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Mother Earth/Gaia/Part 1 Meeting Your Expectations

Through Pepper Lewis

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nd large; to discover its unique place in the cosmology that is All That Is. The universe is designed to allow all beings perspectives and perceptions that guide their own process of discovery. One of these perspectives allows beings to experience and experiment with physical form. While physical manifestation is limited in expression, the spirit which animates it is not because spirit is All That Is in action. Understanding this principle will encourage you to access the limitless possibilities that are available to you in each moment.

On Earth, the most adaptable and evolved physical form is called a Human. This collective name defines a species, not the spirit that animates it nor the beingness (individual consciousness) that ensouls it. The earth is a beautiful and bountiful planet replete with physical and nonphysical resources. This makes it an ideal choice for those who wish to discover their unlimited potential by exploring limitation via the third dimension. The third dimension is unique in that it is like a prison with open doors. No other dimension affords so much limitation as well as so many avenues for escape from the same. For this reason its popularity is immense. Impatient souls clamor for bodies, eager for an opportunity to express themselves in physical form while attempting to break free from their self created confines.

Everything is a Reflection of All That Is

Every thought, experience and nuance of life is a reflection of All That Is and the wonder of creation. As All That Is reflects upon the many experiences it is having through you It expands because it is natural for It to do so. When All That Is expands the universe expands, and when the universe expands all that is within the universe expands as well. The universe is composed of ordered matter and non-matter. It is not composed of haphazard energies that collided as a result of unpredictable and chaotic circumstances. Order is maintained via divine design and is orchestrated by a variety of intricate mathematical properties that create, explain and support the universe. To emphasize this point it can be said that the divine beings humanity calls ‘angels’ are representations of angles that intersect at acute points where space and time define and identify with human need. These points of perfection create unique situations where the veils that normally separate worlds of experience momentarily dissolve allowing magnificent displays of Creator’s affection for Its creation. The perfection with which Creator understands Itself generates geometries of pulsed encoded light that manifest as personifications of divine love in response to human need and desire. In other words, All That Is responds to love, desire, prayer, evolution and expansion in ordered awareness and perfection. It is important to remember and defer to this universal law in times of doubt and insecurity when faith and trust are challenged and held to account.

Answering the Call

Each millennium offers unique opportunities for the entire universe. On earth a millennium is defined as approximately two thousand years. On other worlds time is expressed differently and a millennium is defined according to the sequential scheme of time associated with each world. The opportunity to evolve and expand within All That Is still applies and each world responds within its own guidelines for growth. To ensure this, purposeful banded waves of energy emanate from Source and move throughout the universe in patterns designed to awaken, accelerate and quicken worlds whose resonance responds to specific frequencies and vibrations. The earth (my sentience) responded to these patterns in the early years of the previous century and the quickening and activation of every species upon and within this world is the continuing result of this vibrational response.

How and why did the earth respond? The response was not automatic; it was a calculated response based upon the sacred law of integrational vibration. In simplest terms, every sentient world understands that there is a point of perfection within time and space which corresponds with its own vibrational center. The cellular memories within each world correspond to certain vibrational triggers which ‘speak’ vibrationally for the planet. This form of vibrational speaking is what spiritual doctrine calls, ‘answering the call.’ The same is true with regard to individual consciousness which responds to the call from within at the most opportune time, do you see? Each world, including Earth, is attuned to the universe and to All That Is by its own specific and unique gravitational field which attracts or pulls in the most appropriate energy and/or matter. Each world is attuned to its own evolution by the frequency and force generated by the fluctuating field of gravity associated with it. Gravitational pull is associated with the Law of Attraction and enables each world to access its needs and desires.

Embracing Perfection

The wave band emits echo patterns that seek corresponding frequencies equivalent to evolutionary growth. There is no room for error, no wiggle room -- a world is vibrationally ready or it is not. There are no accidents in this universe or any other. Planets and asteroids do not collide with one another accidentally or without purpose. As an example, the impact that decimated your ancestral dinosaur species was carefully calculated and executed. This guaranteed the earth’s continued evolutionary process and any future impacts will be no less purposeful. Following a premise of perfection will greatly assist you in working with the energies of this year rather than against them. Perfection is based upon simplicity, accidents are based upon complicity.

