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Message From Quado: Surrender, July 12, 2003

Through Carrie Hart

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w of the Now at ALL times regardless of the outer circumstances?

Quado, do you have an answer to this question?

Ah, yes, of course, of course.

There are several interesting things to consider in this question. First is the concept of surrender. What does it mean to surrender?

It means trying to stop controlling your life. And yet, what is so interesting about control, is that so often we try to control everything except the one thing we might control, which is ourselves and our own action.

Surrender and loss of control means not trying so hard, not pushing, not fighting against the flow, the current. But it also means bringing your own power inside, the power that you waste in trying to stem the tide which cannot be stemmed; bring this inside and use it.

Surrender is not a surrender of will and personal power. It is quite the opposite. It is a harnessing of power into a central point which is you, and putting it in a central place which is now, only now.

And so, begin with daily meditation. This is a way to control your mind, which is the most important thing to do and the only thing really worth controlling. Learn to quiet your mind. And when you have done this, when you have reached a quiet place in your mind, then it will open up to you the vast world, the vast spirit world, and the world of self which is you.

Most of what is blocking you is the sound of your own mind. The ego lives and is expressed in that mind, chattering away, telling you to do this, to do that, criticizing you, and of course, focusing on the past and on fear of the future. This mind is not creative, it is not flowing. Quiet it down and find the true self beneath it.

And then, when you have done this, have begun to practice meditation in a regular way, and have thereby instilled some discipline into your life, taking care of the bad habits which are undermining you, then you will be ready for surrender. And at this point, full of the power of who you truly are in your quiet self, full of the power of now and beingness, you will realize that surrender is not about powerlessness, it is about true power.

For when you are in a state of connection, you are very powerful indeed. When you are tapped into all that is, you are in the most powerful state possible. When you are truly living now, focusing not on the regrets, blames and criticisms of the past, ignoring the fears and worries of the future, when you are in the now, right here, you are in the most powerful position of all

And then, be aware. Be aware of what is truly around you now. Not what you wish were here. Not what you hoped would be here, or imagined would be here. But what is here right now. Look at it with acceptance and understanding. Don't fight it. Things are as they are right now, right here. This is it. This is the way it is.

You are in a river and you are moving with the current. This is fact. You can either thrash away and try to fight the current, or you can observe it, look at it carefully, feel how it flows, and make the most of it.

When you are in a state of surrender you are in fact your most powerful, for you are working with the universe instead of against it. You are feeling the flow and making just the smallest movement, to put yourself in a slightly better position, to edge just this way, gently, gently. This is the way of it. The most results with the least effort. This is achievable.

But it all begins with yourself. You ask about ego, but do not be confused about this. You, yourself, are a beautiful, perfect thing. You are a treasure and a wonder, and you are not asked to not care about this perfect creature which is you. You are to care about yourself deeply, much more than you actually do. The ego is a false claim, trying to make up for a lack of center, a lack of beingness, a core of self-loathing. Build your strength from inside. Truly become what you already are: a being perfect in your shining truth, your glowing beingness.

Grow from the inside, glowing with all that you are. Then it will not be necessary to try to impress people, to go after recognition, fame, accomplishment, all to prove that you are somehow a worthwhile creature. You already are. There is no need for all of this.

Relax. Relax and just be the perfect being that you are. Expand your inside by quieting your mind. Expand your glow by quieting down the voices of the past and the fear of future. Be now. Be real. Be you.

And then, from this core, surrendering to the flow instead of fighting it will be an obvious thing to do. What is there to fight? To what purpose? It is a beautiful day, you are you, you are in the flow of life. What more could be needed here?

Let it all be.

If you have a question you believe would interest other Quado readers, please send it to me at Thank you!
