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Memories Of The Swissair 111 Plane Crash Spiritual Reunion of a Close and Loving Family

Spiritual Reunion of a Close and Loving Family

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Claire: Four and a half years ago, I lost my father and my stepmother when they were killed in the plane crash of Swissair Flight 111 off the coast of Nova Scotia. Those two deaths were the first two of eleven deaths that touched my life in a period of two years. I was just overwhelmed by the number of people I loved and cared for who passed over to the other side. These were family and friends who left in a concentrated amount of time. There are a lot of people I care deeply about that I still feel connected to who are on the other side. The one person who I would love to hear from is my father. That's why I'm here.

Ariana: He was senior vice-president of the New York Times, retired. Did you live in New York then?

Claire: We lived in the suburbs outside of New York in Connecticut but he was originally born and raised in New York.

A Very Emotional Reunion

Ariana: At this time, it would be totally wonderful for us if Spirit could bring through information about John Mortimer and his wife, Hilda.

Claire: My mother died twenty-eight years ago and it's more likely that she would be coming through with him than Hilda, who is not my mother.

Ariana: Yes and your mom's name is (Harriet). OK. Wow! I'm getting holy showers. She must be a powerful love of your dad.

Claire: They were teenage sweethearts.

Kataan: Good morning, good morning. This is Kataan speaking. I am Ariana's connection to the Spirit World. I embrace you with my love. It is perfectly fine for you to speak back and forth with me in conversation. Please don't feel inhibited. I am just an ordinary guy. I used to be Ariana's boss in the fifties and since her dad died I have come in order to be a connection to her family and to anybody else in Spirit that she chooses to look for, or work with or hear from. It's been a real, real nice relationship and we've done lots and lots of exploratory work about what it's like to live in Spirit and what people do when they get over here, so that's our work together.

I am simply thrilled to be able to speak with you, Claire. Welcome to the family of Spirit. Your family is very close with you at all times. I know you know that. Your father, John, is here and is so thrilled with your gathering this morning. Actually, he put it together! (Laughter) He's a bit of a connector himself, isn't he? He would like to tell you, in his own words, some of the things that he's been through and some of the experiences that he has had since that day when he left the planet. He would like to tell you a little bit about his reunion with Harriet and also with Hilda and her big change. Then, if there is anybody else that you wish to ask him about, you may do that because I am going to put my energy into John enough that he will be able to act as the person you are speaking to directly.

Ariana: He must have loved you very much. I feel love oozing, no pouring towards you.

Kataan: At this time, since there is a man present, I wish to put John's energy into Richard. Richard, would you accept John's energy for just a few moments? John wishes to hug his daughter. Claire, just imagine that this is your dad. John, would you please hug Claire, using John's energy? You will feel his deep, deep, deep love and his deep, deep hurt. Please just know that this energy of love is with you at all times. (NOTE: A very emotional reunion took place with this meaningful hug!)

A Father's Heartfelt Love

John: Claire, I left you on wings of darkness in order to take wings of Light and I am flying high now and in total love of the Universe and the special life that we have in Spirit. Our parting was dreadful and, of course, it was not my conscious choice. It seems that souls need certain experiences in order to mature and I can see the wonderful changes, the wonderful maturing and the wonderful blossoming that has come forth in the person of yourself, my dear one, Claire. It has been tremendously difficult for you, as it has for all of the families of Swissair 111. You have been a very steady, stalwart person and you have been there for many, many of the survivors. You have done your part in ways above and beyond the call of duty. I am very, very pleased about that. Of course I knew you had it in you, my daughter, my love.

Hilda made the transition well, as did myself. Many people; however, got "stuck" in the astral realms and there are still people stuck there from that particular flight. It must have been our heavy faith that brought us through so well. Your mother was there to greet us and, of course, I melted into her arms of love. Things are different in Spirit though. There are families, there are soul families but there aren't couples the way that you have marriage on Earth. Therefore, I am often in the presence of your mother, also of Hilda for different reasons than you would expect on Earth. I am feeling that this channel understands me when I say there are still people stuck in the astral realms and I am going to ask her if she would help them. (Ariana agreed.)