As the wave band and the earth approached a point of perfection (there is more than one), the energies of anticipation awakened those with commitments to participate and assist in welcoming these energies onto the physical planet. A number of years ago a popular theme called these beings First Wavers, can you now see why? These beings had the arduous task of being the first to alert their brothers and sisters to the awareness that a New Age had arrived. This event was marked by a celebration called the Harmonic Convergence. Those associated with the first wave carried their banners proudly even in the face of disagreement and ridicule, do you remember? The first wave eventually gave way to the second wave which responded to the influx of vibrational energies by establishing schools of light, liberating hidden mysteries, retelling old stories, rekindling ancient wisdom and welcoming healing techniques based upon universal concepts of spiritual and physical perfection. The second wave overlapped onto the first just as the third wave now dovetails with the second.

In 2003, the Law of Vibrational Perfection (harmony) will once again find itself uniquely aligned with the next level of evolutionary growth upon the earth. Those who allow themselves to be pulled into perfection (harmony) will find this year a blessing of momentous proportion. Those who do not will be called upon to summon vast amounts of courage in response to abandoned trust and faith. What would become of the earth if my sentience did not trust the vibrational point of perfection it has long awaited? The earth, along with its sentience would quickly find itself in a state of de- evolution, retracing moments and millenniums already experienced in a fruitless search for perfect proof in an imperfect world. Is this not madness? It is only by acknowledging perfection that one advances from the known to the unknown, from knowledge into wisdom.

Between Earth and Heaven lies a place (plane) of perfection that can be called Paradise. It is a place in every sense of the word except that it is not physical. Likewise, there exists a perfect place (plane) within each being that can also be called Paradise. Understanding its location and purpose will assist you to navigate the patterns and energies that coincide with the linear calendar cycle of time called 2003. This year the voice of Perfection will begin to speak to you and through you if it has not done so already. Remember, the voice of Perfection is not the same as the voice of Reason.

The energies generated by the evolutionary bands of energy now prepare to touch the earth. Until now, they have been available to those who have reached or breached frequencies that exist far beyond the norm. The severity of these experiences has not always brought about the desired result, at least not on the physical plane of experience. Without proper guidance and support dreams become nightmares and enlightenment seems elusive, separated by planes of awareness that cannot touch or merge. Even so, the subtlest variations in frequency are recognizable to those who both yearn and seek, assuring that the doors to all possibilities remain open. In this domain the foolhardy and the wise are one and the same even though their experiences may be different. Soon you will have only to desire or intend an experience of perfection prior to taking the necessary and obvious steps to manifesting a physical reality that describes your own unique state of perfection. Ah, but there is a catch! In order to experience your own perfection you must acknowledge that everything else is also perfect, because perfection is not selective, it simply Is.

Perfection simply stated is that which is without defect. Perfection is whole and complete. It is intact, exact and equal to fulfillment, yet dictionaries define perfectionists as those who are never content with anything and are known for carrying this line of thought to an impractical degree. And you think spirituality insists upon paradoxes! The living definition of a perfectionist is someone who believes it is possible to attain and maintain perfection because All That Is is perfect and nothing It creates is less than equal to It. Perfection does not mean that you have to like everything and everyone. It does not mean that you have to agree with your employer or your president and it does not mean that you have to support war or violence or pollution. It does mean that you are willing to sustain everything and everyone’s right to learn, to evolve and to change. If you limit another’s free will you also limit your own; if you deny another’s perfection you deny your own. Does allowing perfection to define itself limit your choices? No. Does it mean that the earth will evolve at a slower pace? No.

Supporting perfection means that you do not fight or struggle against imperfection. When you stop struggling you release your hold upon an energy that repels and you call upon an energy that attracts. This is the greatest gift that you can give to yourself, to each other and to the earth. Those who battle themselves or others in the name of the light believe that they are doing their part to hold back darkness or evil, but they are also holding back the floodgates of light and love, making them available only here or there rather than everywhere. Light does not segregate, separate or limit; it is not partial and it does not discriminate. Many years ago the Harmonic Convergence promised that harmony would wash over the world, cleansing it of error and sorrow and making the world new and perfect for the New Age, but when lack, limitation and suffering did not disappear support was withdrawn and faith and trust were put on trial. This year, you as part of the jury will return a verdict. As a collective consciousness of awakened beings you will discover that faith and trust have been vindicated and that peace can indeed prevail.

