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The Sirian Messenger - April, 2004

Through Patricia Cori

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grip. They are slipping, falling through the cracks their web of lies can no longer cover and conceal. It is unfolding everywhere around you ­in these days of merging realities and the cleansing of Earth's fields. The voice of truth rings crystalline through the haze of lies and deception and you are the voice and the wonder and the power of light emerging. You, sweet starseed, co-creators of all realities, are setting the vibratory pace where the lower frequencies of deception can no longer cling to the human race and you know we are here with you, helping you understand such mechanisms, helping you recognize who you are and what you have come to do. Light Beings from many worlds and dimensions are helping you (as within the parameters of universal law) to alter the direction the misguided have wished to take not only the human race but all species of the earthly gardens of your days .... and of days passed.

To those who still wonder when it is that we will come to save you those of you who question and doubt our existence (and you do well to question everything that you encounter as somehow outside of your own exquisite experience) we sound the call to celebrations. Now is the time when you truly realize that you are the saviors­ you are the Earth Light Brigades and you are succeeding in your missions as light bearers of your sphere, in this pivotal point upon the time-space continuum: Ra Ascending.

Your community, your global outreach, your meditations, your prayers, the love all your lightworking has been woven into the karma of your world, releasing the knots and cords of darker intentions. Many are the guides and leaders who are rallying the light teams to encircle your world in healing waves that are helping to create this magnificent shift in the design that was laid before you ­ we celebrate all of you. We have called you to action, rousing the drowsy from their beds, sounding the wake up call for the sleeping and they have heard the call. More and more are rising up, joining the Alliance of Light and Truth, raising the voice of humanity and it is a glorious thing to behold.

Children of beauty and light ­ you are the shining faces of every Earth generation, come to breathe back into Gaia the gentle wind and the breeze; you have come to still the raging waters, to plant the seeds of human consciousness in her rich brown soils and to carry the torch of her eternal flame.

You call upon angelic beings, spirit guides, the Masters and the countless entities of light and otherwordly dominions. We, in turn, stand behind you, calling you to the frontlines and you are there as are we: light warriors all. There you are, dear ones. You are marching to the rhythm of the Gaian drum ­ the heartbeat of the Goddess ­ and you will not be deterred. You know that you are here as warriors of the Light and how you perform your mission is not the relevance key: what matters is that you shine your brilliance down those dark halls where minds are still shadowed in fear. That is the ultimate battle ­ you understand. Fear is the darkness ­ it is the force with which to be reckoned. Love is the light that shines from the lanterns you all are asked to carry for those who are still bent in their terror, as it has been imposed by the loveless masters and as it has existed within them, product of their own demons. You are asked to turn up the flame so that all the lost and disempowered can know the dark passageway is illuminated and they do not walk alone.

The kings and queens will not go quietly. There will be more chaos, great challenges, the clash of darkness and light ­ the trump card will be played. But they have exposed themselves for what they are. You can see them for what they are. And hence, the game is lost to them.

Never, not even for a moment, must you lose sight of the one TRUTH: the Light will prevail.

The Light always does. Light, you understand, is All that Is. Despite the ghostly shadows of your 3D stage, you do know that light is everywhere around you and within you. Knowing that, you will watch the icons of the dark illusion slowly melt into the oblivion and fade away as you dizzy from the whirling spiral of events that have you spinning into position, about to leap into the new.

You are at the threshold. So close you can taste the wonder.

We are the Sirian High Council April 2004
