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Important Message Council Of Aboraha

Through Judith K. Moore

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Journal. I know you will respond with prayer and meditation.

Many blessings,


January 2003 Sedona Journal Crop Circle Article

Laiolin and the Arcturian Council of Aboraha

Through Judith K. Moore

(505) 351-4730

Greetings beloved masters of light, opportunities abound for you as members of the houses of light to awaken your divine spirit and actively participate in the emergence of Heaven on Earth. Your light bodies are radiating an enhanced vibration that positively affects the energetic fields on your planet. As the veils thin you experience inter-dimensional access to other planes of realities previously unattainable to human consciousness. You are the alchemist; manifestation is your alchemical tool for the success of your divine mission. The universe supports your journey.

These crop circle transmissions have been sent to assist you in the manifestation of the new world of peace, freedom and empowerment. Each crop circle carries vast messages encoded in the sacred geometry that your DNA can interpret. The Star Glyph is the universal language of light that activates the formulas and sparks your DNA. As you work with this information take it into your heart chakra and project it into the planetary consciousness.

Crop Circle transmissions received on site in the UK summer of 2002.

Authors Note:

1. On July 28, 2002 I visited a man made crop circle (not pictured here) that was a 1-31. The Arcturians have stated that many of the man made circles are being enhanced with energy from the ET circle makers. I experienced a powerful energy surge in this circle and connected telepathically to the Arcturian ship. I received a spontaneous transmission from the Galactic Federation it came in the form of a warning. The transmission was extremely technical with off planet ET technical terms. The essential message is as follows:

The Jupiter effect will be initiated on January 31, of 2003, the date of Earth’s arrival at star gate 33 as she prepares to transcend the inter-dimensional space / time continuum. An ultrasonic beam of photon energy will be reflected off of Jupiter and Mars to refract the earth’s orbital field a warp in the orbital field that will move earth’s ultimate course by 10,000 light years creating an accelerated phenomenon in the space/time continuum accelerating the morphogenic fields. This is essential to adjust the orbital path to desensitize the Earth’s effects of planet X. The potential on the planet for intense winds is extremely high, as the atmospheric fields will be distorted when Earth reaches the warp in her orbital path

Ultimately this will protect Earth from the long-range effects from the entrance of what is called planet X into the morphigenic-resistor plates.

It is most essential that the preparations be made for Global peace prayers on this date. It is vital that there is an organized effort of individuals who through prayer and meditation receive photon surges to stabilize the Earth’s energetics during this process. To be organized at three am Greenwich time, when the photon energy must be surged into the Earth’s energetic filed and grounded into the Earth’s physical body to stabilize the electromagnetic energy fields and reduce the risk of extreme and violent winds during this process.


Laiolin through Judith K. Moore


Two years ago this January Laiolin and the Council of Aboraha requested that I do a weekly-channeled group in Santa Fe. Many of the channelings for the Sedona Journal come from this group. Monday January 6 was extraordinarily powerful. The Council of Aboraha directed me to immediately transcribe the tape and distribute it, which was done with the help of Nan King. The December Sedona Journal contained a crop circle article about the Jupiter effect, calling for meditations to bring Prana into the Earth to minimize the effect of potential strong and violent winds between January and May of 2003. Contained in this channeling is an exercise that is very powerful for bringing Prana into the Earth. Tuesday I had a conversation with an individual in Crestline Calif. She said that for three days they were experiencing violent winds, up to 90 MPH. The winds blew down trees, put out electricity d and closed the banks. She said the wind stopped Monday night. A coincidence, maybe but perhaps we brought enough prana into the Planet with this exercise to stabilize the Earths energetics. A Hopi Elder recently said, “We are the ones we have been waiting for.” I feel that as you read this article you will be intuitively guided to take action and participate in this powerful exercise. Thank for your willingness to be the light bearers of the new world of Peace.

Channeling from Laiolin:

NAMASTE, the divine within me greets the divine within you.

Dense energy vibration is an impenetrable field in which the elements are compacted into a narrow spectrum allowing little room for expansion. A vibratory field of light is an open energy field that permits and encourages the flow of the vibration and the essence of the life force that funds the cosmos to move freely as the breath and the divine wind moves through the heavens. The energy fields of this planet are in major transformation, in major flux.

If the density and velocity of mass and matter were discernibly measured by equipment that is unavailable to the limited technology currently existing., one would be easily able to determine that there is a mass transference of energy in the spaces between the molecules of mass and matter. This is true of every animate and inanimate form of expression of mass and matter on your planet.

