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Diane via Mike Quinsey 02.28.05

Through Mike Quinsey

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a range of color and beauty. Within it all is the provision for everything that you could need for a normal development. Who would dare say that the Creator has not provided a wonderful panorama of beauty for you to experience? You only have to look at the simple flower to see its geometric pattern, and the blending of color to appreciate such a work of art. Evolution takes place in an orderly way, and nothing has come into being by pure chance.

Man plays around with Nature and can produce abortions, but these have no place in a balanced scheme. As has often been found, your interference far from helping Nature has caused imbalances that have affected other species with disastrous results. You were always encouraged to help in a way that was of benefit, and your agricultural knowledge is one such area. Now it has gone to extremes where Man is playing around with the very keys to changing evolution.

When you move into the higher dimensions you will observe harmony and balance all around you. You will be given an understanding of the interplay of energies, that extend right to the Central Sun. You will be able to freely visit other planets and find a multitude of different arrangements within Nature. Some will look familiar and you will recognise the basic patterns that have been used. You will see animals that are similar to those on Earth, all created to exist in a different environment to your own. One of your surprises will be to find that they are tame and able to converse with you on a higher level, and you will both understand each other. In fact with training you could make an intelligent contact with any form that has a consciousness. This is how we have come to develop space craft that are made of matter that has a consciousness that we can interact with. Your own scientists have! found out this truth from their examination of some of those that have crashed upon Earth. This is also why there is little instrumentation within the control room. Your concepts of what is possible will have to become a lot greater than at present. The idea that you could not travel faster than light, is one that is being questioned. Inter-dimensional travel is now accepted, but it was not too long ago that you would have rejected the idea.

You have so much to learn, and over the years even our presence in your skies has made you re-consider some of your long held beliefs. The fact that you believed that other intelligent forms of life and their craft could not reach you, caused many people to ignore or refuse to acknowledge what they saw with their own eyes. When you consider that you have numerous human like Beings within your own solar system, and that they have regularly visited Earth it is surprising that some people are still in denial. Part of the problem has been the attitude of your government and official bodies who have repeatedly denied our existence.

But all of the information that has been kept secret will be revealed before long. You will be astounded at what you learn, and for many it will be a great shock to learn the truth. With First Contact, people will be concerned at how their lives will be altered by it, as no one likes to feel threatened by changes. This is why when we do arrive, which will be very soon, we will give out carefully prepared information to put you at ease. We come to help you throw off the shackles of the past, and bring you into your first experiences of full contact with us. This will also extend to meeting the Beings of the Inner Earth, who are the remnants of what was known as the Lemurian civilization. They are highly advanced and also have much to offer you to bring you into a new era. As many of you know, it is all part of getting you well onto the path to Ascension.

I am Diane of the Galactic Federation and I will bring the feminine energy to Earth. You will find much Love coming with us all, we are one great family with you. We look forward to meeting you and offering our help, and we will place all of our knowledge before you.

Thank you Diane

Mike Quinsey
