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Daily Quado : Harmonic Concordance

Through Carrie Hart

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ordance on November 8th? Yes, of course. I am pleased to answer.

Take any opportunity you can to gather together in groups and project love, peace and joy into the world. For the group consciousness is very important in this world of illusion and projection. And any opportunity which you can grasp to get groups of people together all feeling and thinking and projecting in the same direction is a good thing. Any opportunity to gather together and meditate as a group, to reach up into your soul selves and feel the goodness of the universe flowing down to you is a good thing.

Is this particular day terribly important? The planets do exert influence and energy. There are many energy systems at work, and yes, of course, there are times when certain alignments do project positive energy fields. There are times, as you can feel in your own life, when certain larger energy fields are at work which make it easier or harder to keep yourself centered within love and peace.

And so, yes, the energy will be helpful on this day and it is a good opportunity to place yourself within a deeper state of love and peace. But do not expect a sudden shift in the consciousness of the world. Do not expect that the planets will be able to accomplish this all by themselves. And do not expect that a few lightworkers gathering together will make this happen either.

You are very powerful in your own life and can exert great influence over what happens around you. And as your power over yourself grows, and as you learn to shine ever more brightly, you can also be a beacon for others. And as you gather with others who are centered and glowing within themselves, the light will be brighter and brighter. And this day is a good day to do this. All days are good days to do this, but there will be some planetary assistance on this day which will make your glow a bit brighter.

And so, if you feel moved to do so, enjoy this day, fill yourself with love and peace and joy, see if you can spend a moment in your meditations to connect up with the love and joy which people are projecting around the world. It is a very nice opportunity for this.

But then, keep this glow going. Remember to reach up into your soul self and glow with the love and peace and joy which is yours on every day. Remember to shine with who you are, in your deepest and most centered self every day. Remember to live with full integrity every day, glowing with the truth of who you are.

If enough people do this, if enough people shine out with their truth and love, then, yes, the world can be changed. Take every opportunity to do this, to increase your awareness and your love, to join with others to do this, to project into the global consciousness as much peace and love as possible.

But do not expect anything. Just be. Expect only that being filled with the love and joy and peace which is yours to have is a beautiful thing. Expect that you will feel what you allow yourself to feel. Expect to make the world just a little more loving.

It all happens one person at a time. One person reaching peace. One person filling with love. One person reaching a truth that helps him or her to shine out. Yes, yes, shine. Shine with your own truth. Shine with your own love. Let your love and peace flow out across the earth like a great blanket of love and light. Shine brightly enough to light all of the dark corners, so that the dark shadows of fear have no place to hide.

Gather together at every possible opportunity and do this. Shine as individuals. Shine out as groups. Let the combined force of your shining, loving hearts light up the world.

** Go to" to hear a sample and order the new Quado Meditation on Self-Love.

Carrie Hart is the author of "There is a Garden", the story of her spiritual journey from stressed executive to spiritualist and channeler of Quado. This book, Carrie's CDs of original music, spiritual healing services and daily messages by Quado are available on

Copyright 2003 by Systematique, Inc.

[ Fourwinds has permission from the author to post this article ]
