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Messages From Our Angels: Akasha and Asun

Through Shelley

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ffered, the momentum, and dispensations are building. Seems our 'grooming' has stepped up a few notches. God bless each of you for your part in bringing all of this forth. I Am so grateful. Thank you.

Many blessings from Shelley, ]

'It is time my Beloved's to bring it all home. You and those of you around the world of various spiritual groups are about to bring it all home. All of you are in service not only to the light of your own Great God I Am but all of you, because of the love you have for certain of the Ascended Host, who you know have made promises to help each of you, have exactly that…the love of several of the Ascended Masters over lighting you and watching you…and to assist you to be that which is the Second Coming of Christ.

This time represents a new journey in which the last few months, Asun and I have encouraged you to do things with your past and ready you for your present. I assure you at this sacred junction of time and space, I assure you in this sacred community which Asun and I have shared and joined with the I Am Presence of each of you, even our communion with you, our sharing with each of you shall take on a more deliberate, a greater exactness, and shall take on the Will of the I Am to move that which is the great light that you are into full outer expression in these outer selves.

In ten years much has been given but I assure you it is just a drop in the great ocean of omniscience. Before that which is the greater can be given, the seeds of true humility and the experience land of humbleness, must be sown within the fabric of oneself in the great signature carving of ones outer life experience.

This last year has been a testing ground for Beloved Asun and myself. In sharing in private audience with some of you and sharing in public certain things that the untrained mind, the imbalanced mind could take to the altered ego rather than into the heart of love...we have offered some understandings, we have offered some states of awareness with some of you. We have even offered some knowingness of former times that we have all been together and in all of this we have, under Cosmic Law, been compelled to measure the heart mind equilibrium because we must always be sure that all that is given...I think you have a phrase for it on your Earth…doesn’t go to the head. Rather what is given is inhaled into the heart, so that the message can truly do its deeper work and it’s purpose within.

It is with great joy that we do not have one failure in this experience. Everything that Asun and I have shared with each of you publicly or privately has been taken deep within your hearts. We have measured gratitude and we have measured a growing place within you of some kind of idea of sanctuary. Where there is that which is given that you take into the sanctuary of your being and you take that and place that like a jewel you would place in a coveted jewelry box and there you nurture that and allow that great truth to do its own work within you.

Asun and I wish to thank each of you for doing this. Mostly for your capacity and your ability to receive and to allow your heart to take some of the good news and to allow your heart to do what ever work that it wanted to do with it.

And so now my Dear Hearts we enter a new era. Not only in the journey that lies ahead for each of you and as a family of light, but an era of what we can share with you in which the great Cosmic Law allows greater knowledge. Knowledge that can unlock some secrets. Knowledge that can unlock some mysteries…even within your own outer self...knowledge that can be given over the next two years. Asun and I say to each of you, Thank you.

You know my Dear Hearts, when you listen carefully you will see that every discourse is planned out well ahead and that is why in the last ten days, I have repeated the mighty words of the Great Saint Germain, not just because of the power they release but because of the alignment and attunement to what I have just shared with you. Those words are. Thank God you are awake. Thank God'. ~Akasha~

The following transcribed from September 4, 2003, the Wednesday evening discourse.

'Akasha and I have spoken in public and we have spoken privately that in the various spiritual groups, which means groups besides our own activity on the Earth, we estimated 43% of the Indigo Souls have graduated into the Violet Soul vibration or are in the midst of it this very moment and we wish you to know that for the most part all of our students in our activity have or are in graduation or in the gap...The Cosmic Gulf...the shift between the one soul vibration and the Violet Soul.

A great gift has been given and it is this. The Great Divine Director that oversees this system of worlds...he is the Cosmic dude of all Cosmic Dear Hearts he is the biggy. There isn’t one bigger in terms of your solar system. The Mighty Great Divine Director has given the go ahead for the most extra-ordinary thing and it happened on the 31st of August. The Great Divine Director authorized the increase of the life force coming down from the heart of your Great God Presence into your brains.

This is a wonderful thing. This he has set up that through the higher intelligence that every human being has…the higher mental body is going to regulate this and how much increase depends upon the kind of life and the state of consciousness, the state of qualities individuals are carrying and how much control or not control one has over their life. So everyone is going to experience an increase in life force that is uniform to what is going on within them self. It is not one blanket increase that is applied to the whole human race. Understand?

This is a wonderful thing and you are warned Dear Hearts, you are having more life force coming into these bodies. Now what does it mean? Well you know you have free will. You know we have encouraged you to stand in your sovereignty. It means that once again the oracle of your attention becomes much more important to watch and observe because what you focus your attention upon, you are going to manifest much more quickly because you have got more water coming down the pipe...' ~Asun~

Thank you for your time and attention upon these messages from our Beloved Angels.

God bless you,


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The Mystery School Series completed with, The Journey of Joy, Excellence and Fulfillment. This Series consists of eight volumes all now available. See the website or phone for details.

Our next series presented is titled, The Spiritual Empowerment Series. The first workshop in this series is being held in Vancouver, BC. September 19 & 20.

All discourses are taped and offered on audio cassette tape format. For more information, please phone or e-mail Shelley at 604-267-0985

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