" - I have always avoided the responsibility; as I did not trust my own clarity of mind or objectivity; however as Monka is now "my" guide and mentor ...and wished me to work with him more closely; I am sharing "our" message with each of you to contemplate as always ...with discernment !

As I become more intimately familiar with Monka and his own unique perspectives; I shall do my best to present these to you clearly and concisely ...This shall be fun, and a great adventure !

Commander Paul LeBreton


Hi, again:

Not that you need any confirmation from me (or anyone else), but I just wanted to tell you that I know Monka personally and this is exactly how he speaks. Some of the phrases used in this transmission are phrases that he does actually use when he speaks in person. And, his rather dry sense of humor always comes through with kindness and compassion, even though he is very direct and to the point. I could actually 'see' his subtle smile in

these words.

Love and Light,



Blessings Paul,

Glad you like Alisha - you and Peter will be great pen pals with her - each making the other joyous -the book she ordered from us that has so much of MonKa is titled:

*1: STAR WARDS by Richard Miller - A true 422 page Starseeded classic written in the 1950s and long since gone out-of-print, but the Mission has a supply of rare reprints for our serious students.

Price: $29.95

You can order it direct at: - using your credit card - or you can send: $29.95 + $5. s/h - by check-cash-or-money order and we will mail it to you with joy. IT IS A VERY, VERY LARGE BOOK AND VERY HEAVY AND A GREAT BOOK - YOU WILL LOVE IT AND MAKE OF IT YOUR BIBLE FOR MANY AEONS! QUOTING FROM IT OFTEN WE ARE SURE AND STUDYING IT AL THE TIME! WE DO - AND HAVE FOR 2 DECADES!

I hope Alisha is telling you more about Monka too - I could have told you about the Book - but MonKa wanted you and Alisha and now Pete to play together like children and he would teach you all!

"In the Loving Light of Our Radiant One"

Prof. Moi-RA 'Quan Yin" Dove

Dr. RA-Ja 'Merk' Dove

Peace Ambassadors, State of New Mexico

Ambassadors, State of Peace,

Inter-Planetary Confederation


Dearest Alisha.

Last week in meditation I felt a marvelous Spiritual Personality nearby; who said: "My name is Monka; and I am your new guide...I am going to "ride you hard, and put you away wet !"...( this statement evidently due to the fact that I am a rancher, with horses ! ) ...Monka then told me that he was going with me to Arcturus ...So I waved my hand and manifested a Pegasus-Unicorn flying horse for us to make the trip on ! (...I had recently joined the Crystal Unicorns list; so Unicorns were on my mind more so than starships at that moment ! ) Monka mounted our magnificent steed; and I hopped on behind him... Then we took off at great speed; and I tried to lie awake and use "remote viewing" - that I might bring back conscious recall of this adventure; but fell asleep & so have no recall of the journey...I've been trying to find out more about my new guide, Monka - And received this following email from the Doves: I would delight in being your new friend & pen-pal; and learning more of Lord Kadar Monka !

Light * Love * Peace...

Paul LeBreton


Dr. RA-Ja & Prof. Moi-RA wrote:

Lord Kadar Monka was one of our very first and most favorite ET Guides on Planet Earth - even before Ashtar, did this one come to us and aid us in our work on Earth! We are giving an email address of a star family whom MONKA is also her guide - you might like to learn about him from her - she has a book on him - and she can also be a fine pen pal - her name is Alisha at:


helllllllo..........Monka has a sense of humor..........and heart of my experience brings me.........I was told to begin a pink heart swan lotus temple at the wtc.......landing pads......after the sacred place to hear the souls and just to feel and be divinity a midst symbols from all religions to at last the realization of one...I have taken a break..the book to hear the lilting sounds of the unconditional love in Monkas heart is Star wards..and dearest doves have print opens the heart to remembering the other worlds...the doves told me he was a relative oh Monka...but all is quiet in walls that hold my ears...nice to hear you had such a wild and someday frutiful ride...

In the lights of mirroring love alisha...
