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Relay Relay Relay - September 30, 2006

Spirit Eagle

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The Truth of what goes on there is leaking and before long will be flooding through the streets All Over This World! There is a dangerous arrogance in the desperation of those who would rule the world if they could. They Will Not Do So! You, the people of Earth have called for help. Your cry has been heard! Your Intent is bringing about this change.

In these moments of change we remind you to be a Pillar of Light Shining All Over The Earth. We remind you that All Beings are Worthy of Love, even those whom you perceive as Dark. In these next weeks: Stay Neutral! Send the Light to All of your sisters and brothers. It is Time to BE the Christed Beings that you are! Rise Above, the fear and anger. Rise to the top of your Being as cream does in your milk.

We walk with you in your days and in your nights. We are a breath away from you! Remember your parts in this Mission and be prepared to lend assistance to your fellow travelers upon your Earth. Strengthen, Soothe and Inspire with Courage by Your example. Give of yourselves when it is needed! This is Your Job. You are the Ground Crew! Be Impeccable in All that you do and say! See you on the Ships!

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle Friday September 30, 2006 12:28 am