I do not know if my daughter, Judie and Rich know and understand about rescue circles. There are ways to assist people who have died in great trauma, who have become stuck in the astral. There are ways to help them from your side. There are ways for you to help people who die suddenly with great trauma and I would really, really, really like help and I would ask your assistance. I first want to know if you are in agreement. (The whole group agreed enthusiastically.) We are going to hold, at this moment, a group rescue circle. It will be a simple one. We will not get into individual rescues. We will hold the energy together and it will not take too long.

JaEl: Good morning. I am JaEl. I am the one who assists Ariana with rescue circles. I am of Archangel Lord Michael's realm. Michael is on the blue ray.

Much has actually been done with Swissair 111. Many survivors have reached the Heaven Worlds right to the spot where they should be but there are still stragglers. There are still those who are lost in the trauma in a circle of deep despair. We are going to take this time to speak with them. There are ways from our point of view that we can nudge them and we'll see if we can get at least some of them through and into the Heaven Worlds. At this time, I'm going to speak directly to those lost souls.

Rescue Of Lost Souls from Swissair 111

As I speak to the lost souls of Swissair Flight 111, there will be others who hear. These others could be from the war, they could be from a war forty years ago or they could be from a car accident ten years ago. There is no knowing how many souls this can touch but when the time comes that they are receptive, they could open their minds enough to hear and they could follow the instructions to go into the Light. So we are going to hold this type of a rescue circle where we are inviting all souls who can hear us to go into the Light.

Dear ones! I am speaking with you who are confused and do not know where they are. I am speaking to you who see only darkness and cannot find the light. I am speaking to you who feel despair and know not which way to go. I am an angel. I have come in order to explain to you that you have died. You are now in the world of Spirit. You have a body; a spiritual body but you have not seen a direction. You have become lost along the way. Some of you need hospitals, a restful retreat, a vacation or a holiday. Does that sound good? I want to point you into a direction where you can receive all the help you need, all the care and assistance so you will be comfortable again and so that you will be happy again, for this is your heritage.

As we come together now, we are together in understanding and we are a large group, a very large group of souls. As you see that we are on our way towards the Light, you may notice some people still skulking in the background. See if you can bring them along, for their heritage is also within the Light.

We are going now toward the Light. There are animals that have joined us. Some people are carrying their pets. The Light is enveloping us, caressing us. Now walk through the Light. Angels of mercy and love are with you, even now as you walk, even now as you fly for you can fly. Just think about it and trust.

Do not worry. Do not be concerned. Some of you are thinking that you are too unclean to go into Heaven. You got roughed up in your accident and you look terrible. No, no, no! Do not worry about this. Simply step in the river or step in the pool, wash yourself and fly up here with us. Everybody is acceptable and loved by God. Now we are so thrilled and excited that so many of you have come to the Light, bringing your animals and bringing your friends. We will be holding the Gates of Heaven open for

much longer than this channel needs to sit holding the energy. These gates are open for you. Come and join us. Love awaits you. Peace awaits you. Joy and healing will be yours.

(NOTE: In the background can be heard the cooing of doves as is often heard in Hawaii. It seemed very appropriate at this time in the channeling and it continued.)

John: Oh Claire, I truly, truly thank you for sitting in this circle. I truly, truly thank all of you for assisting. There are many, many souls. There is a huge influx here of saved souls. I cannot begin to tell you how many there are because it is impossible to count them. You have done a good work this morning. You have done a work that is magnificent in proportion. You have increased the Light of Heaven by your loving intent.

Ariana: This would really be something to put on the front page of the New York Times, wouldn't it!

Claire: (Laughing) I look forward to that day!

Let's Get Personal

John: Now let's get personal. Let's just have a chat. We did the work and I thank you again. I would love to have a little conversation with you, my daughter. Is there anything you would like to tell me?

Claire: There are so many things. It's been hard to be without you and to raise my children without your presence on Earth. I have felt your presence, of course, on a spiritual level. It would be nice to hear confirmation of the many times when I felt your spirit strongly. You and I had always had this disagreement about whether Spirit and God exist. Right after you left your body I felt your presence so strongly and I didn't want to say, "I told you so dad," but I think maybe now you can agree this is one argument that I get to win.

John: (Laughing) Yes indeed, and so joyously. You were right, love!

Claire: It's nice to know you can let go of things like ego or being right or wrong about worldly things when you pass over.

