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Message From Saul

Through Colleen Marshall

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ange is the rapidly awakening perception of the deceptions that the US and UK governments, basically through their leaders, practised on their populations to justify invading Iraq. As more and more people wake up to this, particularly as a result of continuing military casualties, combined with reports from the more independent media co cerning the false information given to them about Iraq's military abilities and intentions, they will demand that the record be set straight and that a government's ability to go to war be severely restricted, or altogether removed.

Your leaders will be changed, and also their assistants and advisors, and a far more decentralized form of government will be installed in order to reduce the amount of power and control presently available to governmental leaders. The preparations for these changes have been finalized, and very soon they will come into effect bringing stupendous benefits to humanity and to planet earth. The major problems affecting humanity, namely poverty, starvation, disease, and manipulation will quickly be resolved, and then the major problem of restoring planet earth to perfect health will be undertaken and completed.

Truly much is going on to bring all back into a state of Divine balance as always intended. Living on planet earth is to become a most wonderful and joyful experience, as humanity matures rapidly and commences to cooperate harmoniously and peacefully for the benefit of all. This kind of living is already being demonstrated on a small scale in many areas of your planet, and soon it will begin to spread like a wild fire, burning up all the damaging energies and thought forms that so many have been creating for so long, and replacing them with an enthusiasm of integrity and caring for each other everywhere that is hard for you to envisage at present.

Restriction and regulation that is outmoded and unreasonable will go because it will no longer be necessary to control people, as all will operate with an intense awareness of and respect for others. No one will behave in ways that are purely self-serving because it will be apparent that the only way to care satisfactorily for the self is by caring for ALL. Deceit, manipulation, insensitivity, and self- centeredness will fade away as there is no longer any fear for personal security which leads to that kind of behaviour. Consequently, all will have in abundance what they require and desire, without the overproduction and waste that occurs today.

As you see these changes occurring all around you, and in fact all over the planet, your sense of optimism, wonder, and trust in the Divine will overwhelm you with a sense of unbridled joy. You will view every aspect of human existence with an intense confidence, knowing, truly knowing that God's Divine Plan for His creation is perfect in every way, and is coming to fruition in this particular stage exactly as intended. Anxiety, fear, uncertainty, and anger will cease to affect you as you live in the joyful knowledge and certainty that all is precisely as it should be, and always will be.

With so very much Love, Saul
