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Message From The Water Light Beings

Metodi Kolev

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to worry. The beings then gave her some information about her mission, and fifteen minutes later rescue workers pulled Shelley from her car and resuscitated her. The first thing Shelley did was to tell the rescue workers that her son was also in the car. So they pulled her son out, did their best to resuscitate him, and took them both to the hospital.

Shelley's son was put on life support and given a one percent chance of living. Doctors recommended that Shelley remove the life support, saying that her son would most likely be a "vegetable" if he lived.

But the light beings continued to talk with Shelley. They told her not to remove her son from life support. They would instruct her how to heal him.

They asked her to have people who loved her son come to visit him, in sequences of twenty to thirty minutes. During that time, each person would send love to the boy, and act as an aura donor, to rebuild the boy's aura. Shelley defied hospital visiting hours to accomplish this. Her son woke up from his coma to the disbelief of the doctors who still claimed that the boy would never live a normal life. But the water light beings continued guiding Shelley through the healing process.

Today, Shelley's son is seven years old and healthy. He shows no signs of short or long-term damage.

The light beings told Shelley that we can use the same process to heal the world, with the same miraculous results as with her son. She was given a date of July 17, 2007 for an energy healing vigil in which as many people as possible will send energy to the Earth's grid system.

When I visited Shelley's website, I was immediately connected with the water light beings. They told me that those who visit Shelley's website will connect with the energy of these water light beings, who are gentle and entirely loving. The light beings will then prepare your energy for the July 17, 2007 at 11:11 GMT healing vigil. It's a very uplifting and healing experience to connect with them.

This energy vigil is a beautiful example of how we all can come together with a common purpose. I hope you will visit and consider preparing to join us for a beautiful experience of healing and communion.

"The farther you enter into the truth the more you see that all life flows from the intelligence of one heart"


metodi kolev

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