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Relay Relay Relay Oct. 30, 2006

Spirit Eagle

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with each vote for what you call "the lesser of two evils" you are bringing in the True Representatives of the people who will be elected because they truly Want To SERVE The People! This Election can be viewed as a prelude to that which is to come in the near future.

Remember that the "leaders" are only as good as their constituents. This is why we urge you all to Live IN INTEGRITY. It is every Human's birthright to be Free and to be free one must Know, Speak, and LIVE ones TRUTH! For those of you in the vanguard of this Change, it is for YOU to be the example IN YOUR OWN LIVES of the kind of people who will Lead the Earth's People to a new society of living Love, expressing Love, Truth, Courage, and COMPASSION! Good Night Little One!

This is Mieriel on the Ruby Light. I am a Science Officer working with the Magnetic field of your Planet. That is my specialty but I "wear other hats" as your expression goes.The flux in your Magnetic Field is affecting your bodies. The Field is being impacted from the energies that are pouring onto your Earth now. You and ALL life on your Earth Mother are experiencing rapid cycles of change. These changes effect every aspect of you: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually as one impacts the other, you are, all aspects of yourselves, connected.

This may be uncomfortable but it is a necessary adjustment at this time. Listen to your bodies! Sleep or rest when you need to, eat what is right for you in the moment and there is no need for concern about times of day to eat and so forth. Listen Within. Feel Your Bodies! This time is one for Relaxation. Give Yourselves that gift!

You have worked very hard for a long time sooo, as your saying goes...."give yourself a break"! In fact, whoever wishes to ride with us this night in the Ruby Light, let us know before you sleep and we will accommodate you! THAT, I imagine appeals to many of you! An Adventure is a form of relaxation! Remember, please, be good to yourselves! We bid you good night!

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle October 30, 2006 8:18 pm