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2004 Message From Atmos

Through Mike Quinsey

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allow the dark too much strength, and it will be matched by the Light energies being sent to Earth and created upon it. In appearance to you it would seem that the dark are well in control, and outwardly that is the case, but I wish you to know that it is to engender a response from the Light.

It is your challenge to rise up and transmute the dark. This is not in any way forcing the Light onto others. There is always freedom of choice, but I tell you that eventually, no matter how long it takes the dark will return to the Light. Evolution is ever ongoing, and all are destined to return and take their place within the Godhead. Nothing is ever static, although it may appear so to you. In fact everything is very fluid within the interplay of energies. You can take for example your present situation. It is one of your choice that was foreseen eons of time ago when you started out on your venture. The end-time for this cycle was already determined, and the diversity of your experiences has lent itself to your choice, as to exactly how you shall receive the new energies. It is also your choice as to which reality you move into, but if you have now come back into the Light you will inevitably choose Ascension. The reason is that you are always seeking your source, the feeling of wanting to go back home. Deep down you are aware of the wonderful realms of Light, the sense of being completely enveloped in the Creator s Love. When you decide to work with the Creator s Will and not your own, you will enter the higher dimensions of Light and find a great Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light. Service to each other in Love and Light is the normal way of being, and it works in great harmony and balance. It is organised and contains Souls from all over the Galaxies, and bear in mind that when your outer shell is removed you are simply Beings of Light. In this higher vibration you can choose to present yourself as you wish. You have the power of creation to make yourself a Light Body according to your own desire. It is a point where gender is no longer of importance. In appearance you will be androgynous, but you will have connected yourself to Rays from the Godhead that will have feminine or masculine qualities, and so you may prefer to embody yourself accordingly.

This moment in time upon Earth is vastly important to you, because you cannot see the outcome as we can. It is but a blink of the eye, and you would do well to see it as such. The future is assured, and all will progress in accordance with the Plan for this sector of the Galaxy. In the greater scheme of things the Earth is insignificant, yet at the same time it is so vital asit takes a step forward onto the path of Ascension. You already know that the Earth has its own consciousness, and it will ascend regardless of what happens to the souls upon it, but working together, you can make the transition so much smoother and less traumatic in this last period upon Earth. The Earth has a thinking feeling consciousness that responds to you and the energies you create. If you were to fall back and the Light diminished, the Earth would re-act for its own protection and in the ultimate a great cleansing would take place. Mother Earth has made great sacrifices to give you a home foryour cycle of duality, but she, too, will have gained from your collective experiences.

From afar I can see your beautiful orb, and I am aware of the wonders of Earth Yet I am sad to see that your home has been despoiled, as in your ignorance you have considered the Earth to be a storehouse that you have plundered. Of course you are expected to take that which is necessary to your existence, but you should be working with Earth, and not against it. Many of you are becoming aware of how delicate the balance is upon Earth, and at the eleventh hour you try your hardest to bring some sense into the people that make the decisions that determine your future. Without our help, and intervention many times in your last century, you would already have destroyed yourselves and your Earth. This should be a sobering thought that will make you aware of your responsibility to each other, and the rest of your Galaxy. Yes, your actions are more far-reaching than you could ever imagine, and the negative energies travel far into space and are recorded and monitored by us. Soonyou shall understand the greater picture, and you will become of age, and that will enable you to become the Cosmic beings that you are destined to be.

I look forward to meeting you, as do my many friends from all parts of the Galaxy. We are excited to see you lifting your heads up and having a new awareness. We know your journey has been a tremendous challenge, and we are full of admiration for you all. We cannot wait to show you the future that beckons you, and we know that so many of you are ready to be introduced to your family. Yes, we are all One, although you do not fully realise it, but we will gently open your eyes and minds to what has been veiled from you for so long. It was of necessity, and one that you accepted when you allowed yourselves to drop down into the lower vibrations.

I am Pleiadian, and just one of millions of Beings from all different worlds that have a connection with Earth people. We are about to be re-united and the Truth of your greatness and diversity will be revealed. The Galactic Federation of Planets welcomes Earth into its membership, and you shall soon rightly take your place amongst us.

Thank you Atmos

Mike Quinsey
