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You Are the Uniquely Begotten Son of God The Ashtar Galactic Command through Lady Ashtar-Athena SherAn

The Ashtar Galactic Command through Lady Ashtar-Athena SherAn

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Lightbearers, you have come to Earth as celestial emissaries.

Therefore strive to never lose awareness of the

fact that you are working light, here on an Earth

assignment. You are loving, lifting, clearing and serving

all life, everywhere you move, at all times. There is no

vacation on this job assignment. Your life is a mission assigned

to you by God before you were born. You as immortal spirits are

already living an eternal life right now, even while operating

through these human coats of skin. You are engaged in eternal

labor on behalf of the spiritual unfoldment of consciousness, in

this and a myriad of worlds, planes and dimensions.

All starseeded emissaries are empaths. You are sensitive

to the multidimensional biospheres, the sea of life in which

you coexist with myriad life forms. The higher you raise

your frequency of divine love and light, the more energy

you will carry and anchor for the planet and for people

everywhere. People who carry less conscious light awareness

can and do frequently draw upon the light and energy

from your auric fields to balance their fields. Unless you are

aware of this, you can sometimes feel yourselves being

drained in certain environments and associations. This

occurs regardless of the vibrational arena in which you are

functioning. Your light goes out to counteract the darkness

and the inharmonious energetics you encounter.


This is part of being a lightbearer. You are bearing light, not

for yourself, but for others. You are way-showers illuminating

the path for those who will be following your example.

Therefore your entire life is your message. You are ever

and always enacting the right or the wrong way to do things

by your behavior. When you fall into error, your process of

self-recovery then becomes a way for others to observe how to

handle similar situations. Your life is an example to others, no

matter what you say, think or do. Your influence will either

cause them to walk tall in strength and confidence, or it will

cause them to falter and fall.

To fulfill your mission as a lightbearer means keeping

your spiritual gas tank full and topped off at all times—your

battery charged, so to speak. You do this recharging and

filling through daily spiritual exercises. These can be varied

according to your nature and preference, but daily time

spent communing with God and soaking in the divine presence

is mandatory! Meditation, study of spiritual books,

toning, singing devotional songs, repeating God's names

with love, prayer, journaling or using various clearing and

centering techniques are absolutely necessary on a daily

basis. Doing some, or even all, of the above suggestions—

applied to your daily routine and coupled with continual

vigilance and active light awareness—will enable you to

face with strength whatever life presents. The more your

energy battery is kept charged and your spiritual tank full,

the easier it will be to handle life's problems, temptations

and challenges with centered strength and self-discipline.

Always remember to set your intention clearly on what

you want to see manifested in your life. For example, if you

allow your mind to go into viewing the negative things that

are going on or that might occur, that is the same as asking

for them to happen. What you see, recognize and think

about—what you come into agreement and resonance with—

next thing you know, shows up in your life! We are required

now to train ourselves in each situation to ask for only what

we want to have happen, and only that.

As your creative thought is released from the time lock

that has kept it confined to the third-dimensional time-lag

factor, manifestation will become increasingly more rapid.

You are learning to be proactive rather that reactive. You can

choose to channel your emotions into positive and uplifting

expressions, and to direct your minds through goal-fitting

intention. Conscious self-governance will release your most

empowered potential. This process holds the keys to expanding

awareness and developing self-mastery.


As your etheric vision continues developing, you start

seeing from the higher consciousness more and more.

Etheric vision is really an extension of the physical sight. Its

development is due to your expansion of awareness, caused

by infusing more of yourself as soul into your body and thus

through your senses. This gives you a sense of overviewing

life from an expansive cosmic perspective, one of profound

understanding and clarity. Know the power that you carry in

your gaze and in your vision. Be aware that what you pay

attention to, you will magnetically draw into your life experience,

especially now, because of the dimensional translocation

that is gradually taking place.

Many of you are reporting to me your experiences of

Commander Ashtar or others from the celestial spheres

appearing in your dreams and visions and, in a few instances,

manifesting in a more densified form. The results of these contacts

reveal whether or not it was a genuine spiritual

encounter. If the encounter has led you to experience a

greater love of the divine and a more renewed fervor in serving

humanity, then it was of the highest and was indeed real.

It is normal to be put in contact with members of your offplanet

family and their Earth-based counterparts. This is a

good thing. It is part of the starseed ground fleet awakening

process, which you will all go through in very similar ways.


Your mission is what you would rather do more than anything

else on Earth. It is your driving passion, predominant

talent and what you do just by your very nature. It can be in

any field really, for ambassadors of the divine kingdom are

needed in every area of human life. You were sent here for

that very purpose: to assist the most radiant One as His

ambassadors of love and light to a lost world. You as a lightbearer

are here to establish that celestial kingdom here upon

the Earth. That is the overall mission for all of us as lightbearers

and celestial emissaries. However, how you contribute,

how you play your part, is very individual. You are

the prototypes, the forerunners of a galactic race of christed

sons of light. You were chosen long before your entry into

this world. That you are reading this message means that you

have chosen too. Therefore you are the chosen ones, lightbearers

for this historical cycle of planetary transfiguration.