This is typical of energy fields conductive to surges of vibrational frequencies that accelerate life forms. This acceleration can take many forms, as any barriers that previously restricted vibrational fields will experience incredible movement. Therefore, all structures and paradigms previously, as I stated, restricted consciousness, are being bombarded on a sub-atomic level. The spaces between the molecules are expanding. Not only in physical structure, but also in the structure of consciousness, or rather should I say, the spaces between thought forms. The vibrational energy fields that surround thought forms are resonating at a high velocity pattern which then in turn, effects the molecular structure of life, animate and inanimate on this planet.

As each of you adjust on a moment by moment basis to the vastly intensified vibrational fields of energy, it is challenging for any individual to perceive the change in this velocity of vibrational energy fields that surrounds molecular structure and thought forms. Nonetheless, it is intensified. The neurological system that perceives sensation and transmits that information into discernible feeling basically has been desensitized by the extreme charge of the vibrational field. It is much similar to the effect of the neuro synopsis, when a certain strong odor is smelled for a long period of time, eventually, the neuro fibers fail to receive it and the person becomes desensitized. This desensitizing of the neurological responses to the vibrational fields that are accelerating on your planet does not indicate that humankind will be less sensitive. In fact, as a matter of evolution, this effect will create enhanced sensitivity in the human being’s ability to perceive multi-dimensional reality and be attuned to vibrational fields of energy that in prior times humans were not evolved enough to receive.

This period of desensitization to the massive influx of vibrational fields of resonance is a protective mechanism that assists the human and also non-human being, as all animate beings that have neurological systems perceive this increase in velocity. This desensitization that I speak of, permits evolution to take its course, and allows a gradual integration of new light fields. Your eyes are blinded when you go from a dark room to bright sunlight, but if you gradually introduce the brightness your eyes adjust. People who live close to the equator adjust to the intensity of the sun, their neuro-receivers are accustomed to receiving more solar resonance.

This period of transition is especially delicate for human evolution. Some creatures are more sensitive, more easily able to receive the sensations, such as crustaceans. They have a rapid ability to receive these high vibration fields, adapt, integrate, and utilize the energy fields in their metabolism and in their physical body. Human metabolism and ability to neurologically integrate these high vibration fields, is somewhat more primitive than the crustaceans’.

As your system adjusts to the new vibration you may experience occasional sensations that are wave like. Much like the feeling that you have when you stand in the ocean and experience a wave or stand in front of a large speaker. Your neurological system adjusts to normalize the sensation limiting your ability to perceive the sensation.. The energy fields that you are experiencing on this planet, are far more accelerated than anything that humanity has experienced in these cycles of creation. You are experiencing the pivotal point, “the shift of the ages”.

If you can attune through exercise and meditation, your ability to perceive this vibrational field will enhance your ability to integrate, and thereby accelerate your sensitivity. Sensitivity is a gift. However the world as you live in, is almost dangerous for a person to be over sensitive. The chaos in a city for example would be overwhelming to an acutely sensitive individual. As the old paradigm, the constricted, dense energy field, disseminate, the art is to actualize your gifts of perception and be more sensitive and still balance the energy fields that one may function in a somewhat normal reality.

When you are able to do this through meditation and energy balancing techniques, then you will open up sensitivity to inner-dimensional communication that has always been available to you, but inaccessible. The dense energy fields naturally restricted those vibrational frequencies from entering into your discernible thought forms or your perceptions, your feelings.

With this in mind, I wish to lead you in an exercise in which we will experience feeling the accelerated vibrations and integrate the high velocity energy fields into your core being on a cellular level. This exercise will greatly assist your adjustment to the accelerated energy fields that are being experienced on your planet as well as be instrumental in stabilizing the Earths’ energetics through the great shift.


To prepare for this exercise meditate and enter sacred space. Take seven deep clearing breaths. Initiate these seven breaths at the crown chakra. Image as you breathe in, you are connecting your chakras in a spiraling pattern to the root chakra. As you breathe completely through each of your chakras, image as you reach the root chakra with your in breath then you exhale, expanding all of that energy in a spiral at your base chakra. We will complete this breathing exercise in seven cycles.

Beginning your breath at the crown chakra, image that each chakra is spiraling clockwise, and continue your “in-breath” to spiral to the next chakra until you reach the root, and then bring one “out-breath” in an enormous spiral of light.

If you are doing this correctly you will feel an opening in your Kundalini energy when exhale. Image that you're spinning your chakras with your in-breath. Each chakra is connecting to the next one, in a quick rapid spin. Breathe down through each of your chakras to the root chakra, in one in-breath. As you exhale expand the energy in a golden spiral of light at the root chakra. This will require a very deep and long in-breath.

Make certain to breathe very deeply and completely exhale. Your breath is the key to sensitivity. At the end of the seven-breath cycle take a few gentle relaxing breaths. Observe what your body is feeling. Now focus your intent on visualizing the space between your molecules, the space between the cells. The space between thought forms. You may feel that your body is humming and resonating. If you are feeling this, then you are feeling increased velocity of vibrational energy fields.

Continue to breathe gently. Totally attune your receptivity to your vibrational energy field. At this point if you were to perceive your light body it would be very much like a solar flare. With miniature propulsions or expulsions of high velocity energy as it accelerates. Tune your consciousness into that space in between.. Now consciously connect with every cell and molecule of your body. Breathe three gentle breaths. As you exhale, image that you are thinning the cell walls and opening up your molecular field to receive vibrational attunement with the high velocity energy fields that are resonating around your molecular structure and around your thought form. Please do not intellectualize. Be experiential. It is most important that you don’t try to figure this out, just experience it.

Focus on every molecule of your body. Image the walls of your cells are thinning and opening. The high velocity energy fields around your cellular structure are infusing your cells on a microcosmic level. Do this with your breath and setting the intent.

As you breathe in, image that your cells are thinning. The density is opening. As you breathe out, image that your cells are being infused with the high velocity energy that surrounds them. Totally relax. If there is any part of your body that feels tense, let it loose. Breathe in and open your cells. Breathe out and infuse them with micro-cosmic energy.

As you are doing this you are utilizing the high velocity energy fields rather than being like a solar flare, accelerating the energy to burst forth through your energy field. Now through your breath, you are literally digesting that energy. Just as your intestines absorb nutrients, your cells are now being taught to absorb the high vibrational energy fields.

With your third eye, view your energy field. Is there any place on your body where the vibrational energy fields are responding in a solar flare? Relax that part of your anatomy, and allow your breath to focus in that area. Open yourself. Breathing out, receive the infusion of high velocity energy. Now you are using an ancient technique that was developed to ingest high vibrational energy fields rather than creating a high static vibration that is beneficial, but not as usable to your neurological system.

Take a moment breathing and relaxing. Inventory what your body is experiencing. You may feel an increased sense of peace. This technique balances your harmonics and brings you into a deep state of peace. There are those who will master this more quickly than others, practice. When you have mastered this technique, you will know by the peaceful state that comes with it. You will be able to utilize the accelerated energy fields.

Your individual creation has at one time or another in your soul’s journey experienced the universal OM. Focus on your pineal gland. Request a body memory to surface of the experience of the universal OM. Allow your consciousness to drift in a spiral into the galaxies, and enter into the pulse of cosmic consciousness, the rhythm of the force of creation.

As you enter that vibrational energy field, permit your physical body to attune to that pure vibration on a sub-cellular level. Literally attune your micro-cosmo to the macro-cosmo. Each cell of your physical creation and your thought form of creation is energetically attuned to the universal OM. Breathe gently, entering a deep state of peace.

In this meditation consciously bring your relationship to “all that is” forward. As you do so, send forth a mantra, I AM balanced with the divine harmonics of the universal OM. I AM the harmonic vibration of the Divine breath. I utilize all energy fields harmonizing vibrational forms, vibrational essences to the attunement of the universal OM. I am a living cell of the body of Divine creation. As I attune my vibration with the universal OM, so too all of creation is attuned. As I integrate and utilize high vibrational energy fields, so too all cells of the living body. I Am balance. I resonate the immortal spirit of Divine creation. I AM celestial peace. So be it and so it is.

Once you have attained this state of balance, consciously open your crown chakra connecting to the source of Divine light with a golden thread of light from your crown chakra to the heart of all that is. Through this golden thread of light allow your consciousness to receive Life prana. As this life prana fills your body, breathe to open your cells with your in breath and infuse them with your out breath with divine prana, the breath of cosmic creation. You may feel the velocity of your energy field accelerate. As it accelerates, open your cellular walls with your in breath, and infuse them with the prana of your out breath. This is the stuff that miracles are made of. It is the rejuvenation. It is the energy of divine creation. Repeat the mantra, I AM a cell of the living body of creation in the name of all that is I receive the divine breath.

Image that you are no longer human, you take the form of a planetary body. Image that you become the holographic earth. Using your breath through the golden thread, bring the divine breath of life, pure prana, into yourselves, on the in breath opening the cells, and on the out breath, infusing them with prana. Through your individual body you become a vehicle to infuse the living body of Mother Gaia with the breath of God, divine prana. As you do, image the high velocity energy fields of your mother planet are infusing every cell of consciousness of Terra Gaia (mother Earth), stabilizing mass and matter and accelerating evolution by literally assisting her in utilizing the energy fields and the infusion of cosmic prana, divine prana.

This state will bring changes to your physical body, as when you enter into this exercise, you accelerate and attune your body’s ability to attune to connect to super-consciousness. Gradually begin to return to normal consciousness allowing the imagery of your Terra Gaia body to once again take human form. Gently relax and bring your consciousness back. It may be helpful to do exhaling breaths. Move around and stretch as you return to normal consciousness. Namaste.
