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Daily Quado - March 15, 2004

Through Carrie Hart

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e across so much negativity and so much pain?

Quado, do you have an answer to this question?

Ah, yes, of course, of course.

First, let us separate the larger global question from the personal. On the larger issue, of how we can have faith when there is so much pain in the world, I would ask you to stop reading the reports in the newspapers which focus on the pain. Stop reading reports that tell you about the horrible things that are happening in the world. Stop watching those TV shows.

For when these media-covered events are brought down to the personal, they are different. In individual lives, like your own, things do not have that large-stage presence. When things happen to you, they happen on a personal level, and are dealt with there.

And in any individual life, pain is balanced by pleasure, beauty balances out the ugliness, and each life has its share of glories and wonders along with its opposite.

Yet this is not how the world is reported. Do not allow yourself to be overcome and overwhelmed by what the papers and television choose to focus upon in their search to sell more and more. Their job is to find spectacular things to report so that you will spend money. That is all.

And so, to your own life, this is where we must focus. Focus down into your own life and what it holds and see what sustains the faith there. And here, I would ask again that you center yourself within what is, not what you are afraid might be. This difficult situation you mention about which you have no guidance, for example. Separate out what actually is from your fears and your doubts. Set aside yesterday and the mistakes you have made, your guilt and your regrets. Set those emotions aside. Set aside the fears you have about the mistakes you might make tomorrow and about the things which might happen to you. Set all of your doubt and fear aside for a moment and look at life as it is right now, this moment. Look at what actually is. The situation as it exists in this physical reality.

Now, accept this. Accept it just as it is. And given this acceptance and deep understanding, figure out what makes sense. What makes sense to do, when you strip all the fear away? There will be an answer. There will be a correct response. And that is all you need to do. Deal with each day as it comes, deal with each moment as it comes, get below your emotions and deal with life. Respond from an objective place. Respond from a place where you balance your own best interests with those of other parties. Respond from a place which just accepts life as it is.

And now, as to your question: if everything happens for the best, why do these bad things seem to happen? Your life is lived out on a larger scale than you can see. There are patterns, there are flows. And you are not privy to those patterns and flow. There is dark to contrast with the light; there is a tear to balance the joy. Life is this interplay of opposites, and both exist. Life is an experience. It is life, it is experience, it is.

And you are. You will have difficult things happen in your life. You will have wonderful things happen in your life. The question is not, are these for the best? The question is, did I respond in the best possible way I could for the circumstances?

Did I extend a hand of compassion and help? Did I show courage and integrity in the face of conflict? Did I reach down into my heart and find forgiveness there? Did I act out of love and compassion? Did I step out and overcome my fears, overcome my doubts, and let all of my talents and abilities shine out for the world to see? Did I live in the absolutely best way that I could, responding from that core of goodness and trueness within me, no matter what the circumstances? This is the question to ask.

And then, when you ask this question, you will see that this is the progress toward the best that you are seeking. It is not that all events are happy events. It is not even that you are moving toward greater happiness. It is that you are moving toward a greater expression of who you are, a greater understanding of who you are, this is the best you are moving toward. And in this movement, in this quest to become your own best expression of yourself that you can possibly be, there will be many difficult events which you must deal with.

These events are not always kind. They are often painful. But you can learn to respond to them from your center of truth, and that is the best you are seeking.

And sometimes, the moment will be so full of beauty and joy, your inner peace will shine out and meld with the outer beauty, and you will feel the blood coursing through your veins and you will know that you are deeply blessed. Yes, these moments are there for you as well.

The help is all around you. You are deeply loved and cared for. The guidance is there. But it exists not within your fears, but within yourself in this moment, this moment right now. Become very peaceful. Center yourself in now, in what is. Then ask, what is the best thing for me to do now, just as things are, just as life is, right now? And the answer will come to you. Under the fear, under the doubt, under all of that in the heart of peace which is within you. The guidance is there, within you, right now, always now, right here.

Have faith in yourself, that you are strong and capable and can handle whatever comes your way. Set aside the doubt and fear and know that the answers will be there. All you need to do is reach yourself and you will know. The answer of peace, the answer of love, the answer which lies in your center with a settled calm feeling. It is there.


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