The energies that touch humanity and the planet in 2003 will shift and change as many times as the wind does and public opinion will sway just as strongly. The pendulum will first swing in one direction and then in another. It will seem to settle in one area only to reverse itself the next moment or the next day. Based upon this, how can you trust the accuracy of prophecies and predictions? By allowing the energies to participate with you and with the planet rather than expecting them to behave as preordained units of time and space. Remember that energies exist in a state of pure potential until other energies act upon them. Energy is a simple word for universal intelligence particum, potential is another word for possibility, and movement or action is another word for natural force which is another word for You. 2003 will invite inspiration and opportunities for those who welcome them and are inclined to act upon them. It may also provide dilemma and uncertainty for those who are still disposed to fear and doubt. Make the most of 2003 by calling upon your active imagination to inspire the natural forces within you; express yourself as manifested universal creative intelligence. Allow 2003 to meet your expectations, not those of others and not those of prophecy. With this said, we move on to describing the energies of the upcoming year, approaching the subject broadly while pausing here and there to assess or stress the importance of specific influences upon both the planet and humanity.

Defining Yourself in 2003

Seemingly overnight, axis, has become a very popular word. Axis Shift, Axis of Evil, Axiatonal Healing, and other expressions which include the word axis have nudged their way into everyday speech and language relative to a variety of subjects. Relative to the earth, it is the line that bisects the north and south poles. In other subject matter it is the imaginary line assumed in describing the positions of various planes. How does this term relate to you and why should you take note of it?

Axis refers to balance and balance refers to stability. If your personal axis is in balance then everything that it supports will be as well. Various areas (planes of consciousness) of your life will be governed by a stable and sound outlook and the decisions you make will be true for the reality you have chosen to participate in. If your personal axis is unbalanced or unstable you will find it more difficult to make decisions that support your truth and you will find that you question everything and everyone around you in an attempt to define yourself.

In 2003, new opportunities that relate to how you describe and define yourself will present themselves to you. Being aware of your axis of response will assist you in navigating the sometimes swift waters of 2003. An axis is not a fixed position although it can support one. This year it will be beneficial for you to rely on a pivoting point of view rather than on the firm stance that may have supported you in the past. New guidance and information will be available on a moment by moment basis this year. You can expect that change will truly be the norm for some time to come. If your position is too firm or solid it will be more difficult for you to adjust your perspective or reality base. Light is constant even when frequencies fluctuate. Vibrations rise and fall and rise again in response to light emanations from Source. Your center or seat of power rests in your ability to receive and respond to a variety of vibrations. True strength lies in adjusting to fluctuation rather than stability because what seems like weakness is actually an ability to receive a wider margin of light.

Shifting your axis of response from one perspective to another may not be easy at first. You may find yourself feeling wishy-washy or as if you have no perspective or opinion at all. Acknowledge all thoughts and feelings; include them in your new, wider sphere of influence. How will you remain aware and in touch with your new axis? By checking your physical center of gravity and then moving out and through the subtler regions that support this field of energy. Raise and lower your physical stance and take note of your ability to remain in balance as you do this. Notice whether your upper or lower body is more or less in balance. Notice any tendency to face a certain direction or favor a particular hemisphere. Notice how reliant you are on physical laws for support and ask yourself if you would be willing to share that reliance with non-physical supporting laws. When you have assessed or evaluated your current position or axis, begin to shift in one direction and then in another swaying softly and gently as you are supported in all areas. Practice shifting your weight, your balance of power and your emotional stance simply by giving yourself permission to examine your axis from a dimensional perspective; do not limit yourself by attempting to define which dimension or what perspective you are in. Call upon the axiatonal lines of distinction to support, assist and enhance the process. These nonphysical lines of energy are already aligned with the earth’s new grid and with your own future self. These lines will eventually override and supersede the benefits of the current meridian system of the human body, for now it is still appropriate to be supported by both. Do not be too quick to release the old and jump for the new as pioneers in energy work always have the greatest work cut out for them.

Lean on your new axis for support, but do not let it become your crutch. Energetically speaking, your new axis is strong and pliable. It will assist you to shift and change, maneuver and receive, alternate energy hemispherically, and participate more fully this year. In order to receive the most from this invisible appendage of support investigate its properties and experiment with its unlimited benefits, it will show what the new paradigm is really all about.

Healing the Healthy

The medical community stands poised to make several announcements that will greatly affect humanity’s understanding of its physical nature. Understanding rather than fearing the frailties of the body will promote longevity of the physical structure because the nonphysical framework that supports it holds the keys to humanity’s evolution. Those who own (yes, own) the map of the DNA have also purchased knowledge relative to genes and gene splicing. They believe that ownership of this knowledge guarantees its control, but that will not be the case. A map is only as accurate as those who learn to interpret it. Initially, the interpretation will only be superficial will be superficial because it will not take into consideration the depth of humanity’s imminent next evolutionary step.

