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Diane 04.23.05.

Through Mike Quinsey

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ne is laid out as a contest between the Light and dark. The underlying fact is that in the ultimate, no one is permanently harmed and no one dies except to the body they were in at the time of transition. Life is infinite, and one day soon you will look back and see your experiences as a necessary adventure to bring you more understanding.

In the midst of your experiences you see everyone is playing their part with all seriousness. They cling to life as if it is the only one they will have, and out of this is born that aspect of absolute determination and will power that will serve you well in the future. As each civilization has come and gone, so a new challenge has confronted you each time. It is a series of acts that have built you up ready for this most important period in your whole life. After millennia of time you are offered the opportunity to leave duality, but you must have learned the lessons well to do so. It is the time for decisions to be made by everyone of you. Many already know quite definitely where they desire to go after this present cycle of experience ends.

In duality you are very much contained, so as to ensure that your negative energies do not go beyond this earth. These are contained by placing shields of energy around your planet. It is a method to prevent other planets and regions in space from being polluted by your thoughts. The irony is that other negative forces are attracted to Earth because of its low vibration, and this has to be allowed by Universal Law. You would not otherwise have the Greys among you, who in many ways reflect your own energies. All games must have rules, but this one has the final act already written in by the Creator.

When you are able to look back into your ancient history, you will find it is quite different to what you are led to believe. You have heard that ET’s have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. However, you do not have records any longer that relate as to how in earlier civilizations they came to you at times when you had developed spiritually. How they worked with you and helped your evolution along, but when it started to fall again they left the Earth. Even in your recent history, there are references to ET’s contacting you, and many times they have rescued people from catastrophes that would, otherwise, have resulted in a great loss of life. They have never totally lost touch with you, and they have looked after you as a Mother may care for her young child.

In the scheme of things, it is always those who are more advanced that look after those coming after them. When we talk of ourselves and you being part of a great family, this is much more nearer the truth than you can realise. When you, too, have this realisation, you will then look at other human beings and see them as your Brothers and Sisters, and the color of their skin or hair or other features that are different to yours will be of no consequence. You are told often that you are All One, and this is a direct reference to your connection with the Creator who birthed you all as sparks of Light. Whatever happens you will never lose your Light, although for many who have dropped to the depths, it is but a glimmer of what it should be.

At present you are playing out the last attempt by the dark to hold onto their power. It is a futile attempt to circumvent changes that are already in place in the higher dimensions. These will gradually manifest more rapidly as you attract them into your lives through your own enlightenment. It is quite simply a matter of the laws of attraction, and the more you expand your own Light, so it is complimented by even more coming to you. Perhaps you can now understand why you are often told that you already have your victory. It is assured, and is only a matter of time before you see more tangible evidence.

I am Diane and a member of the Galactic Federation, and along with my colleagues we see a much larger picture than you. We have the advantage of technologies that allow us a great insight into your minds and your emotions. We can anticipate your actions, and have all manner of communication equipment that enables us to know exactly where you all are, should that be necessary. We have taken what you call computer technology to a new level, and as useful as your present ones are, they are quite elementary in their functions. When we arrive openly, our knowledge will greatly benefit you, and we know you will soon adapt to our advanced ways.

Dear Ones, we are ready as always to declare our intention to come among you. Our plans are in place and we know that the order to go ahead is imminent. We will have no difficulty in getting to work immediately that we arrive, and our prime objective is to restore your planet by removing or converting all forms of pollution. You will, also, have our attention, and we shall restore you to good health and correct your disabilities. There are absolutely astonishing methods of treatment that in many cases will be instantaneous.

We wish to advance humanity to a point that you will become like us. As you head towards preparations for your Ascension, you will be changed in such a way that by the time that step becomes necessary you will be literally new Beings. There is much we will tell you when we arrive, so keep the plan in mind, and you and many others will be well prepared for our coming. Remember, you cannot fail, as the future is written in the mind of the Creator. All will be done with a great feeling of Love towards you all, and as I have already told you, we are all Brothers and Sisters in the Light.

Thank you Diane

Mike Quinsey
