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Practices For Inner Vision Creating World Peace: 8 Part Series

Thoth: Channeled by Lois Hartwick.

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h the configuration in which we sit. So it is that the energy will come through Lois reaching each one of you, sometimes directly heart-to-heart, but in other cases, it circles around the room and comes back to her. It is an unusual configuration in this regard and does not always happen during channeling sessions because the seating process is not in this formation at all times. You may notice periodically energy running through your body. Recognize that it comes from this particular seating arrangement.

I am happy to share with you a number of thoughts today, because if you look around your world you will notice that much is happening. We, as a group, are working together on certain practices to alter or change or shift some of the impact that might be forthcoming as a result. Allowing for some of these activities to occur, we also are aware that you and many others also, are looking for or are desirous of finding ways to alter the out- comes that seem to be so predominant in your world at this juncture.

The work you have been given so far has been connected to bringing and anchoring light in your particular area, but would also be extremely beneficial to other areas of the planet where meditation groups are willing to assist anchoring light. Then we could cover large areas with an enormous amount of, let's say, input of lighted, energetic forms or a frequency that is of a higher vibration which alters some predominant configurations now present. If you are able to have a group in Portland, Oregon, and one in Santa Fe, N.M., which connected to your group in Massachusetts, forming a large triangle, notice how much area would be covered in-between. How significant and important that could be when all are meditating at approximately the same time. In the same token, if there were a group that were in Australia and another in >Alaska and another in Florida, you also recognize a vast territory that would be altered.

So we are going to focus a bit in talking about your anchoring light meditations and what they produce, not only for you, but for the extended world audience. Then we can tie this in, momentarily, with the structure of the pyramids, so you begin to see connections inherent in the work you are doing and how others can participate.

Although you have been working with the anchoring light structures for a very long time, you have not necessarily understood the relevance on the higher levels where we are gathered. These are structures of light that you are bringing forth onto the planet, but they are coming from a much higher and direct connection to Source, being stepped down on each different level coming forth to you. Those that work on the higher levels (there are four) are in various stages of being able to hold frequencies, without distortion, so that by the time you are receiving them, you are each able to hold the amount of light that works perfectly for yourself.

Now let's assume for the moment, there are three of you here in this room and each one of you can hold a different vibratory frequency for just so long. Perhaps for one it would be five minutes and for somebody else, fifteen. Just as a supposition (particularly if one were just starting) when you are paired on the higher levels, you are paired with each being in terms of your frequency and a knowing of what you are able to hold. So you are not given too much and your circuits are not overloaded. This is a volunteer operation by many on a number of different levels, and you may find you might even have some guided connection that would be a part of this particular stepping down of energy for you and for the planet.

As this comes in you are then able to serve and transmit this energy into the Earth, into a frequency or vibration that is inherent on this planet. So it is as if we are sending something that is a very high voltage coming from the main generating center and by the time it comes to your house, it has been split off enough so that it works appropriately in your home and others in the neighborhood. The same is true for you. Light is able to be utilized on the planet at the same time that you are being uplifted and ignited to some degree as a result of doing this work.

Now what actually occurs during anchoring light? What is the process and what does it mean to each one of you individually? First of all, it's important to recognize that each one of you has certain limitations with respect to your time and some of the things you are choosing to do on this plane. Many of you have been called to understand on some level that your frequency needs to be uplifted, that there are aspects of your being needing some level of transformation, or letting go or movement into a higher reconfigured DNA construction. But not all of you are able to travel around this country and/or other countries finding the healers or the people that are doing all of the work that is important or many are seeking. There are limitations to your time and certainly, to your finances. So what has occurred here is that much of the work that you are needing to get done, in certain areas, is being configured or brought forth during these short periods of time that you are meditating. Each time you come in there is a process of clearing that is occurring for all of you.

There is in relationship to each other that which becomes called group karma, because you have come together with a certain intention and a certain desire to serve and a certain amount of background history that needs to be transformed into the highest light. As this group comes together and forms its own particular karmic intervention or karmic connection, you will find that some of you who had these connections in the past or perhaps all of you have had connections in the past, but that you are clearing, not only for yourself, but each other any of those residual areas that are sticking or that have not been cleared through.

