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Atmos via Mike Quinsey - 2-23-05

Through Mike Quinsey

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s of a spiritual nature to help you understand that we, too, are souls like you, seeking a truth that will lead us to the Creator. Because we are technologically more advanced than you, does not mean that we are necessarily more spiritually advanced. Overall we have reached that point of becoming "At One" with the Creator, yet so have many of you. What we greatly admire is your chosen path to your Truth, as the cycle of duality is extreme in its testing and duration.

Yet, here you are almost at the end of that journey, and you have progressed so well that you have now created a pathway to your Ascension. As a result of your experiences, so many others will benefit without having to go through what you have. It would be impossible to sum up what a fantastic achievement it has been. There do not seem to words that can express it. You are revered throughout the Universe, and known for what you have done in the name of Love and Service. You do not remember your descent into matter, because it was so long ago in the distant mists of time. You will have that knowledge once again, and you will fully understand the beauty and the sorrow, the positive and the negative, and spirit and matter. You have grown in stature since those times of old, and you return to the higher realms a greater being than when you first left them.

We of the Galactic Federation are members of it, because our civilisations have long reached the point you are, and surpassed it. The Federation comprises of many worlds where Love and God's Will has been accepted, where war and all the trappings of war have long since been abandoned. We retain out technology for as long as we may be threatened by the Galactic Wars. We are bound by our agreement to act only out of self defence, and even then only as a last resort. We are saddened to see the death and destruction that still goes on upon Earth, yet appreciate that you have little control over your most powerful leadership. We know that your prayers and thoughts are growing stronger each day, and we hear your demands for peace on Earth. These have been answered from the highest realms, and you will have that peace you so much desire very soon. We can monitor every thought, and we know that on balance the Light is proving stronger than the dark, the transmutation process is underway, and the days of the dark are numbered. Real and lasting peace is within your grasp, and you will be able to enjoy a freedom you have not experienced for such a long time. We enjoy our freedom within the great family of ascended planets, who have a wonderful variety of life very much in a form recognisable to you.

When you join us, you, too, will enjoy the collective fruits of every one else's endevors. We are a family in every sense, and share all with each other in loving companionship. We also work together and on our ships, you will find mixed crews chosen for their specific abilities. There is no distinction made between one another, even although we have Beings of both the male and female energies. In your physical existence you put a much greater emphasis on the differences between the sexes, and we do understand your reasons. You have your female leaders, and we equally have our Lady Commanders. Your males still have a problem accepting females in a leadership role, but this is due to centuries of wrong thinking. Women have traditionally been placed far behind men in all forms of advancement and opportunity. You are coming round to bonding both in a correct relationship where they are seen and accepted as equals. This does not mean that the female energies disappear, because they are valued in the same way as a man's masculinity. Both have their place and much to offer

You will find you have a lot in common with us, and we will enjoy many opportunities to have discussions with you. There is a lot to show you, and we wish you to understand your exalted place within our Federation of which you are already a member. You are considered to be very special souls, and you will be treated with the respect you deserve. There is no reason why you should feel inferior to us, and we will be careful not to promote that idea.

I am Atmos, come again in friendship, and I know we shall soon be openly in touch, as the time for revealing ourselves is so near. Until that time, our thoughts will be with you and our love and protection around you.

Thank you Atmos

Mike Quinsey
