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Emissaries Of The Light: Creating Your New Reality, Sept. 17, 2003

Through Jim Langman

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d how the mass consciousness operates. We will start with one's present belief system and also the understanding of consciousness and how it governs the outcome of any given situation.

We shall start first with the prosperity programs that we spoke of in our last communication with you. For many, the belief held presently is that it is only what your governments allow through their legal systems, which they created for their own purposes, that keeps you confined in regards to what you can achieve, and also when you are allowed to make any changes. For many, one's creative abilities have been greatly reduced over the many thousands of years since the fall of Atlantis. You began to believe that you were limited in what you were able to achieve Let us state to you now, you are limitless beings. If events like the announcement of what you call NESARA has not come about so far, many blame the ones in position of power for the fact that nothing has happened yet. Who really is to blame for this? It's the group consciousness or what you also know as the mass consciousness. So who have delayed awaited events? You must look squarely at yourselves dear ones.

Let us give you a for instance. In the later part of the 90's, Mother Earth was ready to ascend. At the same time Mother Earth realised that not enough of her children were ready to shift with her. She loves her children so much that once again she called upon the Spiritual Hierarchy and asked for their help. She asked to be held back from ascending. If she had ascended at that particular time, not enough of her children would have survived the shift. This request was granted, but only as a temporary measure to allow her children to awaken on a grander scale. This, beloveds, is now happening.

Events that have taken place on your world even in the last two years have created a shifting in the mass consciousness. Belief systems once long held on to now no longer hold true. Now, more than ever, people on your world are taking more control of their lives and a belief system that creates self-empowerment. Once you understand the meaning of self-empowerment, you will understand that you truly can change the present reality upon your world.

For many, they desire change, so they ask. They wish for change, so they wish. They want change, so they want. To change something you need to see change taking place. See it happening in your mind and in your heart. Believe it completely in every microscopic part of your being. For when you request or ask or desire, you create a wanting. Wanting projects everything into the future. The most powerful thing that you can do to create your new reality dear ones, is to see it happening. It is as simple as that. You are incredibly powerful beings, it's time that you truly believe this.

We keep telling you over and over again, you are creators of your own reality, but you sit back and wait for others to create it for you. To bring about any form of change, you see it happening and then you act upon it. The more of you that take on this understanding of simply seeing it happening, the quicker you will create your new reality.

What else does it take, your time? No. Do you have to do anything special? No. Just be who you truly are and nothing less. What will it take for you to see your true selves? You are God-like. We already know what you are capable of. Sometimes what can hold you back is the fear of just how powerful you truly are. This is what will keep you in a limited state of consciousness. It is time for you to break free dear ones. Break the shackles that have bound you for so long. The world that you reside upon is yours for the taking. Be the true guardians that you were always destined to be.

Those that have power over you only do so because you believe this is so in your mind. They are the masters of creating illusions. They are masters of creating fear and negative situations that many continue to buy into. So once again, what does this do? It projects everything that has the ability to reshape your world negatively into the future.

This is where it will always be, until you stop and get off the same old wheel and realise that it is you, yourselves, that are the ones that will bring about the changes. See them happening and happening now.

We are here to assist you in any way we can. The moment for our reunion has never been closer as it is right now. You have much assistance already upon your world to achieve your new reality. There are those right now wishing to step forth and to be counted. They are ones that see everything for exactly how it truly is. You are dawning a whole new era of Light upon your world. Be the masters of who you truly are. You are the only masters that you will ever need. Be the masters of your new reality. We leave you now and we grant you peace.

................WE ARE ALL ONE CREATING A NEW REALITY..................

...This message is with compliments of Phoenix Ascended News Group

..... .......Hosted by Jim Langman. Email to:
