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Message From Orem - Omega Communiations

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y to create this great space and to move us all immediately beyond the circle, beyond the environment that you are in.

We take joy to be with you in this time and we are in joy to see the changes, the level of awareness increasing as you daily acknowledge insights and messages and understandings that you each have which come up, which do confirm the aspect of your life here. We have discussed and shared many times the importance of taking in as much energy-light as you can, so that you may anchor that deep within you, firstly, and then being open and clear enough that that transfers into all around you, through the energy grids that you are connected with, through your thought impulses, through physical touch. Many ways it is radiated out through you.

We have been with you since we last spoke, specifically carrying out more purification, and we have helped some of you knowingly to release the old skin which contains much that has been accumulated from other people affecting you. And indeed we have been doing this during your resting time and during the moments when you open the mind and awareness wherever you are, and you will feel yourself emerging as a different being.

This time as we gather and as the message is conveyed to you and all those who receive these messages, that same impulse is here for you to step out of that encompassing skin of human hood, of the earthly being, and to expand the lightness you would feel within your heart, within your senses. To assist you with that, focus on a sphere of light within your heart centre and feel that expand upward and outward to all parts of your energy system, until you see yourself as a light form, and until you feel yourself aligned with the dimensional pattern which comes into the field of awareness around Earth. It comes with joy. It comes with an impulse imprint which you may hear in musical form, for the patterns do translate into sound. And the patterns which pass into you are the expression of your Soul Self, and you are waited on to be this expression.

The merging of your Soul Self and in the greater pattern of all of us together increases many times the vibrancy, forming a separate sphere of light, and the essence of this contains the growth pattern which the universe is unfolding and this pattern together is being connected deep within the Earth structure to a central station. Each time you feel the energy beneath your feet, it is going into this central station. In your being do you remember how this is and how you have experienced this, bringing into fruition much of a greater plan such as the Master Plan for your presence here. Hold the awareness that this energy is a blessing in its purest form, of all that you recognise as the effectiveness of a blessing and how much unfolds from that energy, freely given, lovingly given, and if you wish to establish a greater life of harmony and joy, it is this energy that you bring through which does that and achieves that within this place of being of the Earth.

And so you are being actively working in unison in this moment and all those around your planetary being at this point reading, linking in consciously, you all are working in this way in your purest light essence, and you are not alone in that sense either, for do you see the Greater Brotherhood with you, and do you see that there is much being laid to rest around the closeness of the Earth.

You have the power within you to transform situations. You have the power because you are a Beingness here on Earth. If you come to the point in discussions with other beings around you, then you know what you experience in the reality of the realms of light operating within all existence. And it is even the smallest thread of awareness that you have which remembers your connections that allows the continual passage of light to refresh the energies around you and to maintain a level of vibration to uphold the universe within what you may see as the darkest areas within the Earth.

Know in the depths of your being that you can transverse time, with your conscious awareness you can be there in any event, any time, and you can be present in the moment and move through these different areas, realising that as you do that you take that thread ~ that essence ~ of the entire universal message. At times you may feel overwhelmed by events around you or the energies of people. Be sure to acknowledge to yourself the power that you feel in these moments together that essentially you are this being of light. You have many tools you each work with individually to assist you to remember that Essence. When you do remember, you feel the outer world fall away.

>From your experiences you can speak with authority on the rays of light which pass through all experience and how the further one works from the beam of light, the denser the life pattern will be, the more extreme patterns of thought and emotions will manifest. The further from the beam of light that entities go, the more disrupted becomes their energy fields and that is the importance of restoring your own alignment and balance.

>From within this alignment within your energy patterns you feel the wholeness, the completeness, the perfection of the outworking of the stream of life energy that you are on. All life is acknowledged as important, even at times when that life is transmuted into a different form, or physical bodies cease to be used, but the Essence ~ the Light form ~ is acknowledged and treated with reverence. It is an energy that exists always, but that energy can be used in different areas of manifestation, in different ways, until it has served the full expression.

We give you the opportunity now to be aware of your physical form ~ of the mind, the memory, all the computations and processes that are part of this physical unit of you, and to bring in that energy flow to all those aspects. The energy flows in perfection. All, therefore, is perfect for you are in your Aspect of Light. And you hear me and the voice as one voice expressing these messages, and do you also see and are aware of the great energy beams that you are in as we do this work together ~ beams that are strengthened and held in the presence by a collective group manifested in consciousness, just as you are. We all celebrate these moments. We celebrate the change in you into your cellular structures and patterns and codes. And the energy of the supporting network around you assists you to feel how much you are a point of consciousness within the greater consciousness network. A single point that is aware of all other energy forms and where you attract to you those necessary to your life pattern and purpose. You will see many intersections and connections and that itself is a time of joy and celebration. That single point of awareness has drawn together aspects of energy into creation as you, as you are now, and in a supporting sea of all that you need. And within that allow your thoughts to be infused with supporting Light Essence, so that the impulses from within you, interpreted from the depths of your consciousness will give you the clearer perceptions.

There is much has been set in place in this energy infusion this time, and now as you bring your awareness back to your form, all that energy is around you and within you, and you have blessed the Earth, you have blessed your Universe and all that you hold within that universe and support.

So, Beloved, remember to be free of the constructs of the earthly dimension and to feel that body of light that you worked in this time. As you work with this energy so that it does transform aspects of you, then more can come through. The impulse now is to restore you to allow that change to occur, and you must indeed anchor that energy within you.

Beloved, now I see you returned to the form. I see you replenished. I see you enlivened in a different way throughout you. This has gone deep within you. You have activated a line of energy into the depths within the Earth and indeed in different aspects in your terms you have descended from the light into the depths, so that the depths may be charged and activated and enlightened.

Be blessed and feel that blessing. Feel the light within your heart once more ~ strong. Orem out."
