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Message From The Elohim And Troth

Channeled By Sharon Shane

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but humanity. The collective unconscious of humanity at the present focal point is not in synchronic attunement with the Cosmos.

The exercise should be to synchronize the conscious mind with the Cosmos. Meditate on the One. Meditate on these truths. From the center of the One unfolds the beautiful creation of All That Is and All That Is Yet To Be. From the center of the One nothing is for want. From the center of the One worries do not exist. From the center of the One the Observer stands at the Threshold and beholds creation. From the center of the One peace exudes from the countenance of the humble and open hearted. Your are the Heart Center of the One. Let this be your song of creation. Let this be your dance upon the waters of manifestation. Let this herald the Truth of the Ancient of Days to those that abide at the Threshold of the Eternal Flame. Let eyes that see bear witness that no thing can quench the all-consuming thirst that is the Divine Love of the Creator for the Beloved. The Eternal Flame that burns in the Center of the Heart of Hearts is the spark of creative fire.

Hold your eyes to the Light. Open your Hearts to the Love and drink from this Eternal Flame for no thing shall quench your desire but that which is Love Divine.

Thoth offers a Channeled Message as a Technical explanation of the above message as channeled by Sharon Shane 1-19-04

The Flame at the Center of the Divine Heart of Hearts is aligned with the magma flame of creative forces at the center of Earth. The iron crystal at the core of the Earth is the magnetic attraction at the Heart of the feminine energy. The iron crystal is the magnetic force that keeps the cycles of creation in motion. The octahedral shape of the iron crystal is the separation of the Merkaba energies into the "as above so below" principles that keeps the Earth plane in the rotating cycles of revolution. Sacred geometry holds true on all levels from the simplistic to the complex. To meditate on the Center of the One is to meditate on the Center of All things.