John: Oh, indeed. One suddenly becomes quite wise. I remembered so much. You know I think it was simply a lesson I was going through but when push came to shove, I got through. I think I'm very fortunate.

Claire: Well, you got through because your heart has always been pure and your conscience has always been so spiritual in spite of the fact that you argued that Spirit didn't exist.

John: Thank you so much, dear Claire.

Claire: One of the things I would like to talk to you about is what has happened to our family since you left. You were truly the glue that held us together and it has been very, very hard to try to feel some semblance of family since the others have not felt your presence. So many petty resentments and things have pulled us apart and I don't know whether there's anything more I can do to help pull that back together. Is there any way you can intervene or help?

John: Thank you for asking and thank you for your pure intent. I do what I can from here. I am passing the torch on to you and you are doing a good job already of holding the family together and being a wonderful example from one generation to the next. It is difficult at first but you are a wise woman and you will succeed.

The Media Gives Slanted Viewpoints

Claire: Let me ask you because you are such an intellectual man and such a caring man. What advice do you have for those of us who are still on the planet trying to work against the forces of darkness that have caused so many terrible things to happen in the past few years and particularly the past few months and weeks. Is there anything you can tell us to guide us to work for the Light and to shine the Light on the darkness that we are experiencing now?

John: I never thought I would ever say this. Stop reading newspapers. Stop watching television. Look for the news behind the news because the media is so totally controlled that you are going to get a slanted view in almost every instance. I realized this was going on to a certain extent when I was there but it is 'way out of proportion now. I think you need to thank God for the Internet because there's a lot of truth that comes through. You need to do a lot of sifting and discerning though. On the other hand, personally hold the Light of your love high and know that everything is in Divine Order and that the Light is going to win. I can already see it in your future.

When there are shuffles, kafuffles and difficulties occurring in various countries, I know it is tremendously difficult for you because the media brings those things right into your living room but that isn't the way of love. You are living your own life in your own home with your own relationships and that is all you need to do. Truly, having a war going on in your living room is tremendously disrupting. Turn on some music, some lovely Hawaiian music for example. Get into your own space of now and live in the now.

There will be times when you will be guided because of the throngs and because of world opinion to do some things for the world and that is fine. That is wonderful. For example, if you wish to go out on a peace march, that is wonderful. Do what you can for the world but do it coming from your own heart space. Do it from the guidance of Spirit, not the guidance of a television set. Do you understand what I mean?

Claire: Absolutely.

John: I'm glad I got that through to you, dear one. I am very glad because things on the planet are looking bleak from some points of view and yet there is a lot of hope. There is truly a lot of Light.

The Spiritual Lesson to "Hold the Vision"

I know that this channel was given the saying, "Hold the vision." It is probably the most important three words in the English language. It is the way we work in Spirit. Hold the vision. See what you wish done. Hold the vision that it is done and keep that vision until it is done. This is where meditation comes in but it doesn't have to be done in meditation. It can just be your inner conviction that all is well in a certain instance. It is a spiritual lesson that is very simple but it is one that many people take for granted. Hold the vision of love in your life, of peace, of abundance, of friendship and joy. You might need to write some of these things down so you don't forget, in all the details of your life, what your main desires are and your main purpose. Hold the vision of your family being together in love. There's a good one.

I am being nudged by some of your family members and friends who have come over here, Claire, who Ariana does not know. She can feel quite a few people pulling on my shirttails who would like to say hello. You can imagine who these people are because you mentioned there were eleven who died within two years of the Swissair accident. They are basically all fine, they're all safe, they're all in Spirit, I can tell you that much. They send you their love and their Light and are very thrilled that we are speaking. They're grinning from ear to ear and now they're jumping up and down.

Claire: I know your brother, Uncle Don, must be very happy to be with you and your sister, Mary too. Is your sister aware that the day she died in Greenwich Hospital, I was very sick in the Emergency Ward in the same hospital on the same day?

John: Actually, when she died she went straight to you. Mary remained with you while you were in acute care there and for about five days afterward. She missed her own funeral, in a way. Her body was there; however, at that time she was not aware that she could do more than one thing at a time in Spirit and she was with you. That was all she wanted to do was to be with you.

Claire: Did she come with me to Nova Scotia and was she there when I received your ashes?

