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Atmos 05.21.05.

Through Mike Quinsey

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evolve your understanding, and at each stage when it is time to move on, you make a new choice. If you aspire to go well beyond your present level, then opportunities will be placed before you for your consideration. A path will be mapped out that will lead to your immediate goal. Now, the beauty of it is that even when you carry out the Will of God, there is still a measure of freewill that allows you to change your path.

With your greater understanding of life outside of Earth, you are quickly realizing that it is present to a degree that is quite astounding. You are becoming aware of the multitude of different life forms, and the multitude of different levels that they exist within. In fact the Universe is teeming with life, and even your solar system has life forms connected with each and every planet, and even on some of the planetoids and moons. Due to a scientific conclusion that was made a considerable time ago, you were led to believe that your own planets were not suitable for life as you know it. Also, that even if intelligent life forms existed deep in space, they were too far away to reach you.

Until the last century, you lived on Earth feeling rather isolated and cut off from other life forms. There was a firm belief that you were the only ones that existed, and that God for some reason placed you here to be the center of the Universe. These beliefs have all but disappeared in the light of evidence that has now been discovered. Some people are still very dubious about the existence of extraterrestrials, although sometimes this is a fear based sense of reasoning. There is an image projected that promotes the idea that ET’s are intent on war, and would take over this planet if possible, and make slaves of the population. You only have to recall recent films that continue to project this theme. All through your history, comics and science fiction have depicted ET’s in a bad light. Is it any wonder that you have a deep subconscious fear of them.

Fortunately, with the visits of ET’s to Earth and the numerous contacts that have been made, you are beginning to have less fear. Indeed, some of you are positively inviting them into your lives. Apart from the Grey’s and their abductions and cattle mutilations, there has never been any evidence of hostile action from your other visitors. Quite the opposite, they have made it clear that they approach you in peace. That they come out of concern for the fate of your planet, because of the way it has been treated, and the continual wars that threaten the population. Many have also told of their planets and spiritual beliefs, and confirm the existence of the Supreme Creator.

It is ironic that over the last Century you have been brainwashed into believing that ET’s are dangerous to you existence. Yet the danger has been coming from within. Your last cabal has promoted the idea of the dangers that come from outer space, and continues to build a Star Wars System that is supposedly meant to protect you. The reality is that they will be used against friendly approaches, and are actually pointed at you. It is your own Secret Government that has grandiose plans for global domination, and the enslavement of the people. How clever to deflect attention from themselves and create the very fear they attribute to others.

Dear Ones, you have been deliberately kept in the dark about your Space Friends and their peaceful contact with Earth. Their offers of help have been rejected, in preference to working with a renegade group that are here purely for their own gratification. This has ultimately lead to the decision that will shortly bring about First Contact, as you are now ready to receive us in love and friendship. You are to receive that which has been denied you through the selfish ambitions of the Illuminati.

In reality you could have acquired total peace and restoration of the Earth some 50 years ago, and on other occasions when the offer of help has been renewed. You have given your answer loud and clear, that you are ready to welcome us, and no government or any other body will stop this coming about. It is ordained in the greater plan for you and this solar system, that you shall also move out of these dimensions into those higher ones through your Ascension.

Your Government will make a last ditch attempt to prevent First Contact, by creating a false scenario that could be blamed on ET’s. They resort to their favorite weapon of fear, and use it to exercise more control over you. See through their charade and do not accept their reports on face value. It will be as 9/11, that over time you will see beyond the official versions and the truth as to what took place. However, we will dampen down the effects, but may not be allowed to totally prevent it. I should explain that there are some Karmic situations that we cannot stop in their entirety.

I am Atmos, and come once more as a representative of the Galactic Federation to enlighten you as to what is taking place. To open your eyes to what your government has been planning, and its involvement in terrorism against its own people. We do not wish to dwell upon it, except to assure you that this period of time is coming to a close. Soon a new Light will shine out from Earth, and you will be released from the trauma of the past and the dark forces. We see a great Love enfolding you, and energies flowing into you from the higher dimensions. You are rapidly becoming that higher Being that will be ready for Ascension.

Thank you Atmos

Mike Quinsey

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