As celestial emissaries, you generally come from the

divine-throne worlds and the Great Central Sun systems, and

you enter into Earth service through the office of the Christ

and the Order of Melchizedek. Each one of you within the

eternal is a unique, great and glorious immortal being. You

are the one who became the many so that you could know,

love and return to the One who you have always been. You

were created for one purpose: for love. God, being love, had

no otherness to love, no one who could return love. Imagine

that! The Creator, the It of Itself, was lonely! If God was

lonely, is it any wonder that you, made in God's image and

likeness, spend ages seeking love and to be loved? Ultimately

you will all discover that you are the very love that you have

been seeking in all these many faces and places.


You are the uniquely begotten son, or the ray extension

of God's love. ["Son" here implies not gender but proactive

love.] God begot only love. Everything else is simply a

shadow manifest of the ego-mind. God spoke the Word,

and the son, the soul, the Christ issued forth, and everything

in creation was created out of that living Word. And

God saw that it was good. That living, creative Word is the

light and sound of divine love that is us as spirit souls

extending God's love. The only begotten son of God is

love. God, being love, can beget or create only in His own

image and likeness. You are God's beloved son, in whom

He is well pleased.

Jesus came to model that divine love and son-hood. He

did not come to tell you that you had to be a certain way, or

believe a certain thing, or subscribe to a singular belief system

or religious doctrine. Jesus came simply to embody the principle

of pure, endless, eternal, immortal love. He came to

reveal that you, as embodied spirit souls, are that love as

well—that within your loving, you fulfill all the laws and all

the directives of the prophets.

As you continue to manifest that loving, you enter into

Christ consciousness, and Christ enters into you, and we

merge into one unified starbeing: the soma Christou, the body

or bride of Christ, the church of Christ, the collective messiah,

the group avatar, the one love. Welcome home. You

have now returned to the Creator who spoke you into existence

as the Bhagavad Gita, the song of God. We are God's

song of love, God's face in mirrored reflection throughout

creation. That is who we are as Ashtar and Athena, as you

and as all life forms everywhere within the vast cosmos!


In God realization, you don't lose your individuality; you

simply see every individual as your one and only self.

Eventually, as one moves as a spirit being into the God worlds

and Greater Central Sun throne realms beyond the worlds of

duality, all names and forms are entirely transcended. Beyond

the fifth plane of soul, form ceases to exist and creation is still

in the process of being articulated. Within the plane below

the fifth (or soul) plane, creation is completed and you are but

recycling—revisiting historical cycles. So if you are dizzy, it is

because you have been upon the Wheel of Awagawan, the

Wheel of Eighty-Four. Yes, beloved, you can stop the world

and get off. Now is the exact time to do just that!

At the fifth plane (also called Sach Khand and Sathya Desh,

or the land of truth), soul appears as a sphere of golden light.

Although the oversoul is as one collective consciousness, at

the same time, each individual soul is a unique _expression of

consciousness and manifestation of love. From the soul

plane, you as spiritual beings can assume your appropriate

form, or any number of forms. You do this as needed to enter

into the various dimensional realms as you serve in your

ongoing divine functions.

In truth, there is nowhere that you are not. Like your

divine Source, you as spirit souls permeate all of existence.

You are all equal parts of God, equally divine, made in

Creator's image and likeness. No Spirit is greater, none lesser

than any other. You are all coequal heirs to the divine kingdom;

you corule and coreign with Christ, as Christs.


I hope that this will serve to answer and clarify some of

the questions you've asked. Please do not become confused if

other sources of information, teachers, gurus or channels utilize

different reality models, languages or interpretations.

Each teacher or master and every thought system will have its

own cosmology, terminology, hierarchical reference points

and specific spiritual lineages. Everyone's personal experiences,

conditioning, background and perceptions will be different.

This is the divine plan: unity in diversity. No two

mindsets anywhere will be identical. This is true even in the

case of identical twins. The reality construct of every person

is valid, for you perceive life through the unique lens of your

soul and individual consciousness. Your beliefs determine

what you see, dream and experience as your reality.

Everything that you are capable of experiencing at any

time is encoded within your DNA/RNA. Each one of you

exists as a cell within the mind-heart-body of the All That

Is—the divine Source, God. It is not a matter of who is right;

it is a matter of expressing and sharing from your authentic

self at any given moment in time. There will always be more

to be revealed, discovered and learned. Enlightenment is

eternal within an open-ended, ever-expanding cosmos. That

being said, just remember that in highest truth, you have

never left the heart of God. With our blessings to you in His

name, Hashem Emmanuel Adonai. I am love.

Lady Ashtar-Athena