John: Yes, yes she was. By the way, finally when she realized you were going to be all right she knew there was another place to go because she could see a light in the distance. That's when she went into the Heaven Worlds. I think she knew what to do but she also knew she had to be with you. She gave you some sort of spiritual energy, some kind of boost. She felt she was there for you and that she needed to be there.

The Ways of Spirit are Miraculous!

Claire: I hope that Mary is happier in Heaven than she was on Earth.

John: This one is as happy as you can imagine. She's a real angel. She is very thrilled. You understand that when one is over here, it could be for several years, two months or two days, until they become emotionally balanced so they feel at home and they feel they're in the right place at the right time. Then they start looking for something to do, similar to how it is on Earth.

Here is the difference. They think of a personal interest and immediately they think of the interest, another spiritual being of like mind comes and they talk of that interest. Out of this will come some sort of a service and the service could be spiritual, in other words a service to spiritual beings who are in the world of Spirit or it could be spiritual for people on Earth or any form of life on the planet. There are other things too that could be affecting the world of space and other planets in your solar system. There are a lot of different things that people can do once they get over here. I just wanted you to know that. We all become very busy. We're not sitting up here on a cloud. It's very joyful because, you see, normally your favorite thing that you start to think about after you are emotionally fit is what becomes a service to others and then you're laughing because you're doing what you want to do and that's the way of Spirit. That's why Mary is happy now because she's doing exactly what she wants to do here in Spirit.

The Transition of One Who Had No Belief in God or Spirit

Claire: That's good to hear. So what have you been doing?

John: I've learned a lot. It didn't take me too long to become stabilized but I felt very enamoured of spiritual ways and very thrilled to do all of the wondrous "miracles." There is teleportation, telepathy and even walking through walls. We can do them here. I was so thrilled with the visiting. I would think of somebody and be together or if I thought of an oak tree, then somebody who loves an oak tree forest would be with me. I bantered this around for quite some time because, as you know, I have lots of interests and there is tremendous curiosity in my mind. I was here today, gone tomorrow with all of the visiting and curiosity going on.

Another way I can explain the "miracles" is that I remembered them. It's true I had somebody to help me whenever I thought of something and there was a little bit of a question mark in my mind. I realized that I remembered it so that made me understand that I'd been here before and all those illusions I was living under on Earth must have been a lesson. Then I had to think and wonder and through this I was introduced to karma and reincarnation. There is something called karmic records where, all you need to do, is think about anything in the past and there I am. I'm able to see the life that I lived, for example, five hundred years ago. This is the next thing I became tremendously interested in. This was important to me for quite some time. I needed to understand how come I was on Earth as a person who didn't know religion or God. How come that happened to me when I l-o-v-e God and all my other incarnations loved God. Why did I have this happen to me? Of course it was a soul choice for a certain reason. I found out exactly the reason why, got honed and that's another facet of my soul that is now, we might say, well polished. (Chuckles) But in a way it's sad because I spent a whole lifetime basically without God. I'm sure living in Him now.

Another thing that is tremendously interesting to me is that if I think of Jesus, for example, I can't say I'm with him face to face, this is not so but he fills me. It's a different thing. It is rather like when you're in meditation and Ariana was saying she was feeling holy showers. It's like you are filled with the spirit of that one and at the same time there can be thoughts that go back and forth so it feels like we are together. That became the third thing I was tremendously interested in. I found that Jesus wasn't the only master being who loved the Earth. My goodness, there's thousands of them! That was certainly a big surprise to me and you know me I wanted to interview them! (Laughter) I wanted to find out what their focus was, what they were doing and how were they helping.

These were three periods of growth and searching. Along with this, my own personal relationships were coming and going. That was all happening at the same time. My personal relationships were with my family that went before, with Harriet, with Hilda and with Mary. All that was happening at the same time I was into my curiosity seeking.

In Service with the Earth Mission

I want to say that I came to a point where I realized I wanted to do something with the masters I'd become aware of, including Jesus. I asked, "What is your main thrust? What are you working for now? What is happening here?" I learned that there are big changes happening with the Earth and they have been going on for hundreds of years but they are getting to a point of focus now. I asked if I could help with that and learned that in some instances it is called the "Earth Mission" and in some instances it is called "the transition of the Earth." What is occurring is that the Earth is actually going into higher dimensions without dying and everything that is on her is going to pass through the dimension that I'm in right now and keep on going, gradually of course. That interested me very much and I thought there must be something I can do to help this.