Medical science postulates and studies based upon historical data. For instance, they create a serum to combat an illness based upon how the body has consistently responded to other serums and diseases in the past. This approach was valid in the late twentieth century but is not valid in the twenty-first, because human beings are evolving at a faster rate. Your past has already overtaken your present and is on its way to catch up to your future. How can that be? Because only one aspect of you, the densest, is physical. The other aspects of you are nonphysical energy which exceeds the need to respond to linear time. Your evolution is taking place in the nonphysical present and in the physical/nonphysical future where density is not a limitation. The present DNA map does not take this into consideration and will be of less value as the current population of the earth transforms or grows older. In the long run medical science may take credit for having eradicated diseases common to the last few centuries, but they will have fallen short in plotting a course that sustains and enhances the evolution of the divine human. Where will this responsibility fall? Who will take up the cause of the divine human? You will, by supporting those who continue to question and discover as well as those who dissent to acknowledge that the present pace of development is enough.

A science called, Complementary Medicine will become more prevalent this year. Complementary Medicine takes into account several disciplines and considers many evolutionary and revolutionary theories. Many years ago Complementary Medicine accepted the theology of Chiropractic Medicine while other branches of medicine did not, but that was only the beginning. Complementary Medicine first acknowledged the sentient intelligence of the body as the organism which understands how to sustain wellness in itself and all that it comes in contact with. This approach will soon erode the control that Allopathic Medicine holds over humanity’s choices. While Allopathic Medicine and Homeopathic Medicine stand at opposite ends of the spectrum, Complementary Medicine does not. From its centered position it will open the door to Meta-medicine and other complementary protocols that take into consideration an approach called, Total Wellness. Total Wellness is a holistic approach that acknowledges humanity as a species in evolutional transformation.

In 2003, a quiet coalition will be born. Membership will be small at first and some members may even request anonymity prior to joining. These discreet but enterprising people will evaluate possibilities that the balance of the medical community would not dare to consider. They will publish papers under pseudonyms and see to it that they are widely distributed. They will meet in out of the way places and will be careful not to violate any laws that may jeopardize their standing within their own communities. Their willingness to observe, imagine and examine new evidence will be rewarded by visits from adept nonphysical entities who will present knowledge that bridges the gap between the present and the future in their respected fields. In return they will be asked to pledge their support in physicalizing this knowledge. They will be asked to make it real for those who could benefit from it. Of course there is an inherent danger that in doing so they may lose their anonymity, but this is only a possibility and it will be for them to weigh the relative merit of their choices.

Membership within the ranks of those who support knowledge based upon the total wellness of the physical/nonphysical human will increase even as the number of those who would suppress this knowledge decreases. Assistance will continue to be offered by off-planet beings who willingly support those who call upon their own wellness and that of their brothers and sisters within all countries and all kingdoms. Wellness and wisdom accompany one another and neither responds to boundaries. It is paramount to remember that total wellness means just that; not partial wellness and not wellness that includes you but not your neighbor. For the most part, humanity does not yet understand that expanded knowledge from the future or from the stars is based upon the Law of One, which states that all beings and all beingness are one; it is the law of no separation. This law will mark your evolution as a species.

Prepare for this awareness by releasing yourself from the constraints of the past, whatever they may be. All beliefs are limiting, even those which you believe contribute to your current health and longevity. For example, it is well to take asthma medication, but if you believe it is the only thing that allows you to breathe freely you are limiting the elemental intelligence of your body from making unlimited well being available to you. If you honor your Reiki Master and pay homage to his or her lineage that is well, but if you turn away from other energies and techniques that support and elevate the well being of the recipient you also set boundaries and limits, do you see? Make room for higher energies by expanding your awareness beyond the illusion of the third dimension. The third dimension has already begun its collapse, it is folding in upon itself and will only last a few more years. If your life in the third dimension is all that you would wish for perhaps you will want to remain with it, but if it is not, why cling to it? Allow the aspects of your life that do not contribute to total wellness permission to transform into other more beneficial energies. Do not discard these energies or litter the third dimension with them; convert them or recycle them. The simplest organisms and the most complex have at various times been presented with evolutionary opportunities and you are now being offered the same. While some species have become extinct others have made miraculous and beautiful transformations, what will you choose? Among you are brilliant minds and star-studded hearts. The earth is hiring!
