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Sananda On the Risen Christ

Loren Gorgo

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upon your keyboard are the words of many masters and beloved beings of the lighted realms Together, what we wish to include in today’s message is of the highest vibrational frequency available to earth at this time. For those who read this message it will create a cellular reconstruction of DNA by which those prepared to enter into the lofty states of being will be achieved. Note that those who can assimilate the energy of this information will be in an advantageous position for the entrance to the golden age. It is with joy and unprecedented gratitude for those in service to the light by which we extend this grace. All who read these words this day with joy have the knowing that they too are at the arrival stage.

What we refer to today is the archetype of transcendental awareness. This archetype is known as the precipitous event of an initiates path to greatness. In all realms there is a process by which one must achieve levels of mastery contained within the paradigm structure of that dimension. This passing through is what is known as the portal to transcendance. We use the word transcend as a way to explain in human terms what becomes of the consciousness of man while undergoing such an event. It is a moment or breakthrough in awareness akin to the sun’s emergence after many days of rain. It is the light upon which all lightbodies feed and that this nourishment shall sustain. We of the lighted realms are with you now to assist in this momentous occasion for those souls preparing to journey forth in the light of all that is. This is a time of completeness, a wrapping up of the old and emerging into the new. As you walk forward in the light of higher consciousness know that all who come upon you will be transformed. It is in the presence of a lighted being that many are drawn. It is the higher awareness that those souls will long to achieve and participate in. It is the summoning of the next wave of those preparing to walk forth into the light.

All those currently prepared to make the ascent will have known that the time has arrived for greatness. It is a re-pattering of thoughts that will emerge from your thinking. It is a new faith in life and the feeling of abounding joy that will replace the lower grasp of human peril. All who walk in the name of the light shall receive thy covenant. All who remained faithful to the light of God shall know their truth. Those who read these words with joy and peace shall know the time has arrived.

In the waking of slumber may your blurred vision be clear, your thoughts clean and your inspiration high. May you join others in dance and song. May you reveal the God in you to show the world that the time has come. In all your glory you will march. In all your joy you shall be free. In all your reckoning you shall be saved. Henceforth, you shall proclaim that Christ is risen! Christ is alive! Christ is among us all! For you will be the proof and you will be the saviors for the masses. You will be the avatars and the beacons for many to follow. You will be the heralded ones. Your risen bodies will be the examples, and your hearts will be the evidence.

Each of you has a mission to employ and the blueprints to follow. Each of you holds the power of creator dormant in your soul. Freedom abounds as your power emerges and you become your might. All in readiness for service shall be acknowledged. All in readiness to be lifted shall rise. We have come to take you home and we are many. Heaven upon earth is now and it starts with you, the freedom bearers of light. All is in readiness to begin the restructuring of an outworn world. All is in place for the beginning of life as you will know it. Prepare yourselves by being joyous and full of laughter. Ride the wind to your destination in lightness as society crumbles before your very eyes.

The witness shall take all

As hierarchies fall

Pleasant dreams for you

Who withstood the pain

With little to gain

And trail-blazed the path for few

Who in willing to listen

With light shall glisten

In radiance of heavens glory

And the test of time

Withered sublime

For those who tell the story

Many of you

Who walk life anew

Shall receive thy bounty in earnest

And those who refuse

Shall rise or be used

By those who fail to be honest

From kingdom come

Thy will be done

On earth as it is in heaven...

Lauren: Thank you Sananda, that was beautiful.

Sananda: It is in the rising of few that man will be made resurrect. It is in the proof of the dawning of a new age that the light of heaven shall shine forth upon thine earth. It is in the deliverance from evil that man is free to be God incarnate. My brothers and sisters of initiation, take heed. The heavens have fallen and earth is risen and we meet you at the gates. Our clarion call has been heard and successfully employed. Your work is completed and the fun shall now begin. Your radiance will remind others of the truth and your joy will awaken the light of God in every soul you meet. The power from heaven shall be bestowed upon you now to share with all. Blessings for your virtue and remarkable stamina. We bow to you in praise and admiration for a successful journey home. We are moved by your willingness to right the wrongs and continually amazed at the human spirit. Together you will move mountains, and part the seas. We join you now in celebration of gratitude. Your service is of the highest order and rewarded you shall be. I AM Sananda Immanuel and together we have made miracles happen, together we will make more. Join us in praise as the legions of heaven come to lead you home. Give thanks for your work and the assistance provided as each of you has been guided with the dedication that only spirit can fulfill. We are ever so proud. Blessings be.

Lauren: Thank you Sananda.