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Sa Lu Sa O5.28.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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f it does not turn out the right way. Being in the lower physical vibration you quickly tire, and return home quite exhausted.

We look at your ways and look at ours, and see how much there is for you to gain once you can adopt ours and indeed live our way. As we are already in a lighter body we do not suffer tiredness as you experience it. However, we can as you would say, relax and top up our energies and we have no need for the sleep periods which are necessary and vital to you. We rest for a while and in a form of meditation draw more energy into our body. There it little requirement for food as an energy source, but we can enjoy delicious drinks that would taste fruity to you. We have no urge to eat, as our bodies are very efficient at taking in energy that is around us. You enjoy your food but when you feel well, energetic and satisfied you will not think of it as you do now, and hunger will be a thing of the past.

Our work, is in fact based on our skills or aptitude for certain technologies, but we do it as a creative act as part of an enormous team. Unlike you, we do not work for a living and there is no reward other than our enjoyment and satisfaction in what we do. There is no pressure upon us, and on board our ships most decisions are made at a computer level. They are programmed to handle so many functions and control our craft quite automatically. We of course oversee what takes place, and if need be will have the last word.

What you would notice if you were with us is the total co-operation from everyone. We are not just a simple team of workers, but a family that knows that every contribution is necessary to the satisfactory functioning of the whole. There is no superiority in our relationship to each other, no jealousy or dissension or those difficulties that sometimes arise and make it difficult for people to work together. Naturally, we have people who are designated to make decisions on matters that are important, and we have some who are senior to the others.

With our form of communications, we have contact with just everyone, regardless of where they are. We can use telepathic methods, or technology that would be science fiction to you. We have instant contact with others even if they are many light years away from us. This creates a togetherness that overcomes any sense of separation, and this is how we can keep in contact with our family on our home planet. We are away for many years at a time, and have everything provided on board our ships. We lack for absolutely nothing.

Some of our Motherships are thousands of miles long, and if you were on board you would not know that it was a space craft. Those that are designed for transporting people are like cities in themselves, replicating your natural environment. If say we were taking Earth people to their destination, areas of our craft would look exactly like home, but far superior. There would be parks, animals, flowers and lakes and all of those pleasurable things that you would otherwise miss and long for. We have forms of entertainment, but it does not feature violence or destruction. We have no desire to experience the negative vibrations, and they would not be allowed because there are adequate ways of enjoyment without them.

On our Mothership we even create the correct atmosphere for you, and you would be absolutely comfortable and at ease. In short time you would find yourself able to completely relax, like you sometimes can on your holidays when the daily worries of work and home are put aside. This should really be your natural way of living, but you have been conditioned to believe otherwise and do not have sufficient time to rest and follow creative pursuits. In the course of time, you would have gradually discovered the answer to the technological secrets that hold you back, but regrettably your leaders keep knowledge to themselves and share little with you for the general good of society. We sigh when we learn of the way you are manipulated, and kept in conditions that make you less than equal to each other. If you experienced real freedom your lives would be so much less stressful and so enjoyable.

In a short time you will be able to experience first hand what it is like to be on board our ships. Once we are announced and accepted, we will give you the opportunity to come and visit us, as by then we will have come so close to Earth you will see us stationed in your skies. You will quickly reach us by use of our shuttles, and even that will be a pleasant experience. Traveling smoothly, silent less and with no sensation of movement it will be a new experience for you. See your beautiful Earth for the first time from outside of your atmosphere, and you will feel her and view her with much reverence.

I am Sa Lu Sa and I am with the Galactic Federation waiting the opportunity to come to Earth. More and more of you are finding the idea of meeting us less frightening, and we feel your warmth and friendship towards us. You are inviting us to meet you, and you will not have long to wait before that marvelous day comes. We have been following your progress for thousands of years, and what could seem more natural that we now come openly to your graduation.

Thank you Sa Lu Sa

Mike Quinsey

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