I asked for feedback about what I could do to help and gradually became much more focused. I asked about the hearts of people and what was going to happen to the people as they are going through this. I learned that emotionally, spiritually and physically everybody is going through quite a lot of trauma because of these changes. Everything that is happening to the Earth is felt by the life that is living on her. If there are big changes happening, there might be confusion in the hearts of people too. I thought and realized there could be high emotion with people distressed and disturbed, people out of sorts and it could affect whole countries in something like chaos. I was told these times would be very, very profound over the next few years. Then I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to somehow help the human beings that were in distress. That's a tall order from here and I must admit that sometimes I really wonder if I'm helping at all but this is what I'm doing.

From where I sit in Spirit, and it's not on a cloud, I hold the vision of peace on Earth and you would say, "Gee, that's a really easy thing to do," but you know it is not! It is not! This is a very, very profound thing that I am doing and it's hard to explain to you how come it is profound but somehow I think you understand. I am holding the vision of peace on Earth and when I need extra energy because of this person or that city or some country, for example, I have learned how to duplicate my energy so that I can be in more places than one. If you hear of a place where there are riots or disruptions because of people's high emotion, you can be sure that I'm there and I'm not taking notes! I'm not interviewing as I used to do for the New York Times. What I'm doing is holding the vision of peace in their land, prosperity and happiness. Right now, I'm working very diligently with Iraq and I have at least twenty-five projections working in Iraq, that is twenty-five parts of me that can do separate jobs. I am working with the traumatized people.

That is some of what I do over here. There are other things. Because, as I mentioned, duplication can happen and I can create a duplication out of my mind, just at the drop of a hat, which is controlled by my soul, therefore other offshoots of my purpose become evident and so I make more duplications. What I am very much working with besides peace on Earth is the life in the ocean in a spiritual way. This is because I died in the ocean and I realize that dumping all of that airplane fuel into the ocean would kill or affect the wildlife that was in the ocean near the crash. Because of the way I died, I am very connected with the ocean now in a manner of cleaning up the ocean. Here again, it's so simple, isn't it? I hold the vision of a clean ocean that is alive with wonderful fish, mammals and vegetation. That I do but here again, it can get very profound. I worked very hard when the oil spill happened off Spain. The birds came ashore with oil in their feathers. In a spiritual direction, I was there, holding the vision for the purity of the ocean and its vegetation and for the joy of the fish, wildlife and mammals.

Underlying Mysteries

(There was a long pause here). There is a sad thing. Ariana does not really wish to say this but the Swissair aircraft was tampered with prior to departure and this is the reason that it went into the ocean.

Claire: Do you know who tampered with it, or why?

John: It was done by dark forces on the planet in a master plan. There were several aircraft that went into the ocean off the Atlantic Coast during the last several years. There was a person on that aircraft that needed to be eliminated by those forces. Of course the person was a very good person, a very light person and this is the reason. Just like you, I don’t like to speak of these things. I don't like to realize that people can stoop so low that if they want to kill one person they take all in this dramatic way. Just know that "as you sow, you shall reap." Know that there are no mistakes under God, that every soul complicit in this incident, had a contract to perform and they did perform it so the accident was a perfect thing under God. I even checked into my own soul and it was my choice, so it was all exactly as it should be.

Claire: I was clear about that right away. I wondered if you were actually secretly glad that you died when you were still very vital and relatively young and had all your marbles, as you put it and that you died in a beautiful place, in a beautiful ocean. What you always loved was the ocean. Someone actually pointed out to me our name, Mortimer, in French means "death at sea." (Big reaction from the audience!) I had never let that register. I studied French for three years and it never registered that way. It was clear to me that that was the perfect way for you to die. You never wanted to have a prolonged illness. You never wanted to be disabled or dependent on others. You always said you wanted to go quickly so I felt it was the perfect way for you to die.

John: It was so. It was certainly so and I am thrilled with your understanding. I know it was tremendously difficult for you. You have become very strong through it all. I am very pleased with the way you have carried on and so thrilled that you are in this little paradise called Kauai. You can speak with me at any time. I will be right in your head.

