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Diane 05.12.05.

Though Mike Quinsey

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he flora and fauna, and the animals constantly interact with all else. There is a quiet and gentle movement among them, and a great awareness of the love expressed through their consciousness.

In the not too distant future, you will travel to many worlds. You will see creation in such variety and colors beyond those you are aware of at present. Beings of various types will be met, and regardless of the outer shell, you will find that they project love and peace to you. It will tell you beyond doubt that they are in harmony with all else, and you will immediately be at ease with them. Until your levels of consciousness are raised, you cannot really comprehend how much more other beings have evolved. However, when you realize that there is no discord among them and how giving and loving they are, you will understand that they have progressed far beyond your present level of attainment.

The Light of those who strive to lift themselves up shines out from Earth, and we see the many areas where it has been anchored. Against the background of the dark, the Light is a beautiful sight and we see the result of the hard work put in by the many Lightworkers. Compared to recent times, the Light is magnificent and counter balancing the dark energies that would otherwise control your planet. We see that the Light is expanding, and as it does so it transmutes the dark.

For our part, we join the Masters and Spiritual Hierarchy in sending more Light to you, so that you are becoming more powerful Beings. You are slowly drawing the Light into yourselves, and the result is that your creative abilities are also increasing. You will see the effect of this both as individuals and as a collective consciousness. The healers among you will find that stronger energies will pass from them, and they will either register it themselves or from the people they are treating. The consequence is that many of you will become aware that your healing has become more powerful.

On a global level your power will prove incredible, and you have it within you to help Mother Earth in carrying out her cleansing. The more you can influence what is happening, the less volatile will be the results if Mother Earth was left to her own devices. Of course we are also helping, and our action is more one of lessening the impact upon the Earth, and directing energies for dissipation to areas where the least damage and loss of life will occur.

You may wonder why you are not all taken off the Earth, but while this is quite within our capabilities we honor your life plans to stay with Mother Earth. This is as much due to your wish to repay her for having you, and providing for you over millions of years. There is also a Karmic responsibility to clear up the “mess” that has accumulated over the last 200 years. On another level there is the clearing of negative energies that have polluted the Earth for thousands of years.

There are now restraints on Earth, and although your dark forces continue their divisive actions that would create further chaos and destruction, they will not be allowed total freewill. We have had control over them for quite some time, and we advise them that there actions will be curtailed. We have shown them time and time again, that we intend to carry out our brief to prevent their head long rush into oblivion. Know that we actually confront your leaders in person, but in their arrogance and self belief, they ignore our warnings.

We are now authorized to take whatever action is necessary to ensure that power is returned to the people. We do however realize, that it is important that whatever happens is seen to be taken in conjunction with our Allies upon Earth. As you must know, you are near to seeing the changes announced that will carry you forward in the greater plan. A lot of work has gone into setting up the grids that will enable the next stage to manifest. We are behind you, and you can carry out your work in full confidence as to the outcome.

When the time shortly arrives that we may come among you, we can tell you of your true history. You will find that we have been with you as you have experienced through various civilizations, some of which you no longer have knowledge. On many occasions we have openly come to you before, and we look forward to renewing our friendship again.

I am Diane and as a representative of the Galactic Federation, assure you that you are very much in our minds and hearts. We are all traveling together on this fantastic journey through the Creators Kingdoms. They are beyond number, and their magnificence will be yours to see before very long. Let those who would go their own way experience as they wish, there is no dream that cannot be brought into being. Keep your own dream in mind and live it now, and you shall have much love going with you.

Thank you Diane

Mike Quinsey

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