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White Buffalo Calf Woman Returns

By Kara Kincannon

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were sound asleep. I realized the time and date, Dec 21st. We had been told that on Dec 21st "White Buffalo Calf Woman" would appear and come to us. St. Germaine had told us this on Dec 18th 2003, the night before we all six left upon the mission that St. Germaine and Tawa were sending us on. I wish the reader to know we also have this on tape.

Okay, now I jump to my feet, go to the door, open it and step outside. What I experienced was a very unusual sight. I called Marge to come outside, and she did, still drumming. The sky looked like you could touch it. It looked very close to the earth. Then all of a sudden Marge and I spotted a very bright star above and in front of us in the sky. It just seemed to appear from nowhere. Then this golden white star began to move closer till it was right above the tree line about 300 yards from us. This star then began to dance all over the front yard where Marge and I were standing. Marge is still drumming. The Star Woman Elder ( White Buffalo Calf Woman) was putting on a very happy dancing light show for us, The energy was beyond describing and her communication to me was instantaneous. She asks me to start walking towards her and as I did she began to come closer to me, hovering above the ground till she was about 100 yards away from me. Marge is still drumming behind me. She tells me to go and wake up the rest of the group. I do. Marge is still drumming. Everyone in their stupor of exhaustion from our trip stumbles out the front door. Wilder was first, and she danced above the tree line for him a little and then "poof" she left, so by the time Jim and Doug got out there she was gone and they were cold and very tired so went back in also. Then Joanne came out and White Buffalo Calf Woman came back in all her glory, shining and dancing for us three women. Marge is still drumming.

So why am I sharing such a sacred story with you all? This is why. I am supposed to. This is also part of the SOL Mission, to tell the stories as they are happening. Just wait till we get to film these close encounters of the 5th kind and beyond!! Ha. Now, really, Our Star Mother came and blessed us all and none of our lives as women have been the same. The men will have to tell their story. I am just telling you our part as women.

It has been a month to the day Jan 21st 2004, that my feet have finally touched earth again. Transformed we all have been. We could put this in Ripley's "Believe It Or Not". The story is true and the message is this: Please to assist the Hopi Tribe, the only one left, barely standing, but true Warriors to the end they are. We all have much to learn from them and their way of life. Please assist now, while there is still time to assist them. The government is, and has, violated their rights to the point of just a small tribe hanging on and a few brave warriors being led by Great Spirit to band together and take back what has been taken from them. The call has, and is, going out now. We here at SOL are asking you to do a giveaway from your heart to help them now. Progress is being made very slowly, and we need to really hold the light for our Hopi Nation to be able to stand and reclaim their SOVEREIGNTY!!!!!!! We are all at the Strong Hold. We will meet you there. We must act, now or never, in our Power. This story is a true one of the 5th kind.

Peace, Kara Kincannon

Please go to Source of Light web-site and click index on SOL projects. We have up The Hopi Nation Authorization from tribal council. We have been greatly honored by their trust in us, for they have really been taken badly for their honest innocence. Until they are up and running they asked me to ask you to now go through SOL to find out more and to be able to assist them now. You may call me also at 719-941-4059. Leave a message and I will get back with you. The Hopi Council is gathering again to put together a resource list for us. Their Resource List will be on SOL web-site also.

Peace Rev. Kara Kincannon

719-941-4129 or 719-941-4051
