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The Guardians Message- All is One and One is All

Through Laura

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as place a great deal of pressure on your "egos".

Now we have used your word "ego" we need to go further and tell you that there has been much confrontational and what you would call "negative" energies attached to this word. It is perceived as an out right insult to many the second it is uttered.

We tell you Dear ones this "ego" you put on when you come to the Earth Plane severs a very necessary purpose and you would literally not be able to remain on the 3D plane without it. It is what holds you in physical form and allows you to play out your roles here on the "game board of Earth" or if you prefer, attend classes in the "school house" called Earth. There are so many terminologies that you use to describe your existence here and they are all valid.

There in lies the "key" to this discourse. "All are valid!"

No one person, group, organization or thought system holds the entirety of "Truth". All come together as "one" to paint the entire picture of "All That Is". Each has it's role, it's piece to offer and if you invalidate one part, you invalidate the whole. The uniqueness of each piece, each particle of truth forms the unity of "All That Is".

"One" can not exist without the "All" and the "All" can not exist without the "One"!

The "squeezing" of the "ego" we mentioned is the phenomena we referred to at the start of this discourse. It is something that has been occurring with increasing intensity and frequency over the last few months of your time. The result is many are being compressed or squeezed into believing and acting out in a way that is unproductive and damaging to the "All".

Dear ones it is not possible to make yourself "right" by making others "wrong". As we told you "All" have a particle of truth to offer and contribute. If you attempt to invalidate the particles of truth you receive from others, in effect you are invalidating "your own truth".

It is not necessary to agree or disagree with others. If something does not resonate with you then simply bless it and continue. Do not try to invalidate it simply to satisfy your "ego", that if you make the other "wrong" it makes you more "right". This is simply a spiral, a trap that does not serve your highs good or that of "All That Is".

Dear ones the real irony is that many of you are saying exactly the same things, just in a different way! [Laughter]

You often get so caught up in using specific words that you do not realize that the other is expressing the same view point, just in there own unique words. This is why, Dear ones, we have asked you to "Feel the Intent of the words" and do not get caught up in the specific words themselves. Even if you are talking to someone of your own native tongue this can happen so easily. Imagine the difficulties created when you are speaking to someone in a language not native to them! The potentials for misunderstanding and misinterpretations are phenomenal. Dear ones, many wars on your planet have been started in just this manner.

As you open yourselves to your true intuitive natures, your telepathic gifts, this problem will start to dissolve because you will Feel and Know exactly what each other are saying and the true intent of each others words. Until that time, Dear ones, we ask you to take a breath and begin to "Feel" the true meanings behind the words before you "respond" to each other. Notice we did not say "react".

Have enough confidence and value in yourself to know that you do not require others to validate your truth. Realise all particles of truth are "valid" whether they immediately resonate with you or not!

We hold you in our heart of hearts and ask you to do the same for each other.

Blessings one and all...

The Guardians

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