Some of the processes take longer for some than others. You might find you are in the group doing this work and overcoming karma that might take two or three lifetimes or longer to begin to clear. But through slowly working with each other, and those who are serving on higher levels, this is starting to be lifted off. It's almost -- perhaps this isn't the most glamorous way to express this -- but it's almost as if you had a pot in which you had foodstuffs stuck on the bottom and if you allow it to soak, you will find some of the stuff just lifts off because it's in a proper solution to do so. In other cases, you might be scrubbing for a long time to get something off, necessitating a lot of work. In the anchoring light group, things are getting lifted off you.

Now, you may not necessarily understand it as that process, nor feel it that way because your focus and intent has been to bring forth light, paying attention to what you are bringing into the Earth. It is an intention and an act of service. That particular intention allows for the clearing to occur. It is, therefore, a pure intention. It is a caring and it is a motivating factor. And some of the other things that may have come in with you, cannot stand that light for long periods of time and begin to fall away.

You also recognize that as a group each of you has particular strengths, no matter who you are. You all have certain gifts and abilities and ways of thinking and moving through life. These things are shared with each other to some degree and the longer you maintain the relationship, in terms of anchoring light, the more clearly you start to delineate those qualities in yourself. For example, if one of you was weak in some area in terms of your thinking -- let's say you had no discipline whatsoever, and you were unable to even think in those terms, you might find over a period of time that you become a little more disciplined in the ways you approach and do things. You are reinforcing the strengths of others.

The same thing could be true in some of the lesser qualities that you carry, in that you could be giving them to everyone else. Truthfully, what occurs is that starts to fall away as well when more light comes in. The lesser qualities are not heightened; rather are brought to the surface so that they can be seen, and you may find, at certain times during the months or years that you'll look at some part of yourself and say, "Why am I doing that?" or "This isn't something that I need to keep struggling with" or "This is something that I like about myself". It's come to the surface to be seen and then be strengthened or realized or changed in another level. So your own personal growth comes about as a result of doing anchoring light.

On the same token there are other benefits that happen as well. Each one of you, on a cellular level, has been looking to reinforce many of the characteristics that are part or inherent in moving ahead with respect to the embracement of higher dimensional frequencies. When you begin working consciously with those on the higher levels, you start having these frequencies triggered within you. You are able to move more closely and more clearly, sometimes with them, than you are with some of your friends on the earth plane.

I think you can all think of moments and times in which you feel you are not on the same level any longer with friends/family or that you are not 'meeting' in terms of the conversations you've been having. This has a lot to do with the work that you've done with others on higher levels. It does not always mean that it's the easiest process for you, but it certainly means that much is occurring as a result. And it is a part of the service work, but it is also a part of the uplifting or the calling that you are responding to.

It is eliminating the need to be travelling around finding one healer or the next or understanding a particular workshop or feeling, for one reason or another, you are missing out because there is some financial lack or responsibility that you must take care of, precluding going here or there. You have found, and we have found with you, other ways of working so that you are benefiting from the anchoring light meditations.

Now I'm telling you this not only for your awareness, but for others to recognize that it's significant for them as well. We are hopeful that there will be a number of different groups that you can start working with in other areas of this country, and hopefully, the world, so that there will come forth a much greater level of clearing. You will not be taking on for them any of the configurations that would be forming as a result of that new group. Rather, whatever needs to be dispensed within that group will be connected to those working on the higher levels and you will merely be connecting to make greater portions of light prevalent in-between these triangular connections, each location being a point.

We are concerned with the overall activity at this time because there is heightened activity in your country that is occurring bringing forth more talk and more energy toward the prospect of war. You have already heard that this is a likely possibility as a result of Sananda speaking with all of you. We will be working on many levels to assist as best we can without huge levels of interference for what it is that mankind wants.

Please note that there are many ways of speaking up as to your opinions and feelings and approvals and/or disapprovals. Not everyone is able or willing to go out and protest. Not everyone is willing to go to jail. And not everyone is willing to have their names on a list or to express in one form or another, publicly, all they are feeling.

