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Bashar: Remembering Who We Are

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ring, any grouping, any recognition of any portion of the mass consciousness that you are, is a part of the process that you have chosen for this physical life, to remember who and what you are.

Recognize that all of what you call in your civilization, learning, is the process of remembering who you are. For the idea that you have created in this physical reality has been the idea of being able to forget who you are. That is what you have been exploring for many thousands of your years.

Now you are at the ending of this cycle of exploration. Now, therefore, you have created the idea in your consciousness of what you call new age awareness. This is simply your symbol to reflect that you are going through a transformation.

This transformation is simply one of defining yourselves anew, recognizing more of yourselves that already exists, becoming more aware of more of your being, more of your consciousness. And remembering that you agreed, individually and together, to create this -- what you recognize as your physical reality -- and to project yourselves into it for the purposes of exploring the idea of limitation, the idea of separation, which is simply one more way that All That Is has of expressing Itself.

You are remembering that you know everything you need to know. You are remembering that you are in a sense the gods. You, in your reality that you see around and about you, see yourselves reflected in that as if it is a 360-degree

spherical mirror. What you perceive as your physical reality -- which surrounds you, in which you think you exist -- is a projection from the center of your being reflecting back to you from the screening you have built around you to cut yourselves off from the rest of yourselves.

It has been your grand experiment. You are no one's experiment but your own. This is your reality. This is your dimension. We, and other civilizations and other consciousness levels -- or what we call densities -- are now able to lend, to a certain extent, some assistance in your recognition, your remembrance of who and what you are, but only to the point that it does not interfere with what you have chosen to experience in this life. This is the transformational life upon your planet.

This is the transformation of consciousness from third to fourth density. The raising of your vibrational level so that you will create more awareness of more of yourselves, have more of yourselves present in an energy relationship, and gather to yourselves all that you have ever been in this entire exploration that you have called your lives within your Earth plane of experience. Are you all following along so far?

AUD: Yes.

B: Therefore, we are connected in a sense to you all. Any other civilization that is interacting with you is connected to you through consciousness. We have all co-created the experiences that are manifesting in your lives simply because we can -- simply because we can.

Recognize that many of you on your planet, because you are coming out of what we call the habitual rituals of separation and limitation, have come up with the idea that your lives to be lived need a specific purpose. And in a sense it does, but many times not what you think. You, the individual personality construct that you have created yourself to be in this life now: to be that completely -- that is your purpose. To be exactly completely who and what you have chosen to be: that is your purpose.

Being true to yourself, living with the conviction of knowing what you are all about, allowing yourself the freedom of expression without judgment, without invalidation. To express yourself fully as the being that you are is to then be living as the complete facet that you are of the multidimensional crystal that is All That Is.

And in being fully yourself, you then extend to fill your universe, your particular facet. And by extending to fill your facet, and not withdrawing and shutting yourself off, do you allow yourself to then, along those borderlines, touch all other facets and feel the connection that you have to everyone else, to everything else in All That Is. You all follow me?

AUD: Yes.

With Knowledge Comes Responsibility In the Name of ONE , Sandy