Claire: I know. I wonder if sometimes you get impatient with me. I called your presence so much the first couple of years and I was so obsessed with your death, the crash and that place. After awhile I sensed impatience on your part telling me that it was time to move on and I have tried to do so.

John: It was understandable and I did understand and I was with you but it is true. I felt when it was time and I guess you could feel it too, for changes to come. Know that I will be with you until the end of your life, as will your mother and we will be with you as your friends in Spirit.

Heavenly Guidance

Claire: There are times when I need both you and mom to give me some guidance because I've been a single parent for seventeen years and I relied on you when you were on Earth to be the co-parent to help me with raising my children. I think that's the thing that I miss the most.

John: My best advice for you is to practice the spiritual way. Hold the vision of her maturity, of her good sense, of whatever you wish to see in her. Hold the vision of this. You, who live on Earth, are called Lightworkers. It is because you know how to work with Spirit and Spirit and Light are synonymous. The term could have easily been "Spiritworkers" but that probably sounds a little bit too far out so you're known as Lightworkers. It means that you can bring through manifestation with your mind. It means that you follow Spirit and so I would suggest that you follow Spirit and hold the vision of the perfection of your daughter. When you are speaking with her, follow Spirit. Follow that gut feeling and know that we're with you. At some time in the future, you may be able to share this tape with her or with other family members. It could bring a lot of peace to them if the mood was receptive.

Claire: That's a big "if!" Let me just ask you one last thing. It's something that I've been debating about in my mind lately. Maybe you can give me some guidance. You know that I have been active in the Green Party and brought a lot of my spiritual practice to the political work because I don't see a separation there. I've been asked and a door has been opened for me to play a much bigger leadership role at a state level and a national level, which has repercussions for international. I'm wondering what your advice would be about whether I should follow that path.

John: My advice for you is to follow your heart and if your heart is leading you, you will know that you are on the right trail. It sounds good to me because I know you. That is all I wish to say at this time. I'm with you and I can poke you in the ribs! (There was laughter amid tears.)

Claire: My main concern is I don't want that work to in any way detract from my priority, which is to be present with the children. I'm their only parent and I don't want there to be a pulling of one thing taking the place of the other or one detracting from the other. I came here to be in a peaceful place where I can finish this phase of the job of parenting them and I don't want to be distracted from that being center stage in my life. I guess I just need to remind myself of that every day and not get pulled into doing things that may seem important. My being "mom" is number one at all times.

John: I think you have a good head on your shoulders and you have answered your own question there. Just know that all people who are leaders have that same pulling between the family and the work or mission. It is achieving a balance that is important. It is important, too for your children to look up to you as someone in the community who matters.

Claire: There may be times when I would need to take trips or be apart from them and I may need you to baby-sit, or watch over them.

John: Indeed so. There is a saying about Spirit, "Go with the flow." "Take one day at a time" is another one. If you follow Spirit, there is no need for me to give you my opinion because you'll be able to make the decisions on the spot, knowing that they come from your family, guides or God. It doesn't matter who you think it comes from; it comes from Spirit. The other thing to remember is there are no accidents.

John: The perspective will come with time. (Pause of reflection.)

This touching, this embracing, this loving has been so special. I am so thrilled that you took the time to be with me and I do, indeed, thank the channel as well for taking on this task of the rescue circle, in particular. Now it is time for you to go into your afternoon. I would say aloha with love and I will be with you, as will so many of your family and friends in Spirit. Know that when you think about them, they know it. They can "hear" you with spiritual ears and if you are receptive, you can know when they speak with you. It is a very simple thing. If you say a comment in your mind, then your first impression after that is from Spirit. They are right there.

Are we ready to release one another?

Claire: Yes. (An emotional response.)

John: I also feel very satisfied and happy at this time. My love is with you also your mother's and all of us here are very thrilled to have been able to speak with you. So go with love. Hold the vision of joy. Hold the vision of love and hold the vision of peace. It is the way of Spirit.

Spoken through Ariana Sheran

Saturday April 12, 2003 in Kauai

Tape #651

Cloverleaf Connection

138 Sturgeon Drive

Saskatoon, SK S7K 4B3

Phone (306) 934-2962 c/o Al Abernethy



PRESENT: Ariana, Claire, Judie, Muriel, Rich


Swissair 111 crashed in the ocean near

Halifax, Nova Scotia on September 2, 1998

229 people died instantly