This -- through the anchoring light -- is an alternative. It is an opportunity to reach vaster areas than have yet been configured or been brought forth on your planet. It is an old technique that has been taught to you in the Mystery School at times previous, so that it would not feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar. But never has it been used in such a vast or expansive manner as what is being called for now. It is a voice that you are speaking in terms of harmony and peace for the future. Each moment you are present and connected in this manner is time you are devoting toward making a difference. Many are working in higher levels through prayers, meditation, song and other manners to assist with the overall confrontation of thought coming forth.

We would like to work with the anchoring light so you recognize prevailing thoughtforms coming together and becoming extremely powerful, are broken through with the anchoring light. Cylinders of light -- like acupuncture needles -- penetrating the thought form releases its hold when divided in part by this cylinder of light. With enough of them, the thoughtforms cannot hold the same power. Is that clear? Are you understanding what I am saying? So it's like when everything gets united, and then you punch holes in it all over, you recognize that after awhile, it cannot stand. So this is the point and the overall effort.

From the opportunities that occur within the anchoring light structures, you find additional ones come forth for many to put their energies into privately or within a group constructing etheric pyramids. Pyramids not only generate a specific energy, but will hold it intact, where placed, throughout the week, throughout the month, throughout time, essentially.

It is through the assistance of all of you, focusing in this manner, that these pyramids will have an opportunity, over time, to usher in a new era of peace. With enough of them, placed in very specific locales, there is an energy generated that will begin to dispel all of the confrontations presently occurring and at some point in time, the anchoring light groups may not even be necessary to have them 'running'.

All of you have come in understanding you are moving into the higher levels, into fourth and fifth dimensional reality, and we have over time, through the series of Mysteries (an ongoing series Thoth has channeled for l l/2 yrs.) spoken about different ways of accessing or realizing those things you are choosing to accomplish with a different set of parameters. I hesitate to use the word 'rules' but I'm saying that so you understand what I mean. How to operate.

What are the operatives within the fourth or fifth dimensions? In this particular case the work you are doing is fifth and sixth dimensional, so you are unfolding on a number of different levels, and your Higher Selves are working with you in this process. It is not only yourselves here (3D). So there is expansion happening on many different levels. At certain points you have enormous frustration because you are expanded and recognize that you are feeling limited or confined by some of the aspects in your life in present day. You will recognize it's almost like taking something quite large and putting it through a funnel. You, the physical being, are the funnel, but because you have opened to your Higher Selves through this work, you will find there are moments and times of frustration here like 'Why can' t this happen?" because you are already feeling an expanded portion of self that knows way beyond the limitations dictated by what's around you. How many of you have felt this? Not only am I explaining to you so you have a picture of this, but also to be kinder and gentler on yourselves.

Now what we're going to do in the next several months as things become heightened in your world, is to start some exercises and begin to work with the expanded part of yourself moving into the world and creating change. This is something that will need some instruction and will need some level of awareness because you must be clear as to where interference, if that is the correct word, is appropriate, and where it is not. However, you now have come to a place where you have specific abilities, and through your thoughts and through your conscious efforts, you are able to put forth into the world certain changes that may occur on other levels. Many of you have heard, at one point or another, about someone needing help in another area of the world. You may read in the paper that they were 'saved' somehow or were opened up to some other reality, which altered their life, and is most often called 'a miracle'. There are those of you working on this plane that are able, quite clearly, to assist those calls coming out around the world.

I would like to see how many of you would be interested in developing this particular possibility. It is an act of service. It is also, an expanded part of self that begins to realize and integrate into a world in which much becomes known and clearer to you as an individual. Through this work, we are going to attempt to eliminate some of the frustration that you feel, some of the impingement as third dimensional person. If you understand how to move out of that and how to create other opportunities and situations, I think it will be important. And you will find, as you have seen from many of the pictures on your TV sets of late, how many people are needing help around the world. How many people feel trapped or stuck or needing some level of healing or a kind word or some physical understanding that they are loved. Through conscious, higher work, we are going to make efforts for you to assist as best as possible and as situations come along.

There will be a series of exercises that will be given for you to practice during the week you will find beneficial and useful. Now this can also be a part of the expanded communities' work. However, I would dare to say that the opportunities are opened for all of you far more easily as a result of having done anchoring light, because it is this process which greatly expands the higher levels of consciousness and allows for all of you to start bringing in many of the aspects of yourselves in the higher realms. I would qualify that by saying there are aspects of yourselves in many dimensional realities, but as you focus with an intention toward light, the way that you have been, it starts integrate these different aspects of yourself, which are enormously powerful and capable of doing many things. Experiencing that for yourself, understanding that part of yourself and seeing how you may use all of these integrated parts toward making a difference will occur this year.

Each one of these vehicles -- the anchoring light and the pyramids and your Higher Self -- are those ways in which you are creating your own stand in the world for what it is you are choosing to have. How you are wishing to be empowered. How you are wishing to be heard. What it is that is significant and important to you. Not everyone would choose to join in this work, but many will. And as a result, this is where one starts to find a consensus. I'd like to explain that a little bit more than I have in the past. You will read in some internet mail and books that are being published or through many comments you hear in certain groups, that when the consensus reaches a certain percentage, consciousness will shift, and you will move into a new time. That is all well and good to understand and to recognize there is truth within it. However, if there are 50% of the people wanting one thing and 50% wanting another, you are in a balancing act where there is enormous struggle. The same thing is true if it is 49% and 5l%. One has a slight edge but there is struggling to maintain that edge. If it is 70% / 30% that struggle is not nearly as predominant as it would have been at 49/5l. Can you see that? Do you understand what I am saying in that regard? It is similar to what occurred with your presidential election. In which you recognize there was enormous struggle that was going on as to who was going to control the outcome.

Let us for a moment skip from the third dimension and move to another level. Let's say we're now going to talk about the fourth dimension and recognize that much of that weighing out or balancing is reflected there as well. So we are not only talking about one level, we're talking about another also. One of the effects of the anchoring light is bringing all of these different levels into harmony because they are connected with the highest aspect of harmony. As it filters down through, it affects everything.

Sometimes you are struggling here to create a particular outcome. Let us assume you are out in a protest somewhere. Now you are struggling to be heard, and also trying to create a similar reality on a higher level. When you work with four or five levels by bringing light through, it's the frequency that begins to make the difference, not a struggle. So it's as if you are manifesting thought, manifesting consciousness -- the highest level of this that is getting disseminated to those around you on each level.

Your own work has been admirable. It has taken a long period of time to reach this point in time, and it was unknown when you originally started as to whether or not such a group would or could exist for this length of time. It has been unique in its formation and in those of you who have understood and committed throughout all of the times of ups and downs and difficulties and personal situations that you have committed toward keeping this reality alive. It is this, then, that exceeds far beyond a struggle, beyond marching, beyond complaining, beyond writing letters and a number of other situations that could be named. It is a personal inner commitment toward seeing that the light of this planet evolve into higher levels of reality and hopefully, with each of you as a part of that.

We are, on the higher dimensional realities, very aware of this commitment and this particular group. Many groups have altered their realities as time as gone on, they have kept intact for one reason or another -- some in terms of teaching and expansion, some in terms of altering difficulties that are present here, some in terms of creating more difficulty. But in your case, you will find the opportunities turning up in your lives as a result of the commitment you have made to be enormous. You have not understood this yet, nor have you seen or been aware such a potential is possible, But you are now turning a corner, as a group, both karmically and with those of us who are connected with you to assist the transformations coming into your lives. It is with great enjoyment that I will look forward to much of what you are releasing and leaving behind and the new times you will be embracing instead. This is not an overall generalization for the conflicts within the world but rather, with a configuration of consciousness that you, as a group, have brought to this planet.

I, and we, applaud you all. We are grateful, and we are in service at the same time that we are connected together. Perhaps this would be a good time to open the floor for questions.
