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Relay Relay Relay - Message from Spirit Eagle July 1, 2006

Spirit Eagle

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" is natural but what is happening now is an escalation of pollution caused by the blatant disregard for Her as a Sentient Being. The "silent weapons" that cross the airwaves constantly and in ever increasing places are a very real threat to all of life on Earth. Many governments on your Planet are bent on total control of those who survive their microwave wars.

(energy weapons)

As the noose tightens on the people, the quicker they are waking up to the plan of those who have enslaved the people of earth and want control of your souls. THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN!

The Plan of Mother Goddess is outworking in perfect harmony. Your Mother Earth Will survive along with her children. YOU will clean her up with the assistance of your Star Sisters and Brothers. You will Not have an uninhabitable world and massive die off of all species.

The Plan is for Ascension for Earth and her inhabitants. You all can mitigate the problems by acknowledging the love the Mother Earth has for all of you and by TRANSMUTING all of the pollution. Visualize! Visualize! Visualize! See the changes upon your world Manifested in BRILLANT RADIANCE! Focus on the New World that is but a step away! Put your Light and your Intention on the bright and glorious future that you are creating!

This is your job! YOU DO KNOW HOW TO DO THIS! REMEMBER????? THIS IS YOUR CREATION!!!! What are you creating? You ARE Ascended Masters!

As you know, I am Ghondor your old friend from the Pleiades. Be in Peace. You are the Rainbow Warriors of Light! You are Greatly Loved!

Telepathically Communicated by Spirit Eagle Friday July 1,

2006 12:07 am