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Message From The Ascension Team Of The Ashtar Command

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cs are beginning to question.

We encourage you to keep your eyes open and your hearts in a place of love. For as you keep in the steadfastness of your heart, you draw to you those who are also of like mind and like intent. Discernment and clear focus and clear intent for the highest good for all concerned now are the energies to "feed" at this time. This clear focus and intent will assist those who are less certain (or afraid) to heal their fear and thus more easily accept those of us with the highest intention for the good of the planet and her people.

For this is the time when we must work together to assist the Earth and her people during this time of her rebirth and regeneration. For the Earth is committed to this process and we are in alignment with her commitment. In alignment with that commitment, we are available to assist at the physical level during those times of physical disruption to the people in certain areas.

Watch the skies, but also be open to knowing that there are those of us already on your planet in selected areas. Be open to knowing us. We will recognize you by your light as we can see your intentions by the quality of light in your hearts and in the energy fields around your bodies. Some of you, or perhaps many of you, can also see this in others. In time, all will see, but until then, we ask you to trust your heart's knowing when you meet us in the physical.

We are the Ascension Team of the Galactic Federation. Starship Chi Wani Day Ka (Capricorn) and Tik Ah Tah (Helena) are a part of this team and for your purposes the liaisons between Earth's people and the Federation.

May the Universe Shower Blessings, Peace and Abundance Upon You!

From the silence of your soul comes the voice of freedom.

