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Message From The Guardians: The New Melody

Through Laura

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your very bodies are vibrating differently than ever before. Singing a new tune, if you will. You need only quiet your mind for a moment to hear this "new melody". Many are experiencing all different kinds of unexplainable physical changes or symptoms, as you call them. This has been happening for quiet awhile now, over the past few years in fact. The most recent changes are a bit different in their nature and in the affects and responses you are consciously feeling.

Many are now recognizing them on a very deep spiritual level rather than simply feeling them physically or mentally. This is the real difference, the intimate connection between the spiritual, the physical and the mental bodies. What may surprise you is the conduit being used for this communication between the spiritual, physical and mental bodies is the higher emotional body which has under gone immense changes over the past few months in many Human Angels.

Some have not yet quite experienced this connection in it's fullness and will soon become aware of the subtle differences in which the information is transmitted between the bodies. This will not be like your regular thought processes. It will be a "knowingness" that is unlike anything you have experienced before while in the human body. It is a grand experience indeed.

It is the start of the full integration process between mind, body and spirit. This will throw open a window of opportunity to many new possibilities and experiences. It is something which must be felt to be truly experienced and it is difficult for us to explain using your limited words. In truth you have no words in your languages to describe some of these things of which we speak. Not yet anyway. [Laughter]

As you begin to wonder and question these things, it opens up the energy which allows us to transmit the information to you. You are ultimately in control of the flow of the information into your plane. Did you realize this?

When you begin to question and imagine new possibilities it creates a type of vacuum which draws new energies to your side of the veil. So you see Angles of Earth, you are again in ultimate control of everything in your world and beyond. Some believe that we on our side control the information that comes through and is passed on to you. In truth it is YOU!

That is why it is we who come to sit at your feet and listen, not the other way around. Now do you see why we honour you so, why we burst with love and joy for you. You are magnificent Beings of Light that have the power to affect All That Is, the entire universe and beyond. We merely present you with reminders of what you already know and help you flower into the incredible beings you already are.

Oh dear ones, if only you could see yourselves as we see you from our vantage point, you would be in awe of yourselves. It is our function to assist you in any way we can. You are the ones in ultimate control of all that we can do for you. This is free will, this is freedom of choice and we are bound and honoured by it.

We hold you closer than ever before and ask you to hold each other in your heart of hearts.

Blessings one and all...

The Guardians
